Coquelicot Gourmand

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Flavor, Flower Petals
Almond, Berries, Marzipan, Red Fruits, Cookie, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sweet, Candy, Butter, Cake, Musty, Powdered Sugar, Earth, Smooth, Wood, Flowers, Nuts
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 359 ml

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85 Tasting Notes View all

  • “tap tap Is this thing on? Yes, it’s true, Steepsterites, I have returned! After two months in remote Madagascar, I am back in the states and back in tea heaven. Malagasy tea just plain sucks...” Read full tasting note
  • “I went to the Dammann Frères shop today. I am very disappointed but it’s nothing to do with the tea itself so I won’t say anything here but I will in a note for Dammann Frères place. This is a very...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ohhhhhhh this is good. Nutty. Pastry. Good tea, present but swirling in with the other flavors. Some sips, I think I taste chocolate, others I don’t. Some sips I taste rose or some other sweet...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t get the almond taste that other people do, but this IS a delicious tea. This is much like a candied tea. Ysaurella was lovely enough to send me a sample of this and it’s great. Again, i...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

A blend of black teas bringing together aromas of poppy, biscuit and marzipan in a delicious, gourmet recipe. A sprinkling of flower petals adds extra magic…

Dominant note : Gourmet notes
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavor : Raspberry
Complementary flavor(s) : Cherry, Violet, Vanilla, Almond, Biscuit

About Dammann Frères View company

Company description not available.

85 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

tap tap Is this thing on?

Yes, it’s true, Steepsterites, I have returned! After two months in remote Madagascar, I am back in the states and back in tea heaven. Malagasy tea just plain sucks (tastes like nothing no matter how long you steep it), so I have basically been tea-less for over 2 months now. My return was even delayed two days by some mega-craziness at the end of our field season.

Now I have about a million things to take care of plus I am currently homeless and not having a lot of success finding an apartment. Do you know how many problems you run up against in daily life if you don’t have a permanent address? A lot.

But yes, lovely delicious tea is now mine. It is very difficult to chose a first tea after all that time, but I didn’t spend that much time thinking about it really. And fortunately this tea is still flavorful and wonderful despite it’s advancing age. Love that floral marzipan combo, and the tasty black tea peaking out from underneath the flavors. Man it’s good to be back and having a nice cup of tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Welcome back!!! Hope everything gets sorted out for you soon!


Welcome back!! I hope you find an apartment soon <3


Welcome back, glad you are safely in tea country. All will be well!


Good choice for your welcome-back-to-civilization tea!


You are home! Welcome back and I hope the apartment hunting is quick and fruitful!

Daisy Chubb

Welcome back!!!

Will Work For Tea

Nice to see from you again! Apartment hunting is no picnic… I feel for ya!


Yay you’re back! Good luck with the apartment. :)


Hooray! You are back! We have been clicking on your page and whimpering now and then…we missed you! Now start drinking some good tea to make up for lost time! :)

Dylan Oxford

Welcome back! Find any dinosaurs?


welcome back!


Woot there you are!

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408 tasting notes

I went to the Dammann Frères shop today. I am very disappointed but it’s nothing to do with the tea itself so I won’t say anything here but I will in a note for Dammann Frères place.

This is a very pleasant tea, opening the bag the smell is very very strong, maybe too much ! it’s candy candy candy, over-flavored.

I followed the steep instruction written by the saleswoman on my bag : 80°c and 4,5 min – not sure there are the correct ones- so I’ll give another try with a 90°c as it seems to be more classic for a black blend.

The flavors are really mixed and to me the taste is really like poppy candies. I can pick out marzipan in addition.
I love it but I have a reproach to do with the tea base which is too weak, light bodied.
Now it may be because I didn’t brew the blend at 90°c so I will give another try and amend my note soon.

This is really a pleasant dessert tea anyway, very smooth and mellow.

For my experience with Dammann Frères shop please have a look here :

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 45 sec

I hope it works out for you! if not I guess you could put a little more black tea with it.


yes you’re right Bonnie, I will if the additional steep time is not enough.


80 degrees doesn’t sound right for a black tea… I didn’t realise the strong flower flavour was poppies after all – this is good to know! Lovely review! ♥


I have only a few Dammann Freres teas. I have this one, Osmanthé d’Or, and Charlotte Audi Chocolat. (I hope I spelled all of those right!) I also have a few sales of their teas. They are wonderful, and this one was one of my favorites. I hope you find just the right way to make it so it is most pleasing for you!


