Hello Sweetie

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Lavender, Vanilla, Coconut, Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Malt, Milk, Smooth, Tannin, Tropical, Soap, Toasty, Pastries, Sweet, Butter, Caramel, Nutty, Tea, Toasted, Apple Candy, Banana, Candy, Cookie, Toffee, Almond, Honey, Nuts, Sugar
Sold in
Not available
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Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 oz / 359 ml

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159 Tasting Notes View all

  • “i love this tea…. go figure, it was made for me! but it’s not just the blend i love…. it was the whole process. stacy is brilliant. we all know that, but working with her one on one that is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sigh. Another sipdown (84). And unless Stacy decides to release this as a permanent blend, I may never have it again. I drank it after watching the 50th Anniversary special of Doctor Who. It seemed...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (174) Got this as a sample in my most recent Butiki order and it is just as good as I remember…maybe even better? It really is the best coconut I have ever had but combined with the...” Read full tasting note
  • “justjames sent me a sample of this since i’m trying to try all the butiki teas! :) I am NOT a fan of coconut. You know what i am a fan of though? this tea! This is coconut and caramel and...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Hello Sweetie is a custom blend that we created for our customer, James. What initially started out as a coconut cream pie flavor with a puerh base tea turned into a banana, coconut, praline (nuts), and toffee flavor with our Premium Taiwanese Assam base tea. How did that happen? We are not entirely sure but this delicious combination has a creamy coconut and fresh banana flavor while also presenting a delicious praline flavor that adds a cookie quality to the tea. The toffee adds a buttery texture, while the base tea provides sweet cacao and caramel notes. If you love high quality teas with complex flavors and Doctor Who references then this tea is for you! We recommend adding a little sugar to transform this tea into an exquisite tropical cookie.

Ingredients: Premium Taiwanese Assam, Organic Coconut Flakes, Organic Calendula, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

For more information, please visit: www.butikiteas.com.

About Butiki Teas View company

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159 Tasting Notes

390 tasting notes

i love this tea…. go figure, it was made for me! but it’s not just the blend i love…. it was the whole process.

stacy is brilliant. we all know that, but working with her one on one that is absolutely reinforced. we tried tons of combinations. we were all over the map! she listened to every idea i had and added in her experience, what did we get? a delightfully NOT tropical coconut/baked banana praline invention that makes me feel like i’m eating dessert even though i have very proudly (and honestly!!!) been off sugar for 2 weeks now.

the banana level is deep, very reminiscent of when i make baked bananas with butter, lemon juice and a pinch of brown sugar. the hint of lemon is there, i swear. the coconut is beautifully balanced by the banana and praline. not to mention the taiwanese assam! i love that the blend has a brilliant tea to back it!

if you have dreams of tea i cannot recommend stacy lim highly enough. the person, the process and the result. she even allowed for my particular fondness of cream and sweetener (formerly known as sugar, lol). it’s great with, without. hell, it’s just great.

thank you so much stacy…. i have sent a bunch of it out, though only two know it’s coming, lol!

of course it gets 100%! oh, and in case you need the reference that stacy and i geeked out over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-q3_XoS2T8 …. believe you me, there were many, MANY discussions about dr. who tea names!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds delicious!


it was alot of fun. at a certain point stacy said ‘it needs a fruit balance’. i disagreed. i finally conceded with ‘bananas’ to which she disagreed but agreed to make up a batch with prejudice (LMAO) then she wound up loving it and so did i. which is amusing because i usually have a hefty banana bias. it was awesome.


I might have to request some of that sometime.


absolutely! i have an immense amount, lol!

Terri HarpLady

That sounds delicious!


truly my friends…. PM me your addresses, i’ll shove a sample in an envelope and shuffle it your way. i have a ton of tea, no swaps, but you are more than welcome to try it. i have zero problem buying some US stamps and sending a sample your way. obviously same for my fellow canadians. =0)


that does sound really good!


OMG, a River Song tea. Are the bananas from a grove in Villengard, by chance? Heh. PS I want to try some, and apparently we live in the same city? How’s that happen? :P


I JUST NOTICED THAT 30 SECONDS AGO, lol. yay powers of observation. well, we’ll just have to meet up so i can hand you over a sample. not sure about the origins of the bananas, but i can tell you this much….. if stacy has access to a TARDIS or an atypical presentation of time and space in any way whatsoever then i want in!


Yep. Anyhow, it won’t be in the next week, since I am traveling stateside to visit friends, family, and go to Long Island Who. :P But after that, for sure.

