Buttered Rum (Organic)

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea Leaves, Coconut, Cornflower Petals, Vanilla
Butter, Coconut, Milk, Nutty, Rum, Spices, Sugarcane, Artificial, Alcohol, Vanilla, Caramel, Butterscotch, Cream, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 357 ml

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414 Tasting Notes View all


Yo ho ho-conut

Hot buttered rum is so delicious we want it all day long. Unfortunately, most employers frown on workplace drunkenness, so we came up with this rich and creamy alternative. Toasted coconut and vanilla beans mingle with black tea in a caramelized caress of flavours. Decadent hot or iced, it also blends perfectly with dark rum, brown sugar and a dash of milk – so go ahead and indulge your inner pirate, off the clock. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: Fair Trade Certified Black tea, coconut flakes, vanilla beans, cornflower petals. With organic and natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

414 Tasting Notes

144 tasting notes

Drinking this tonight with some rum, milk, and brown sugar. Omg… I can’t believe I thought this was overrated before. It’s creamy and coconutty and sweet and amazing. But I think everyone already knows how great this tea is. So I’m gonna go curl up on the couch in my pajamas and drink this and watch some star trek.


Really good stuff!


To boldy go where no man has gone before! :P

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1598 tasting notes

Oh YUM! First few sips tasted completely familiar… What is it? Yep – Werther’s candy! Weeeeird but also amazing.

The next few sips are more like what I expected – I’m getting notes of cocounut, butter, and vanilla. I can’t wait to try this with rum!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

O____O werthers and coconut…. SOLD.


Some people say it tastes like butterscotch lifesavers – also good!


Everytime I try to buy this at my location of Davids Tea they’re sold out. By your description I can understand why – it sounds delicious


Really? That’s crazy. I’m lucky I have a friend who gave me a sample.


Hmmm I wonder if we have the same local DT. I’m over at Brentwood weekly.

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255 tasting notes

I’m glad I decided to only buy a bag of about 50g of this tea. As much as I had initially loved this, it has eventually become pale and not very buttery at all.

The leaves’ aroma still gives off the impression that this will be a very creamy and full flavored black tea, but comes off flat, unnecessarily bitter and just not close to it’s description at all.

The fact that this tea will only be half as buttery with an equal or more amount of sugar added doesn’t help. As much as I love a sweetened tea, straight tea is better. But, if required, the less sugar the better.

It’s quite unfortunate, as it still seems nothing can and will compare to the holiest of holies, Teavana’s Almond Biscotti.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I too have been suffering the sting of no more Almond Biscotti and the quest for a replacement. The closest things I have found are Tea Embassy’s Almond Cookies Green and Teavanna’s reblend of AB, Amadine Rose which would only be good if you like over the top rose flavor.

Peter Azak

The reckless rose really ruined the Amadine Rose, as I kind of liked it on my initial steep, but the more I had it, the less buttery it got, and the more pale the rose made it.

I need to try that Almond Cookies Green, but unfortunately nothing can replace the pure cookie delight of Almond Biscotti.

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310 tasting notes

Dude! This is great. I like this better than real Hot Buttered Rum, which I recently had over Christmas. With real buttered rum, the rum is very sharp and I don’t like that part of it. This tea has a rum like flavor but without the sharp bite of the rum. It’s tasty and mellow. The coconut gives it a fuller flavor but is mostly a background flavor. It even has a buttery-ness to it (and somehow a thickness that I associate with having butter in it). I steeped this 5 min, based on how long everyone else who’d reviewed this steeped it, and there was no bitterness or astringency in the black tea base. Lovely, lovely snowy afternoon treat.

I was a little worried about whether I would like this one, but I do and I will definitely be ordering some of this (I’ve asked to make a large DavidsTea order as my birthday present in April). I wish DavidsTea would open a distribution center in the US or get some cheaper shipping method!

Thanks to Kristen for sending some of this in a swap. This is one of many DavidsTeas that I have been dying to try.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

So glad you enjoyed it!


Are all of Davids Teas this good? :)


I love them. Most of them, at least!

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431 tasting notes

So very tasty and just as advertised. I can’t believe how spot on it is and I am so thankful for the opportunity to try this one. Thank you Jaime

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Isn’t it great? I’m planning on ordering a tin of it next time I ordered from them!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Yes, very good. I may have to consider an order as well.