Autocorrect changed au to Audi!


Also, on reading your review of the shop – I bought my Dammann Freres tea not from a Dammann shop but a wholesaler of their tea, and I received very similar service! The same thing happened to me, I wanted about 6 different teas and two different assistants worked on it, one of them put away a tea they hadn’t packed yet so I nearly left with 5 instead of the 6 I wanted ): bizarre!


I realize the saleswoman wrote 80° on each of the 3 bags of teas…I will make a 90°c as I normally do for any black tea base and ignore her “advices”.
Ashmanra I bought as well Charlotte au Chocolat and will review it today. Osmanthé d’or seems really nice I think it is a oolong if i remember well.
I found a French website where the Dammann products are distributed and it is possible to buy 50 gr. I sent an email to the owner to know if she can ship to Europe and north America too.
I’ll let you know because if she does for a correct price it can be a good way to taste more teas for the Steepster community as I know the brand is not very present in North America.


Melanchocolate, I think next time I’ll come back on a Sunday at their shop because I really had a warm welcome by the assistant.
However they now have a second shop in Paris I may have a visit as well.


The base for Charlotte au Chocolate was too astringent for me made with 100C. It was not smooth like Coquelicot Gourmand, but when I used cooler water and a shorter steep it was so good and chocolate-y! I am a wimp when it comes to astringency so other people may like it just fine prepared the way they told you. I am surprised it is so hard to get in America. The company was bought by Illy Coffee and they have offices in Texas. They sell a few samplers and such of Dammann teas and they are BEAUTIFUL!


oh my god ! it is sooooo expensive …they sale the loose leaf with the boxes only. In France you can get 100gr of Douchka or jardin bleu for 6 or 7 €. The teas proposed are really few as well.


I know! There is only a small selection, and very expensive. They used to have a beautiful sampler gift set but it was well over $100. The containers and leather cases are just gorgeous, though! My daughter ordered my tea as a gift for me and she had it shipped from Paris to Northern Ireland, and then she picked it up when she was there.

Ruby Woo Scarlett

I had efficient but rather dismissive service from Mariage Freres too. I’ve never been to Dammann. Frankly, as much as I’d love to smell my teas first, shopping in person is too much of a gamble and I usually order off the Internet.
What a shame you had such a bad experience – you should drop them an email, I did that once with a perfume brand and somehow got a 50% discount off my next purchase. You never know!

Ruby Woo Scarlett

This tea sounds amazing, by the way. The marzipan looks very interesting.


you’re right Ruby Woo Scarlett, I’ll drop them an email at least to mention they can offer a better service and gain more customers if they are more friendly

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1112 tasting notes

Ohhhhhhh this is good. Nutty. Pastry. Good tea, present but swirling in with the other flavors. Some sips, I think I taste chocolate, others I don’t. Some sips I taste rose or some other sweet floral flavor! But, nutty, creamy pastry predominates (I added milk and sugar because I was in need of comfort, and it’s delightfully desserty this way).

I would like to try this plain some afternoon. The tea base is part Chinese so I bet it would be a great treat.

Many thanks to ashmanra for this tea!

(Why needing comfort? My 22 year old cat died recently, then the stray cat we’ve been feeding hobbled in with what turned out to be an abscessed bite on his leg. Vet and antibiotics later, it looks like we’re going to keep him in the house now, try and get him healed up, neutered, and on the way to being a spoiled indoor prince. Wish us luck!)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Hesper June

I am glad you found some yummy comfort.
I am so sorry you lost your furry friend:(
So happy you are helping a Stray Kitty.


So sorry to hear about your cat! Mine was with us for 21 years…like a sister to me! I can’t believe she’s been gone since 2003


Oh no! I am sorry your kitty died, and so soon after your pup! Maybe the little kitty has come to you for his leg and your heart to heal. Blessings. I wish I could have a cuppa with you.


So sorry to hear about your kitty. :( Losing a furry loved one is so difficult.


Thanks guys :)

Hesper June – Marty was our first cat so it was so hard to lose him. At least he was a good old age and was mobile in his golden years :) This new little peanut took us by surprise. We named him Woody – our town is called Collingswood, and he appeared on our deck out of nowhere. I was convinced he was a kitten because he’s so small (not even 8 lbs.), but the doctor said he was at least a year by his teeth!

ashmanra – it was like we had a cup together since you sent me this tea :) I was thinking of you! It’s been so hard losing them both so close in time like this. Woody is a comfort and I’m so glad to help this little sweetie. Even the doctor commented on what a great personality he had.