Butiki Teas

This blend was soooo much fun to make! This was the first time working with someone where we just let the flavors go wherever they wanted to go. The only two requirements were coconut and complex flavors. We even tried a lime, rose, coconut. In my head that one sounded so good but in reality it tasted like musty curtains.


HAHAHAHAHA….. that is an awesome taste metaphor!!! i have sent a bunch out. i will be sending more. appropriately my dear you are brilliantly appreciated and not just by me! xoxo


I’ll PM you too in a bit but we also live in the same city. Maybe I’ll snag some off of Heather :P


whichever is easiest for you =0)


We can plan something when I get back. :)


i might just love you a lot for making this tea.


I don’t even know how I got to this tasting note but this tea sounds amazing


i’m not sure if i get to say thank you or not….. my wishlist our con-joined fussing, stacy’s work? lol!


justjames..i want it all. I’m so excited for our swap heh


me too!! am i waiting for nina’s to arrive? or am i sending today/tomorrow?


Send it whenever lol. I’m in no rush. Like i said, I don’t need Nina’s :) stacy teas on the other hand…


This sounds amazing!


it’s quite excellent! stacy is amazing =0)


Can’t wait til I can try some.


Stacy will be selling it soon, it sounds like. :) Then we can all get our fix.

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1598 tasting notes

Sigh. Another sipdown (84). And unless Stacy decides to release this as a permanent blend, I may never have it again.

I drank it after watching the 50th Anniversary special of Doctor Who. It seemed like the appropriate time to finish this off. And without spoiling anything, I will say that I am happy with the episode and the tea. Both do well multiple times. (And now I can scour the net for reactions/reviews and madcap theories!)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

haha i just finished off my sample too!


i know!!!!! the episode was awesome! (shamefaced) i was so transfixed that it never even occurred to me to steep up my blend. dammit. i can do it now though. i wonder what the budget was for that episode? wow.

so hard to spoil anything….. i’ll shut up now.


i will hurt you….no spoilers!


I must be the only person on the planet not watching this. Ditto for coronation street, not that we’re talking about it. Dude, I wasn’t even conceived when this show first came on, and I am not what one would consider young.


I didn’t get into Doctor Who until 2 years ago, and I started with the 2005 reboot as it was (apparently) a nice easy way to jump into the series. Now I look back at those and cringe a little. :P They’re great fun though if you ever decide to give them a try – it’s on Canadian Netflix!


Series 5, Episode 1 (The Eleventh Hour) is also a great starting place. #nudge


no no no no no…best intro to dr who is blink.


ooooooooooooooooooh. and i couldn’t pick. 2005 absolutely. earlier? gak!!!! i do not understand the obsession with coronation street. not at all.


I don’t understand coronation street obsession either..though i also didn’t get downton abbey…and then i watched a few episodes. happy sigh


Yeah Blink is pretty awesome as well, but then I’d skip to Series 5. :P 2005 had a lot of silly fart jokes and characters who I’m not quite as fond of when I see them again :P I worry that people who start there might not keep going! Haha. Of course my friend told me to start at Series 5 and I ignored her and went to S1 and I stuck around. So, I’m just being a hypocrite.

I really want to watch more of the old ones though. I’ve only seen 2 or 3 of them and I get all my old Doctors mixed up.


haha i make all my friends start with the reboot and tell them it’s a little like the harry potter series…first one was totally childish and then they get progressively darker. I can’t imagine not having watched everything unfold with rose and david tennant…


Downtown Abbey is good now but for the first couple of episodes, I was only watching because I knew it was good. My idea of good. Awarded, critically acclaimed and liked by those with tastes similar to mine. Until all of you steepster peeps I have never even heard of dr. who! More like… Dr who?!?




I totally get that! That’s a great way to describe it to people. And I really, really liked Ten. So it would be a shame to miss him and all his companions.

I started rewatching DW a month ago and it was just painful to watch Rose/Mickey and her family drama stuff. Mickey wasn’t actually a bad guy at the end of it, and everyone sorta trampled on him. I guess that made me a little uncomfortable, although the first time through I was totally shipping Rose/Ten.


yeah took me about 3 episodes to fall in love with downton…


I really like Downton too! I need to catch up – it’s been a few weeks! :O Are you guys all in the current season? Who’s your fav char? :P


Whoops. I killed this convo.
Cavo strikes again!


I’m on episode 5? Of this season…. There are a bunch of ppl I hate. Lol. I love the old bat. Not sure how I feel about poor Anna this season….