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467 tasting notes

Butter rum, yum yum! The dry leaves smell like the candy. Heavenly. Delightful and flavorful with out being cloying as some dessert teas can be. Takes the place of a sweet treat nicely. Yeah for staying on diet! Oh my gosh, I forgot to thank Naylynn for the sample! It is going to be hard to refrain buying teas with all the wonderful samples she gave me :D

Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Coconut, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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111 tasting notes

Typical. The one time I expect DT to miss the mark on the flavor — and buy the tea accordingly — is the time where they succeed. Admittedly, that’s my own fault, but ah well. So although unfortunately it actually does taste like rum, happily I taste more coconut and vanilla (which was what I was expecting) than rum, so I’ll be able to finish the 20g bag, but I doubt I’ll buy more.

Again, my own fault. If you like rum, go for it. :)

EDIT: Starting to rethink this note. As I sip further down, the less I taste rum and the more it explodes into an almost marshmallowy coconut. Think like those snowball things around winter, the chocolates with a mallow filling and with coconut. This tea is beginning to taste like that, minus the chocolate.
Already thinking I might make a second cup of this in a row… :)

EDIT 2: … Starting to change my mind yet again. xD; Now it just seems waaaay too sweet. Like teeth rotting sweet, and I didn’t add any sweetener…

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve been wanting to try out some of the teas I’ve seen around claiming to taste like rum, but I’ve was always unsure if that was possible. Glad to know it is even if this one might be overshadowed by the sweetness of the other flavors.

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615 tasting notes

So yesterday my car stalled on the interstate on the way to work (at 5:30 in the morning) and we had to have it towed. And it’s in the shop now. I guess I’m lucky a careless driver didn’t nail me. But that pretty much set the tone for my day.

So I’m back today and hoping things are a little less…terrible.

I actually think this one smells a wee bit better than it tastes. It smells rummy and caramelly and sweet with just a suggestion of vanilla.

The taste here reminds me of the Red Velvet Cake tea with the butterscotch and maple notes. There’s a little bit of an emulated liquor taste here too that definitely gives it a rum feeling. The aftertaste is all butter and richness. This is absolutely a grey morning tea!

I like this one just a wee bit more than the Red Velvet Cake because this one is actually supposed to taste like it did!

Thank you for swapping with me jessiwrites! I can’t wait to try the rest :)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

The aroma of this one is yummy.
Reminds me how behind I am in tasting notes


Oh man, so sorry to hear about your car. That blows.


Sorry about the car experience as well, but I’m glad that it got resolved safely. I was in a cab that got stalled on the 400 series highways here, and to add to the stress I was on my way to work. ( My job at the time was time sensitive, if I had not been able to get to work on time it would have affected about 200 people ). Luckily, I got a new cab quickly and the driver of my first cab was helped out quickly too. desert and sweet things are always nice after a terrible day.


Thanks guys! Being stalled with cars zipping past at 70, while only being just barely in a shoulder is really scary! It looks like a $150 fix (insurance covered towing!) on the car so it won’t break the bank at least.

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358 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this flavor for awhile, so I was really excited to see this in the Christmas swap package that Ninavampi sent me! The dry leaves are pretty, with large tea leaves and a pretty mixture of yellow coconut slivers and blue cornflowers – it looks like confetti! The tea itself smells a little like artificial coconut, and kind of reminds me of tanning lotion. One of my favorite decaf teas (Tropics from Adagio) smells just like tanning lotion and I love it, so this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The tea tastes nice even without anything added, and leaves a nice, toasty rum flavor in your mouth. The coconut flavor reminds me of coconut macaroons a little, or that may just be because I had some coconut macaroon ice cream last night. Although I like rum flavor, I’m typically not a brown liquor type of girl. However, I think this would the perfect Saturday night tea with a little rum and brown sugar, yum!

-Dry blend has large black tea leaves, pieces of vanilla beans, slivers of yellow coconut and blue cornflowers.
-Dry leaves smell like artificial coconut. Tea liquor aroma is of nutty coconut.
-Tea liquor is a medium orange brown color.
-Buttery malty flavor with a lingering baked coconut finish.
-Best with the smallest amount of milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Soft toasty coconut flavor.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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171 tasting notes

YAY! Time to crack open the 24 days of tea!
Day One = Buttered Rum!
I have never had real buttered rum, but if it tastes like this then I definitely need to try it! It reminds me of werther’s caramels with butter and coconut!
Pretty psyched for the next 23 days. I almost forgot about it until I read an email that said december 1st, at that point I was happily nursing a cup of The Skinny, which I then wolfed down.
AND There is without a doubt at least enough tea for two cups of this. I used 1.5 tsp and the little tin is still more than half full. Yay!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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