Red Queen Cupcake

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Strawberry, Espresso, Floral, Cake, Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw, Flowers, Malt, Candy
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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89 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am definitely tasting espresso when I drink this. It took a long while for me to pin down the flavour other than ‘dark but not chocolate’. Coffee, that’s what it was. I’m not a fan of coffee,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I decided to try this as a latte after the recent success of my Malt Shop latte, but sadly neither the coffee nor the chocolate is very prominent, and those are the notes which would make this a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This must be pretty old in my tea stash. I’m sure the flavouring has lost some of its impact by now but still found this plenty sweet without sugar. Quite cupcakey and yes, chocolate, strawberry...” Read full tasting note
  • “I tried this one with a couple of pieces of crystal sugar last night. It certainly increased the vanilla, strawberry and cake flavours, but I completely lost the coffee/espresso. It almost becomes...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

The Red Queen Cupcake was inspired by one of Chef Chloe’s (winner of Cupcake Wars) cupcakes, which has a chocolate and espresso cake with vanilla frosting and fresh strawberries. The Red Queen Cupcake utilizes our Dinjoye Estate Assam black tea and highlights strawberry, chocolate, and espresso flavors. The espresso adds depth to chocolate flavor, while the strawberry adds sweetness and freshness. Mild vanilla, cream, and cake notes can be also detected. We highly recommend adding brown crystal sugar, which will produce a very decadent treat and will intensify the flavors and develop the vanilla.

Ingredients: Dinjoye Estate Assam, Chocolate Chips (vegan), Freeze-Dried Strawberries, Safflower, Amaranth, Organic Natural Flavorings (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 190 F – 212 F (boiling)

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89 Tasting Notes

1310 tasting notes

I won an ounce of this in a game of 20 questions. Thanks Stacy!

I’m only now finally getting around to writing a note for this one. Good thing, since there’s not much left of the original bag. This may be the fastest I’ve ever gone through a tea! I already ordered another ounce.

This blend has become my go-to breakfast tea. The coffee flavor makes it feel like a morning drink. The creamy texture and the chocolate/strawberry notes make it feel indulgent. Like a healthier version of a Starbucks frappelattethingy. The second steep is consistently my favorite – it always tastes like chocolate-covered coffee beans! I’ve tried adding a bit of brown sugar twice. It definitely brings out the chocolate flavor, but the drink ends up tasting too sweet because the tea is pretty sweet on its own.

Bonus – this is the rare black tea that doesn’t make my stomach hurt!


So happy you won :-)


Me too. I never would have ordered this on my own, but it has rapidly become one of my favorites.


Also, thanks! :-)


Love this one!!! So glad you can drink it too :)

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618 tasting notes

The scent of this tea is of strawberries, coffee and something a little like a cookie. As I’m sipping, I am reminded of strawberry wafer cookies. I used to love those and would eat them by the packet if I could.

The strawberry and “cookie” part of the tea is most noticeable. There is also a slight bitterness in the background that brings to mind that Orzo tea from Lupicia. I don’t taste a whole lot of chocolate, but I’m really enjoying the strawberry wafer + bitter, weak coffee notes.

This is certainly a tasty tea, I just don’t know if it qualifies as one of my favorites from Butiki. I will enjoy the rest of what I have, but am not sure if I would restock.

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27 tasting notes

This is my very first review, so y’all bear with me. :)

I received this free sample from Stacy today and was not sure if I would like it at all. I asked her to pick out my samples and she did a terrific job with this one!

I tasted the chocolate and strawberry the strongest.

The first steep was a little disappointing, until I realized that the water wasn’t hot enough.

The second steep was AMAZING! I added a bit of brown sugar and it was the most perfect tea ever, tasted like a liquid version of my Mother’s strawberry cupcakes. YUMMY!

8 OZ / 236 ML

Happy first tasting note!!

hippiechick 42

Thanks Tea Sipper


Anything goes on tasting notes, just have fun.

hippiechick 42

Thanks Marzipan. :)

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4336 tasting notes

Another Butiki sample from Mandy! I’m not generally a huge fan of chocolate teas, but I haven’t tried one yet from Stacy so we shall see! There are chocolate chips and pieces of dehydrated strawberry mixed in with the Assam base. The leaves are quite small compared to the other black teas I’ve seen from her. It smells like strawberries, yum! Steeped 3 minutes.

The brewed aroma is strawberry and those layered chocolate wafer cookies – the ones with the really light and crisp wafers with the waffle print, and then the chocolate filling between them. I think I can smell a little espresso mixing in with the chocolate. The strawberry flavor in this reminds me of those strawberry goo-filled hard candies that are wrapped in the foil that looks like a strawberry! I find the combination of the dark chocolate and the espresso together to be a bit bitter, even with sugar added. However, the strawberry is definitely the star. I get a bit of chocolate throughout, and I only taste the espresso in the aftertaste.

Overall, this is quite tasty, but I’m glad I didn’t order it over other things. Thanks Mandy!