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (174)

Got this as a sample in my most recent Butiki order and it is just as good as I remember…maybe even better? It really is the best coconut I have ever had but combined with the banana and toffee goodness, it is pure perfection! JustJames, you and Stacey make a magical pair! This will definitely be stocked once I can get my hands on more :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Yes! I’m just waiting for the site to update with it because I’ve been eying it since JustJames was kind enough to send me some.


Soon Cavo, soon we will have more and it will be fantastic!

Butiki Teas

Pssst, it’s up. :)


YAY! I may have been checking the site obsessively :P

Butiki Teas

Hahaha :)

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15606 tasting notes

justjames sent me a sample of this since i’m trying to try all the butiki teas! :) I am NOT a fan of coconut. You know what i am a fan of though? this tea! This is coconut and caramel and banana…but the banana is subtle…hiding in the sip until about halfway through and then it’s like BAM! haha I am really enjoying this one. I’ve got some more to play with so i’ll be enjoying that. I would likely purchase this is it was available as a standard tea, though given the coconut, i couldn’t drink it all the time. Thanks SO much for sharing this with me justjames Love the DR Who reference as well! :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

My roommate is freaking out because he’s been dying for tonight to finally get here (one of our local movie theaters is even playing it on the big screen) – but his first day at his new job happens to be tonight so he’s going to miss it and’ll have to watch it tomorrow online. My calendar kiosk does a daily “theme” promo where a selection of calendars/games fitting a certain topic are promoted and discounted. Normally they’re things like “gardening calendars” (yesterday, for example, was cat calendars). Well, today out theme is “Doctor Who” related things!


awesome! I’m still working through last season so i’ll be avoiding the internet tonight hahahaa


And I"ll make sure I don’t inadvertently spoil anything!


we should put together another one called ‘spoilers’….. i am so glad you enjoyed the tea!!

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1113 tasting notes

I should be sipping through samples but I was really craving this tea. Really hits the spot. One of my favorite teas ever!


I just got some of this in the mail,but I haven’t trried it yet.

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1501 tasting notes

Well, hello there! You’re the deliciousness that obliterated all other smells coming from all the various tea swaps, packages and gifts I’ve had on my desk the past few days. Creamy, perfect coconut. Even before steeping, I knew I’d LOVE this tea.

And truly, it is perfect. JustJames, I adore you, and now even more so for working with Stacy to create this amazingness. Thank you so much for the generous sample.

To me, this tastes like buttery coconut in a cup. It’s so buttery, I’m actually massaging it into my lips as a moisturizer right now. I feel decadent, it is lovely and sweet and slightly vegetal, and there’s zero sugar needed. As it cools, I get more of a real coconut flavor as well as the tea itself, however it’s still lovely and evolving by the minute.

For the record: add me to the list of folks who would also buy this in larger quantities, should it be made available to the public for sale.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

i am distinctly certain that stacy has her custom blends set up to an alarm and possibly key words as well…. either way, the more people say the magic words ‘i would buy’ the closer the bell is to ringing and this blend is to getting its wings =0)

you know i have maybe 2 servings left? whew! easy come…..


All these “Hello Sweetie” tea notes are so intriguing!


This tea sounds amazing!


Ahhh…I so would love to try this :-)


I keep reading notes about this tea, and it just keeps sounding more and more amazing haha!

Butiki Teas

I think this one may get a spot on our shelf. :)


Woot! Woot!


and the blend get wings ;0)






I am not really the biggest fan if banana in tea but this sounds amazing!


you know, i have a serious banana bias as well…. i was the one that suggested the banana? i think stacy almost fell over. the tea wants what the tea wants i guess, lol. needless to say it really does work perfectly.

Butiki Teas

Hahaha. Yep. I was thinking, “banana, that’s not going to work at all. Ok never mind, it’s awesome!”


i remember you saying that and wondering who i was insisting that it really was going to be great, lol. geez. life’s a funny old thing…. me, the banana hater.

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612 tasting notes

I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to drink this tea as it’s super precious—JustJames was wonderfully generous and sent me some despite it being a custom blend from Butiki he worked hard with Stacy to perfect and it’s not otherwise available. Tonight was finally ideal—lots of time to relax and focus on it, and it’s bracingly cold but clear outside, the perfect time to feel grateful you’re holed up at home warm and comfy.

