Tè nero darjeeling aromatizzato al bergamotto

Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Darjeeling Tea
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 17 oz / 500 ml

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  • “Well, this one is a dismal sadly. I was expecting something as Earl Grey, but it was black tea with citrusy notes only. And the darjeeling was like autumn leaf pile in aroma and in taste boring,...” Read full tasting note

From coop

Il tè Darjeeling fior fiore Coop è un tè nero indiano che ha origine alle pendici dell’Himalaya, ad un’altezza che va dai 600 ai 2.250 metri. Per la sua raffinatezza sensoriale è considerato lo champagne dei tè neri. Il sole, l’altitudine, le piogge che caratterizzano il microclima della regione, aiutano a raccontare l’aroma di questo pregiato tè a foglia lunga che dà origine ad un infuso dal colore ambrato e dal sapore delicato ma al tempoRead more

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1 Tasting Note

2075 tasting notes

Well, this one is a dismal sadly. I was expecting something as Earl Grey, but it was black tea with citrusy notes only. And the darjeeling was like autumn leaf pile in aroma and in taste boring, flat and unrecognizable from other black teas. Bergamot flavor was rather lemony, instead of pithy and strong “grey” notes.

Shame, especially for pyramid sachet.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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