Flavors: Candy, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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15596 tasting notes

stupid computer crashing, losing my post! let’s talk about this tea and how it smells AMAZING and how the chocolate and the strawberry and the espresso like flavours just work. I’m not sure if this will be one of my long term favorites from stacy but if you like dessert teas, this one should be on your list to try. Unless you hate chocolate and strawberries lol


I am glad you liked this one. It will be added to my order.


Add just a touch of sugar. It will be even more amazing.


Kaylee – next time! Hahaha


So good….so so good.


I’m gonna have to grab an oz of I think… I can’t wait to see what the sales are.


We should all talk before Friday.

Terri HarpLady

“unless you hate chocolate & strawberries…”

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737 tasting notes

First off, this tea smells amazing! It totally smells like one of those strawberry wafers.
As for the flavor it’s rich and full. Now this one is cake-y! I taste a lot of strawberry and mild hints of espresso and chocolate. It’s not too overpowering. Just the perfect amount of every flavor.
Overall it really reminds me of those strawberry wafers that I used to eat all the time growing up. So this tea is definitely a win! :D

Flavors: Cake, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry

Cameron B.

I actually wasn’t interested in this one initially, but it seems the espresso flavor is quite mild. I may have to try it when I finally do a Butiki order. :)


You definitely should! :D


Ugh, I want this so bad!


It’s amazing, you gotta try at some point!!

Lariel of Lórien

I read strawberry wafers as ‘waffles’, so now I’m a little hungry. The tea does awesome though… it’ll be part of a future Butiki order for sure.


xD wow haha I’ve never had a strawberry waffle. Maybe it tastes like this tea? XD

Lariel of Lórien

Probably not, they were Eggo waffles. And they didn’t really taste like chocolate or espresso.


Nevermind then xD

Lariel of Lórien

Maybe try the tea with waffles? For research? ;)

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3294 tasting notes

Damn! This tea is so awesomely decadent! I think this is my favorite flavored tea, at least from Butiki.

While I was brewing this, I was slicing up peaches from my peach tree, as well as eating them & feeding them to Tony. I don’t ever buy peaches, because you can never get a decent peach from the store. The boys & I have been picking, slicing, & freezing them (& eating them), so that we’ll have peaches for smoothies & things for awhile.


Grocery store peaches suck it. We have lots of peach orchards out in the Hill Country and they bring amazing peaches to the farmers market. I always freeze some for cobbler.


I have to admit, I’m a little jealous that you have your very own peach tree! That’s awesome.


I can’t wait to get more of this tea! Should be arriving some time this week, YAY! I’m jealous of your peach tree, too. I’ve got a grafted half peach half plum tree but it is still very young and not producing well yet. Do you do anything to keep insects from bugging your fruit, Terri?


Even better than Ruby Pie?!?!

Terri HarpLady

TS, I def like this better than Ruby Pie, although it’s close…
Stephanie: Nope! So my peaches aren’t particularly pretty, although they are wonderfully fragrant (so glad I can smell again!) & delicious, They have to be sliced up, keeping eyes open for passengers, if you know what I mean.

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237 tasting notes


This is just. It’s. I mean. It’s….It’s just SO overwhelmingly GOOD. It’s GREAT. It’s possibly the best flavoured black tea I have tried ever. Definitely the most cakey. The espresso notes are not over-the-top, but just perfect, and combined with the bready quality of the tea, create the perfect cake reference. The strawberry is also perfect, not too much, not too little, just enough to compliment that beautiful black base that pulls it all together. It has a nice roasty flavour, and all the flavours unfold, like a story where the characters all intertwine at different points. Very bold but not overbearing.

I used to live by an italian coffee distributor and when they roasted the coffee beans, I could smell it from inside the house. Such a beautiful scent, sweet and toasty. This tea embodies that scent so well. Maybe that’s why I love it so much :)

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217 tasting notes

Definitely time to stop hoarding this one and start drinking it up, my stashed supply is absloutely starting to feel the effects of time and age which is sad because this was always one of my favorites… The last cup of this that I drink will feel bittersweet, bitter because its the last cup I’ll EVER get to drink but sweet because although the flavor is starting to fade slightly its still pretty darn delicious!!! At least I’ve got enough to get me through the next 5-6 days!! :D


Oh man, I miss this one, especially when it was fresh. I can still imagine the taste of it right now.

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652 tasting notes

After a few misses in the form of bland or super fake chemical tasting tea concoctions from other companies, I didn’t think I would ever enjoy a cupcake tea.

Leave it to Butiki!

I could acutely taste all of the flavours in this one, chocolate, strawberry, espresso…yum.

It’s one I would consider ordering at some point!

My only complaint is I found it a little thin, but I had intended to add some milk to hopefully make it a bit thicker/add a creamy note, but the baby kept me busy and I missed my chance.

Another time!

Thanks so much to Courtney for sending a sample my way!!


yum. love it!

Butiki Teas

If you would like to thicken it up, I think using 1 1/2 teaspoons would work great, especially if you plan on using milk. :)

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