Spiced Nog

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Eggnog, Nutmeg, Spices, Creamy, Vanilla, Vegetal, Cream, Butter
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Edit tea info Last updated by VariaTEA
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 283 ml

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea reminds me of the David’s Tea version but I like Butiki’s slightly better. You can taste the quality in Butiki teas and the flavourings are always so spot on. You can also taste the love...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought I’d write up a note on this while I still have vague memories of drinking the last of my Eggnog and Pralines sample a few days ago. As I said at the time, I do prefer this one. I actually...” Read full tasting note
  • “I certainly haven’t documented them all, but this is another sad Butiki sip down. I bought a 1/2 oz of this and really liked it as a slightly more eggnoggy version of Creamy Eggnog, which I love....” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown…I think this came from Delirium Frogs? I was happy to try another Butiki Tea…and I seem to recall this one being compared to the one that came in the Amoda Christmas box a few years ago. I...” Read full tasting note

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28 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

This tea reminds me of the David’s Tea version but I like Butiki’s slightly better. You can taste the quality in Butiki teas and the flavourings are always so spot on. You can also taste the love and care that they put into each blend. Such a shame that they closed their doors. This has that eggnog flavour without being too sweet or intense. Smooth, light, with a touch of spice. I have never had a Butiki tea that I have failed to like yet! I’m glad I stocked up before they closed up shop. Their teas were worth every penny I spent on them.

Flavors: Eggnog, Nutmeg, Spices

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681 tasting notes

I thought I’d write up a note on this while I still have vague memories of drinking the last of my Eggnog and Pralines sample a few days ago. As I said at the time, I do prefer this one.

I actually ended up with this tea because when Butiki were closing down I placed an order which included 1/2oz of their Creamy Eggnog tea, but Stacy ran out before getting to my order and so (after checking I was okay with it) substituted this new one instead. It worked out pretty well, I think, because I really like the hint of nutmeg in this which apparently wasn’t part of the old blend, and even though the base tea was changed I’m not all that clued-in on green teas, and as they’re both smooth buttery greens I doubt I would have been able to tell much of a difference. Stacy also sent me a couple of ounces of the Organic Spring Twist – which I’ve already reviewed – on its own in my mystery box, and I like being able to compare the two and pick out exactly what is from the base and what is additional flavours.

As always, Stacy created this tea masterfully, and the base blends together really well with the flavours of the creamy eggnog and spicy nutmeg, though I maintain that I’d have liked to have seen a Butiki eggnog tea that didn’t use a green base tea. I much prefer this to the Eggnog & Pralines blend, I think largely because the base is much sweeter and more buttery, and doesn’t have that strong savoury vegetal note that was present in E&P from the Glenburn Estate Green. The creamy eggnog is present even in the scent of this tea, which surprised me a lot given my scepticism over cream-flavoured teas. It’s the most noticeable note in the initial sip, followed by the buttery green tea and nutmeg together, and then again in the aftertaste it’s pure sweet eggnog. I added a little sugar, not because I thought it needed it but just because I’m trying everything as many ways as I can for my Butiki drink-a-thon, and it makes the eggnog note even more pronounced. It also gets somewhat stronger the more it cools, up until a point and then the flavour starts to disappear. I’m wondering what this might be like cold-brewed, and I think I might just be curious enough to try it.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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652 tasting notes

I certainly haven’t documented them all, but this is another sad Butiki sip down. I bought a 1/2 oz of this and really liked it as a slightly more eggnoggy version of Creamy Eggnog, which I love. This one has more of the standard eggnog spices in it, I approve. I’ve been baking cookies all day and kept turning the kettle on, meaning to make a cup of tea but never got around to it. Finally done and sitting down with the last of this one, was worth the wait.

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761 tasting notes

Sipdown…I think this came from Delirium Frogs? I was happy to try another Butiki Tea…and I seem to recall this one being compared to the one that came in the Amoda Christmas box a few years ago. I can’t recall how this compares, but I think it is pretty similar.

I think this one had a nice balance of green tea, with cream and spice. I will say that I did not like it as much as it got cooler. It became a little more bland. I’m really happy to have tried this.