And it was perfect. This is splendid—creamy and rich but somehow not too heavy, there’s still a lovely sense of lightness somehow. The smell is a wonderful synthesis of banana and sweetness, miles away from candy runts artificial cloyingness, somehow evoking both freshness and softness. You get the sense of the natural floral sweetness of banana and the toffee/praline is present but never overly sugary, just adds a wonderful toasted edge. Love this, feel so lucky to have had an opportunity to try it. Thank you JustJames!

P.S. Forgot to mention something in my notes today…I’ve been throwing myself into Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel for the first time (I know!) thanks to a dear friend’s suggestion. Well, I love Giles to pieces already and also love celadon-colored kitchenware so that mug he regularly drinks tea from intrigued me. Went down a rabbit hole and learned it’s part of a line of vintage restaurantware made my Anchor Hocking, their Fire King Jadeite line. Today all the pieces I bid on on eBay arrived and I’m using them to drink my evening tea! The internet is so great sometimes—I’m the sort of person who, especially since relocating to the South, has zero luck finding such treasures on my own in walk-in spots. Whee. Pics here: http://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/p480x480/1604613_10101830916914763_822531403_n.jpg and

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds so wonderful!


A little birdy told me this may be available soon… knock on wood! :)




Sign me up!


Still hoping to try this some day.


Yay Buffy! Giles is awesome, and so is that jadeite you got there! :D


I just saw the one where he wakes up a demon. Hahahaha! Poor Giles (I say that like every time I watch an episode!).


Season 8 and 9 are available in comic book form, BTW! Whedon produced and everything :)


OMG, I love Angel!!! Best opening music ever too. I picked up the violin when I was younger just so that I could learn that song. It’s a great series.

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286 tasting notes

This came in a surprise package sent to me from JustJames – thank you so much for sharing with me!

I remembered reading the note on this blend, but I couldn’t remember what was in it except for banana. I intentionally did not look it up just to see what flavours I would discover. I could see in the blend the coconut, so I was kind of expecting a cream pie type of flavour. What I actually got was cookies. The banana flavour is quite prominent – but it’s good; it tastes like real bananas. The coconut lends a nice creaminess to the tea. I am also getting a touch of acidity.

Despite the pralines eluding me the first time around, I found this delicious. I have enough leaves for another cup, and so another chance to enjoy this blend.

Again, thank you so much JustJames for the sample. This was really good!


so pleased you are enjoying it! you are the blend’s second official review!!!!

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3294 tasting notes

Thanks to James for a sample of his special tea!
I was going to save it for the Dr. Who Xmas special, but was craving something a little sweet, so I drank it today instead.
It really does have layers of flavors, kind of weaving in & out. It mostly reminds me of Caramel Vanilla Assam, but then here comes a hint of coconut, & as it cooled I really noticed the banana, along with a cookie like taste. All in all, it’s a tasty blend, although probably not something I’d purchase, as it left me with a scratchy throat,
but still nice to sample! Thanks James!


most welcome! we’re all so individual…. for me it’s coffee and rooiboos, lol.

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513 tasting notes

Ok, so writing this tasting note just after finishing my last sip, just so that it’s all fresh in my mind.

I’m so excited to finally be tearing into the package just James sent me; I do what a lot of you do, and “save” my good or excitement-worthy teas for when I’m not stressed out, able to give them my attention, or am feeling celebratory. I really need to stop doing that though, come to think of it. so many teas just sit there, waiting for “the right moment” and that’s not right, yo.

So this was probably the tea i was excited for the most. In the bag, I could smell the sweet toffee, as well as the buttery creamy scent that is slightly reminiscent of Butiki’s caramel vanilla. But of course, they use the same base, and the creamy wonderfulness is Stacy’s signature anyway, so I ought not be surprised.
I tossed some cream and sugar into a cup, and set to work. I brewed for about three and a half minutes, and lifted the basket out and inhaled. The scent was spot on: I could still smell the toffee and butteriness, and if I inhaled deeply enough, a trace of coconut. And then it was just love at first sip and then some. The buttery taste of creamy caramel or assam is there, along with the sweet toffee. And as others described it, the banana makes an appearance but is by no means dominant (but I love banana, so I’ll take what I can get). You know it’s a tea you’ll want again and again when you hesitantly take your last sip because you know there isn’t too too much left. Thank you, thank you, thank you JustJames for this incredibly generous sample. And Stacy, please please say that you’ll be making this available? What will it take to convince you to do it? Please?


=0) so glad you like it!!!! i’m drinking it too.

Butiki Teas

I think this may be getting offered on our website. :)


I’m sure everyone would love to be able to purchase some! :D

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