Green Rooibos

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Green Rooibos
Dry Grass, Earth, Hay, Grass, Grass Seed, Rooibos, Sweet, Warm Grass, Dust, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Fair Trade, Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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When South African rooibos is quickly withered and steamed to prevent oxidation, it retains its green colour rather than turning a dark red. The flavour is all its own, too: light, fresh, and mildly sweet, with a grassy aroma similar to sencha and other steamed green teas. There’s a new rooibos in town – taste the difference for yourself. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Fair Trade Certified Organic green rooibos from South Africa.

Price: $5.98

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

28 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Been meaning to give this a try for ages! Finally got a bit to test.

Dry smell is very green and leafy, a bit like a mild green tea to me. Wet leaves, i’m smelling something familiar but I can’t place it! I get some sugar, hmm maybe a bit like sugar and oats? It’s appealing, whatever it is :) oh and it’s a nice red color, which threw me off a bit since it’s call green rooibos lol. I steeped for 7 mins, might try a bit less next time though.

Now for taste, ooooh, how to describe this?! It’s like nothing I’ve had before! Definitely not really similar to red rooibos at all! I’m getting a very sugary aftertaste, and a fresh taste at the start! There’s something very vegetal in there as well, hmmm. I cannot classify it as any type of tea I’ve had previously..oddly, this reminds me of some bagged tea I had a longggg time ago, I think it was a black tea tho, and this definitely isn’t a black tea! Gah! It’s leaving me at a loss for words. I will just drink it up and have more later :)

Overall, it is really good, and soo different! Smooth and sugary and a hint of something..haha, terrible description, but I will definitely have some more of this in the future to try to decipher it!

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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158 tasting notes

I purchased this just for the health benefits, and I love that it’s organic. I had no idea it’d be so good! The first thing I noticed was while it was steeping it smelled so creamy! Like steamed milk. Also a hint of buttery green tea. Interesting!
Amazing on it’s own. Same creamy taste as the aroma! (Had no idea rooibos could be so creamy..) But then I added a splash of coconut milk and sweetener, so good!! I love this. One of my new favs. Tastes great, amazing for you, and inexpensive. Awesome.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec

Hmmmm, I’m usually not a fan of green rooibos but I may give this one a try!

Ashley Bain

I could send you a sample in about a week! That’s when my new sample packets should arrive. :)


hehehe you are too generous! we have a DT here as well… unless there is something you’d like to trade? :)

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1759 tasting notes

Disclaimer: Please excuse me while I have a mini pity party!

I’m broken!!! :(
Or atleast my taste buds are. I thought it was related to something else, but my apparent lack of drive to consume bucket fulls of tea lately is caused by a health problem that I already knew about, but have been working out how to fix.
I have Dysgeusia, partial loss or alteration of taste sensors :(:(:(
Soooo… since I need to fix the problem anyhow, I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to stay away from caffeine. I mean, I claimed to be doing that before, but now… well I don’t really have a choice! my body has made it for me xsighsx
Chocolate, malty teas, roasty toasty teas, delicate teas… they’re all bland!! The horror!
I’ve been distraught over it all day.
I have a few pu-erh samples that I’ll try but once those are rated, I’m banned for six weeks! I’m not sure I can handle it :s
So it looks like I’ll be taking a bit of a break from this place. yeah, I’ll stop in and rate an herbal tea every now and then but it really isn’t the same!!
Oh well, my wallet could use a break anyhow.
end rant

So… this tea?
I added no sugar, and yet it was very flavourful. Woodsy almost but not in a biting sour way (how I sometimes find green rooibos). Otherwise, it didn’t make much of an impression on me but don’t let that stop you! I fully admit that I can’t taste much for the moment… so I haven’t got much else to say on the topic
It was interesting but I won’t be running out to buy more anytime soon. Too bad, I’m on the hunt for a tisane to love while I’m on break.


I’m sorry. :(


Oh no! I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. Please let me know if there’s a tisane in my cupboard you may like to try, or if there’s anything I can do to help.


Liberteas: thanks. I’m clinging on to the fact that it isn’t a forever thing!!
Jenn: the way my taste buds are behaving I’m not sure it’d be worth it. Only the spiciest, most pungent teas can make it past my meh factor :(
But thank you so much for offering!!! <3


I’m so sorry to hear this! I hope it is a speedy six weeks for you!


Oh no! I’m glad to hear it’s reversable. And I’m glad there are lots of great herbals.


Pity party away. Not on doctors orders, but just for unspecific no-longer-being-18 health reasons, I’m trying to be sane in my caffeine intake, which means trolling for good decaf options. Will watch to see if you hit on any oh-wow discoveries.


so sorry that such an avid tea drinker was blasted with such a curse…I hope you recover quickly and are back to the tea uphoria…heal up


agh, that’s too bad Gmathis, I feel your pain…
Kashyap, I hope so to! I need tea like I need air…

thanks for the positive thoughts everyone xx


Hope your problem can be fixed and is temporary. When I have a cold, I back off of quality teas, bc my sniffer can’t smell the full aromas of the tea (if at all), and that affects the taste of the tea too. Take care!!

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125 tasting notes

What I’m really drinking is green rooibos/Bamboozled blend. I mixed one teaspoon of green rooibos with 2 teaspoons of Bamboozled. This is a delicious cup with great depth and complexity. Yum!