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1908 tasting notes

Unfortunately technical issues kept me from picking up more of this tea when Butiki was doing their clearance sale. I’d only bought the half-ounce bag the first time around and was hoping to add to my stock. Such is life I guess. And it’s not like I needed to spend any more money on tea this year what with my big trip to the States planned for mid-Feb.

The smell of the dry tea is quite nice, nutmeg and creamy without being artificially strong. As the tea brewed it took on the scent of the green tea base which was quite savory – almost like a soup broth. There’s just the right amount of flavouring to give the tea that distinct rich, lightly spiced flavour. It starts off sweet but the umami notes of the base sneak in a little bit at the end unfortunately. The base is very smooth but the savory notes are maybe a touch to strong. Still a very nice blend and like many of Butiki’s teas I’ll miss it when I run out.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
Butiki Teas

We still have Spiced Nog left.

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986 tasting notes

Thank you so much to Kyla for the sample of this one! Honestly, I’m not super into eggnog. But I must admit, this tea is quite delicious: creamy and sweet, with just a touch of spice. I’ll have no problem sipping this one down!

Flavors: Creamy, Nutmeg, Vanilla

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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313 tasting notes

Yes, this is good.

Sipped on this last night while I rested my sleepy, aching bones, and finished the last of a pair of paintings I made as a thank you to a friend for sending me a DVD of Parks and Recreation, after some ruffians absconded with my copy when they broke into the old house a few months back. So happy to have the gang back in my life.

Why isn’t eggnog such a readily available thing in shops in the UK, I wonder? It really is a shame, as it’s one of my most beloved winter flavours. To that end, I was really grateful to see that Stacy was still doing an eggnog tea, and even more grateful when my little bag of it turned up at my door. It’s got a bit of buttery green taste and a lovely, creamy mouthfeel, with that lovely sweet eggnoggy flavour, and just as much nutmeg as there should be. It’s even pleasant when you nod off while watching River Cottage and the last half of your cuppa’s gone cold by the time you wake up. Good.

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15 tasting notes

It took a couple tries to get this right, but I finally did. Unfortunately, I’ve realized many teas can only be steeped twice maximum, this included. If you get enough of the blend (not just tea or added herb), it comes out really smooth. The green component is not astringent, quite mellow like dragon well. The creaminess comes through without overwhelming the green. It is pretty light, so you’ll probably have to use more tea, close to about 1/2 tbsp per 200ml, or more. I like to keep the steep time and temp low for the first cup, that way the leaves don’t unfurl too much. Second cup is at a higher temp for slightly longer. Too bad Butiki is going out of business; this was my first and likely last order. I drank this hot btw, or warmish… The spice really helps with the nog flavor.

Flavors: Creamy, Spices, Vegetal

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

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6119 tasting notes

Brewed this up last night (my Christmas Eve!) because I wanted some tasty treats while prepping everything for our belated Christmas. And it certainly was a treat :) It tasted more or less like the old Creamy Eggnog though – I couldn’t really taste the nutmeg. Will have to give it another try and maybe compare it against the other to notice the differences (or mix with one of the Nutmeg teas, as I’ve considered previously). Of course, since I like Creamy Eggnog, that’s not a problem – I was just hoping for it to be a bit different! Still a high rating though.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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44 tasting notes

I have a confession people of Steepster: I love eggnog flavored things. In fact, I’m not a very big eggnog person, but the winter season always brings me lots of eggnog alternatives which I adore. Buying this tea seemed obvious.

When I open the package, it smells amazing. The bag literally explodes with nutmeg and cream. It’s impressive.

But I do not actually love this tea, and it’s not the blends fault. Recently, I’ve noticed that I cannot come to terms with green tea. Even expensive green teas kind of let me down. I find that they lack a certain amount of weight to me, and that I am off-put by the vegetable aspect of them.

So this is a lovely tea base, but it is not suited for me. The tea is a light yellow color when it brews, and the nutmeg and other eggnog flavors do merge with the base. However, the tea is less flavored than the scent would promise. I think this is a benefit for the tea ultimately, but not necessarily a benefit for me. What I mean by that is that the tea is a nice base, so covering it would be unfortunate, but I’m just not fond of the base.

Anyway, this is a good tea, but it’s not my speed. It rebrews well, though, which is nice. Also it’s very visually appealing.

Flavors: Cream, Eggnog, Nutmeg

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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