Scritch him behind the ears for me. I am having midlife housecat withdrawal. Unfortunately, midlife husband with allergies trumps need for something cuddly and portable :)


I’m so sorry to hear of Marty’s passing, Jacqueline. My first cat lived to be almost 22, so I know well how such a cat becomes a fixture in one’s life. I’m glad you have a new furry friend (I didn’t wait very long, either). Woody sounds adorable. Wishing you good luck and much happiness with him!

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15588 tasting notes

I don’t get the almond taste that other people do, but this IS a delicious tea. This is much like a candied tea. Ysaurella was lovely enough to send me a sample of this and it’s great. Again, i am pleasantly happy with the way in which the flavours and the tea blend together without overpowering one another. Delicious!


I rediscovered this tea before sending you some. I don’t have it very often,just because it is stocked behind another tin. It is a delicious tea – you can have it with milk and sugar as well, it is so sweet


ooh i’ll have to try it with milk and sugar next time!


I was amazed to taste biscuit in this one. I obsessed about it so much after getting a sample in a swap, that my daughter bought some for me, along with Charlotte au Chocolat one birthday or Mothers Day, not sure which.

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3011 tasting notes

Cookies for breakfast!

At least that’s what this tastes like—those fine little tea biscuits that come in tins. And for a such a light tea, the sweetness stays on your tongue an amazingly long time. Enjoying mine straight up, but I’m thinking a little milk would make this spectacular.

Fine stuff. Not for hurry-up mornings. Enjoy this one on a Good Friday as you watch the fog lift from Turkey Creek and revel in a morning of cool spring sunshine while you listen to a sparrow sing. Count your blessings while you drink it. (This leisurely tea moment made possible by the always-thoughtful and encouraging ashmanra.)


Thats a fine picture you have given us today…cloudy and Friday rush for me.
Glad someone is taking in a fine morning and a good cup of tea.

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3499 tasting notes


A favorite from way, way back, I will miss this one but I am glad it didn’t sit around being hoarded for so long that it lost flavor. Indeed there is no loss of flavor. It was a lovely pot of tea woth breakfast and the last little teaspoon is my afternoon snack accompaniment.

The cherry note is more prominent today than usual. Delightful. This was a gift from Youngest – many thanks!

Au revoir, Coquelicot! Until we meet again!

Cameron B.

One of these days we really need to get a Dammann group order going, so I don’t end up with a kilo of tea every time I buy from them… XD


There is so much good tea there – it would be hard to choose what to order!

Cameron B.

And you get 100g of each! T.T

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814 tasting notes

a sample from the awesome Dinosara! and this IS a breakfasty kinda desert tea…
jammy dodgers! it’s jammie dodgers tea.
it just dawned on me.
i’m gonna make a second cup and watch yesterday’s Doctor Who episode.
(after i rewatch the xmas episode and then rewatch the end of the previous episode, because Clara’s story is explained in there somewhere i’m sure of it.)

okay i re-steeped the pot. and i’m not a person who usually does that. like i basically never do that. so i’ll take that as an indicator that i like this tea even more than i realize i do.

THIS ONE IS A 100% BUY for me!

having this again today. and again jammie dodgers!
it’s not a hit you over the head tea. it’s a hand holder. a smoocher. a keeper.
okay i’m creeping myself out too, but you get the idea.
a gentle tea. gently sweet and clear headed.
good with a biscuit.

in case you were wondering, and i know you were, i’m still going to buy this tea. infinitely.
this is my last cup.
until we meet again!


This is one of my absolute faves!


Adding to ever expanding wishlist…………….


I raved about this one so much that my eldest daughter made note of the name on her laptop and then ordered it for me even though the next gift giving occasion was a long way away! I love it.


it’s a lovely one sure, agree

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

wishlisted b/c of your note ♥

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230 tasting notes

I THOUGHT this was day 4 of the Dammann advent calendar. REALLY it was a free sample.I put the packet down from day 4 and got them mixed up. Sorry if you see this review twice I am now posting it in the right place!

THANK YOU YSAURELLA for pointing out my mistake by making me think about why I though the tea was cherry-y!

When I opened the packet I was worried because to me it smelled almost like cherry cough syrup. I was getting some of the same smells as I waited for it to infuse.

