Chocolate Caramel Turtle

Tea type
Black Tea
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Caramel, Chocolate, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by brandy3392
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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From Culinary Teas

Craving that candy bar…why not try a calorie free alternative? Our Chocolate Caramel Turtle tea is it! A sinfully delicious combination for your brewing pleasure.

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19 Tasting Notes

737 tasting notes

Culinary Teas is redeeming itself now. xD
This is my second to last sample, and it’s definitely one of the better teas I’ve had from there! Least compared to the last three I’ve had!
This tea tastes strongly of chocolate, with sweet notes of caramel. It’s full bodied and sweet. The black tea base is there of course, but it isn’t the dominating flavor. The caramel adds a certain sweetness that I really like in this one.
Definitely a good dessert tea! If you ever order from Culinary Teas, be sure to pick this one up! Definitely worth the try!
And now the tasting notes must take a break so I can take more pain killlers. Glad my tea drinking could end on a nice level this afternoon!
Culinary Teas definitely redeemed itself in my mind with this tea. :P

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Sweet


This sounds yummy!


It is! I can send you a sample if you’d like (:

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16358 tasting notes

Sipdown (109)!

Thank you Marzipan for the sample. I don’t think I’ve had anything else from this company or, if I have, it hasn’t left an impression. I have to say though that based on the name this looks like something that would definitely catch my interest. And smell wise, it’s very chocolately and rich. I’d say it “makes me teeth hurt” on smell alone or something along those lines, but with the recent tooth predicament that seems a little off colour to remark.

I cold brewed my sample from you because I’ve had great success in the past with cold brewing richer, dessert teas; both with and without chocolate and caramel flavours. And, this one got a long cold brew since I started it yesterday in the early afternoon, several hours before I normally begin brewing for the night, but didn’t strain it until the usual time I do every morning (when I’m getting ready for work). Something very close to 24 hours, anyway. At least 20.

This is very, very impressively rich and sweet. The name, for one, is really accurate. The full bodied dark chocolate and cocoa notes marry perfectly with this really rich, thick and sticky caramel flavour and it makes you want to pick at your teeth for all the caramel that’s managed to get stuck in the little gaps and creases or whatever. It’s really that good. It’s actually, probably, the best desert tea (of any tea type) I’ve had in ages. It reminds me of brownies, fudge, cake, those dark chocolate coated caramels (Reisins?)…

Yeah; I was really impressed! I drank every last drop of the 20 oz. brew I had made! And that still wasn’t really enough.

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652 tasting notes


Smells like chocolate and caramel, tastes somewhat like that, but I’m not overly impressed.

The base is nothing exciting, and I find the tea just tastes like flavoring. Like, just not natural.

Honestly I think my major problem is that I love chocolate soooooo much that chocolate tea will never satisfy me.

However these last few days of flavored tea testing only serves to reinforce my intense desire to order some MF teas….no matter the cost. They make flavored teas I love and that don’t gross me out or disappoint me.

Swap pile!


I’ve become more and more picky with chocolate flavours. It’s pretty well limited to Butiki and cacao now haha. They taste like quality actual chocolate I find. Not bleh milk chocolate hah.


I will likely order some cacao soon!

Which Butiki blends are chocolate?


Oh, Three Friends has chocolate hehe. As does Peppermint Patty.


Yup, I knew the answer to that question was going to be super obvious, haha

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985 tasting notes

From the journal:
With a name like Chocolate Caramel turtle, you would think this tea would be wonderful. Unfortunately, I think the flavors are trying too hard. The tea itself seems weaker than others. I can taste all of the flavors, but it is just too much going on. This one was sent to a better home.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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