While I’m finding out that I really, really don’t like red rooibos, I cannot say the same thing for the green variety. These two are simply so different. Green rooibos is mild, tasty and not overpowering in any way.

I really have to make a commitment to drink green rooibos more often. It provides such great health benefits, it’s caffeine free and tasty… Perfect evening drink!


I agree, the only rooibos I tolerate is the green one, it’s even good on its own. No trace of that woodsy medicine taste found in red. Too bad there aren’t many blends available. Unless you do what you do and make your own :-)


That’s my question… why isn’t there more blends available with green rooibos?

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1360 tasting notes

I love the natural smell! Maybe it’s all the teas I’ve been trying out lately with a million different flavours but I’m really appreciating and savouring every sip of straight tea I’ve had the last few days. Black, white, green, guayusa. You name it. Straight and unflavoured has been awesome.

Ahh no medicinal/alcohol taste. YES! There’s a hint of syrupy sweetness to this one that’s quite nice. Well done Davids.

6 min, 0 sec
Kasumi no Chajin

Straight and unflavoured has always been my fav.

Kasumi no Chajin

there are many times I wonder why I drink anything except unflavored and my simple mint blends


I’ve been wondering that the last few days as well haha.

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52 tasting notes

This tea is…. different. I dont even know how to begin describing it. Its very woody and leafy. Tastes like sweet wet grass or something. I dont think this tea is for me. I was expecting to like this because I love red rooibos. I have had blends with green rooibos in them and liked it. But straight green rooibos.. nope not for me. :(

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

You can share with me :) again haha this was mine originally wasn’t it :p


Yes you gave me this one haha but there was only enough for one cup. There is none left


Ahh that’s ok I don’t need more tea haha (on Della Terra’s site right now..)


Oh no haha dont buy any more! We need another tea night asap I have so much i want to wait and have with you.


I need to get my Verdant order! It’s still not here _ I am unsure of how long I should wait before contacting Canada Post and Verdant to see what’s up with it :(


But yes, a tea night will be in order soon :)


Still! That’s crazy! I would contact them by the middle of next week. Doesn’t hurt to see whats going on.

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230 tasting notes

Oh my god! I have had at least 3 cups of this and not logged it yet?!

What was I thinking? This is on my list of must keep as a staple tea, I know that my co-worker from South Africa might things to say about my opinion of this sweet power house tea. According to her there is no place here that sells “A true and real Rooibos”

But that being said. I enjoy this one as a latte and just plain. Mmmm, really need to get more!!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Yay! I just got a bag of this and am excited because you and Ashley seem to love it.


Jessie it is a great tea! because it is sweet enough to drink plain and perfect for a super sweet late night latte when you are having trouble sleeping and need more than plain old steamed milk.


I’ve been intrigued by green rooibos though I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m not a huge fan of the red, so I’ve been holding off. How is the flavour of this? Are they comparable?

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440 tasting notes

So that’s what it tastes like straight!

I really liked this one, which makes sense to me since I tend to really like green rooibos tea blends. What I liked more than the flavour though was the scent. Dry, brewed, as a cup, it just smelled ever so slightly green and made me feel like I was in a spa or something. It smelled healthy. I’ve been waiting to find a tea I wanted to use as a tub soak and I think I may finally have the one. This with a bit of mint is going to be amazing!

Drinking wise, yeah, definitely drinking this one again too. Just . . . not from the bathwater!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

interesting idea!! let us know how it works!

Tina S.

Most definitely!

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658 tasting notes

So, everyone is right and this is a cool tea. It was interesting; such a familiar taste after all my flavoured rooibos blends, but still totally different. Green-tasting but sweet. I think it’ll be fun adding assorted herbs and spices to this one.


I mix it with Cinnamon Rooibos Chai, does the trick!

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606 tasting notes

How did I forget how amazing this tea is?

I worked for a newspaper for 3.5yrs until I got laid off about 3 years ago now. (Man! How has it been that long?!) Anyway, my shift was 4 p.m. to midnight. Not the best shift, but I enjoyed the job. I was laying out the newspaper pages! I got to decide where all the stories and photos went… I got to decide when to add drop shadows, frames, you name it… I miss doing that stuff. I’m starting to do it a bit again with my current job/volunteer work, but it’s not quite the same…

ANYWAYS, onto what I was saying. I bring that up ‘cause while working there, a friend of mine introduced me to green rooibos. I fell in LOVE with it. I was drinking it almost every night for weeks on end! When my box of it got low, I abruptly stopped ’cause I didn’t want to never have it again!
Then, my friend bought me this one. It is absolute amazing!

But then… I forgot I had it… or maybe I forgot how good it was, ‘cause it’s been in my cupboard…. for probably three years… Eeek! BUT! It still tastes amazing. It has truly stood the test of time. It’s sweet and warm and just absolutely delicious! I"m going to be drinking this one again and quick! I’ll want to get some fresh stock soon. haha but in the meantime, I’m really going to enjoy it.

And, I should add, this tea has been stored in my DavidsTea tin all this time! Yaaay for their tins being awesome!


You made me flash back to college journalism days, when (OK, I’m dating myself here) the print got belched out of a machine called a CompuGraphic, then it had to be waxed, measured, and cut to fit with X-Acto knives…I hated that confounded machine! I much, much preferred the writing/copyediting.


lol that’s awesome! I did some editing with the paper also. I definitely enjoyed that part of the job too. I prefer writing fiction/poetry over writing articles though.

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