HOWEVER, while drinking it this is a very enjoyable cup of tea. The based is delightful with the cherry and candyish notes. This is not my favorite cup nor will I reorder but I am glad I got the chance to try it!


Ysaurella, I love candy references, I used to be a such a candy freak when I was younger, thank god I don’t really have a sweet toot in my adult life! I
Don’t know those candies, but they are so pretty, they remind me of Pez, do you have the famous Pez dispensers in France?


Hello sweet candy ladies. I’ve been working on my family tree (ancestry) and of course, through my grandmother,I found family that had to leave France for religious reasons and became settlers very early Colonial American history. The King wanted the Huguenots OUT of France! (So there you have it! Haha!)


Hahaha! Bonnie, no wonder you’re our Steepster mom…in one way or another, soon we’ll discover that you are related to everyone of us, lol!


Yes,I’m old! My grandmother always said we were Royal Stewart’s from Scotland which is true and her husband was from that same line too. She said there was a connection to France and I found it. (We kept good records so not hard to trace). It’s the stories I’m finding that I want to give my grandchildren that’s the best part.


Ysaurella: I’ve never heard of those candies but they looks so pretty like little works of art! Thanks for the info.

Bonnie: How have you been working on the family tree? With


So sorry to highjack your review with all this, Ellyn! Sometimes, Steepster conversations just take over :-)
Bonnie, that’s not what I meant, silly, you’re not OLD!!!!


Yep although my Aunt lived to 100 and had records so did my Grandmother born in 1901. But I did a DNA test too for my cousin who’s been doing research on family for many years. Military records are helpful and immigration record, census records. Anyone can do the trial free for a month.


welcome dear Frenchie Cousine Bonnie. We kept some huguenots in France and didn’t send them all to the new world ! but that’s true we were more a catholic country even if since the 20th century France is probably the less religious country in the wold
@ TheTeaFairy yes we have the pez candies…I love them and it reminds me the TV serie le caméléon (the pretender) :)

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863 tasting notes

Sample sent with my Dammann order. The name of this is so much fun. I think ‘coquelicot’ is now my favorite word ever.

I have to admit I’m very intrigued from the description of this tea. Poppy? Biscuit (I’m assuming cookie-biscuit more than, say, dinner-style biscuit)? Marzipan? These things just don’t compute.

The smell of the dry leaf is very strong. Like, pull yourself back immediately because it’s overwhelming strong. On second (further back) sniff, I get syrupy cherry and cookie. This is really highly reviewed on here but I’m not quite sure how I feel about it so far.

Steeped at below parameters, no additives.

Brewed tea smells much the same, if less strong. A lightly floral cherry/raspberry sugar cookie. I don’t get strictly marzipan but I imagine this is because the nuttiness blends in with the cookie notes. This is just how it tastes, too… unfortunately, I don’t enjoy raspberry and that is probably why I am not overly in love with this.

The quality of the blend, like all Dammann teas, is outstanding. The tea has a great texture, the base is perfectly complimented with the flavoring. Apparently poppy tastes like raspberries in my mouth, though, so I won’t be buying more.

I will, however, try to work the word ‘coquelicot’ into conversations as much as possible…

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

And, for us rubes out in the country, how to you pronounce coquelicot properly? Instinct leads me to COKE-lee-coh. Am I even close?


You are correct! I don’t know why but it’s just so much fun to say!

Terri HarpLady

And the question I’ve been meaning to ask: what does it mean?


Haha, it refers to the red poppy flower in the ingredients. I actually love it even more because it’s remarkably similar to a nickname my little brother invented for me – and I have red hair. He was quite ahead of his time, really. :)


I think “coquelicot” is also my favorite (French) word ever.

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871 tasting notes

Free sample from Dammann Freres with the order of my advent calendar.

I was super happy to be able to try this one as the reviews on it all look so good. This one makes me laugh. I think of it as poppy glutton. Not sure what that is even supposed to mean, but that is my loose and liberal translation of this tea.

This dry tea smells divine. There are notes of candy. But I also gets hints of nuts and poppy seeds.

The brewed tea reminds me very much of lemon poppy seed loaf with cream cheese icing. Mmmmm. I get the slightest hint of marzipan at the beginning of the sip but it disappears really quickly and I had to think hard about it. I definitely get a “candy-like” sense with this tea. I would say the black tea base is light to moderate in boldness, but I really don’t care becuase the flavourings are so good.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Yum, this is one of my faves!

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