Mango Lassi

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Rooibos, Cardamom, Mango
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 oz / 357 ml

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83 Tasting Notes View all

  • “yummy tea of the afternoon… I started drawing some flowers and decided I would have this tea to accompany me, which is definitely one of my favorite rooibos tisanes. I have a date this afternoon...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had some of this in the afternoon in between all of the bustle of getting my chinese visa, work related things and other such adventures. I’m finding myself more and more stressed out every day...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is so good. Upon first sip, it is a little bit earthy. In the aftertaste, and further into the mug, mango comes through. As I near the bottom of the mug, the mango has more staying power...” Read full tasting note
  • “Odd, so the smell of this one steeped is absolutely screaming fresh, slightly underripe banana to me. Which is delicious, but not mango lassi. Admittedly, that’s the association I’m making with the...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our exotic dessert blend combines luscious mango with a touch of spice and a hint of cream. Rooibos is naturally caffeine-free and originates from South Africa. We recommend adding sugar to this rooibos. Try with our brown crystal sugar.

Ingredients: Organic Rooibos, Organic Mango Pieces, Organic Calendula, Cardamom, Natural Flavor (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 5 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of rooibos for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 210 F

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83 Tasting Notes

303 tasting notes

This one confuses me – I like my flavoured rooibos well enough, but this is like drinking straight-up rooibos. It smells like rooibos in the bag, it smells like rooibos in the cup, and it tastes like rooibos in the cup. Any hint of anything else, mango or otherwise, is simply absent. I can’t really add anything else – it’s just rooibos.

Again, this might be a case of me not picking up Butiki’s more subtle flavourings, or just that I’ve taken my sweet time trying this tea. I keep everything in air-tight containers, but you never know – mangoes can be so devious.

(Insert link to working ‘Self-defense against fruit’ Monty Python clip here.)

[From my Butiki order to Santa Clara, October 2013.]

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

that’s funny because this is one of the very rare rooibos I liked :)


So weird! Do you like Rouge Provence by Mariage Frères? That’s what I look for in a rooibos.


no I never tried this one. Maybe I have some in my samples thanks to Teresa, I should check

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1501 tasting notes

For whatever reason, I enjoyed this much more last night than I did the other night. Perhaps the lower water temperature?

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec

I wonder how this compares to DAVIDs Mango Lassi.


I have both (although DAVIDs is leaving the premises soon) and I find this one much more enjoyable and true to an actual lassi. Mind you, I also was finding issue (read: having a mild allergic reaction) with the chamomile (or maybe something else?) in DAVIDs version.


I figured that was probably the case. I am sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. I know for me the chamomile in the DAVIDs blend was off-putting so I sent it away. Then when it came to placing my Butiki order, I was biased against Mango Lassi teas but perhaps I will look into this when I place a future Butiki order.


I find Butiki’s version a lot spicier

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1220 tasting notes

Ahh everything loads just fine until I want to write a note today…figures.

I’ve been sipping on this all day after coldsteeping it for just about 24 hours. I still am kind of unsure how I feel about iced rooibos, but this is a step in the right direction. Definitely tastes like I’m sipping on a much lighter mango lassi!

My problem with iced rooibos is that it just gets too medicinal I think, I’m not sure if I’m right or completely confused by thinking that with this long of a steep it seemed less in-my-face than other ones. But, it might also just be how good this tea is. I can taste rooibos, but it mixes into the spicy tones of the cardamom. I didn’t add sugar because I wasn’t happy about having to leave before 8am this morning, but I still have half my bottle left and I’m curious to see how it tastes that way too, since it does seem like a little sweetener might bring out different flavors (of course obviously I read Stacy’s note on here too which is why I must try it).

Butiki Teas

I don’t know if this will help but I do iced rooibos for events quite a bit, particularly our Mango Lassi & also the Coconut Cream Pie. I’ve found two methods that seem to work the best and leave the iced rooibos without the medicinal taste. Both ways involve making the rooibos hot first. The first way is to make it then ice it. So, if I was looking to make 2 cups of iced mango lassi I would put 2 cups worth of tea in 1 cup of boiling water for the 5 minutes. Then I would add ice until it reaches the 2 cup level. The other way is just to straight hot brew it then leave it in the fridge for a few hours or up to 2 days.


The one iced rooibos I’ve had where the rooibos itself didn’t freak me out with the taste was at a local tea shop, and I’m guessing they probably make it hot first. I don’t know exactly what I made that turned me off to making it hot first, but clearly I need to give it a second try. Thank you!

Butiki Teas

Good luck with your iced rooibos experimenting!

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3294 tasting notes

My order from Butiki came! Yeah!
So, I’m getting ready to rush out the door to go play a gig at the St. Louis History Museum from 5:30 – 9:00. Then I’ll have 2 (much needed) days off from playing.

I’m not a big fan of flavored teas, but Nik gave this such a rave review, and I was placing an order anyway, so I figured, “Why not?”.
I’ve never actually had a real Mango Lassi, but it is quite tasty, & I’m definitely getting the Mango flavor (yum), & this was a good tea to try this afternoon, as I’m pretty wired from caffeine consumption at this point, & this is a rooibos blend.

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41 tasting notes

Ah lub ewe nottea. Ah lub ewe sew mush.

Seriously though – Sometimes it’s 10 pm and I know I really really shouldn’t drink any more tea, and I DEFINITELY shouldn’t kill that pint of Ben and Jerry’s HalfBaked in the freezer, but I just might chew through a limb if I don’t have something awesome and snack-like to put in my face-hole pretty much immediately. Usually it is at these moments that my boyfriend hides under the covers with an ipad and Netflix. This is fair, as usually the first limb I decide to chew through is not attached to me. However, when I am reminded in a timely manner of the existence of honey, cream, and this tea, his appendages are saved for another day. Remember kiddies, zombievirus may not start at home, but it can end there.

(FYI: The plague will actually kick off someday in a major metropolitan area, on public transport. I know, I have ridden the DC metro.)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Is it weird that I plugged my nose and read the first line? :P Feel better soon!

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60 tasting notes

After going out for Indian food one night I decided to develop a rooibos that was similar to mango lassi. As I vegan, I don’t drink anything with dairy in it but I wanted to make a tea that I could enjoy that reminded me of one of my old favorite beverages.

The dry leaves of this rooibos are small and thin and are varying degrees of red and brown. Calendula and mango chunks are mixed in. The aroma is a wonderful spicy and fragrant creamy mango. The wet leaves of this rooibos are walnut colored, thin, and small. Chunks of mango and calendula are also present. The wet leaves have a spicy cardamom aroma that gives way to a creamy sweet mango scent. Mango Lassi produces a brilliant red liquor with great clarity and immediately smells of cardamom and mango followed by a sweet cream. Sipping this tea without sugar produces notes of citrus and mango with prominent cardamom notes that linger and become lightly creamy. With a little brown crystal sugar added, this rooibos becomes an intensely creamy with mango and cardamom notes. Each note compliments each other well.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Fairly an aside but salted lassi is among the grossest thing i’ve consumed in my life – we had it at some joint in india. Mango lassi is tasty though. Will have to try this out.

Butiki Teas

I’ve never heard of a salted lassi. I’m going to have to google that and see how it differs. If its just salt in a lassi, then that sounds not so good.


Salted lassi is more common than sweet and mango lassi. Its terrible though.

Butiki Teas

That’s interesting. I did not realize it was more common. I looked it up a little and seems that some places use cumin in it. That sounds a bit rough to drink.

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1442 tasting notes

The cup is full of ripe and unripe, peppery mangoes. It doesn’t always pull off the mango lassi in every sip, but when it does life is good. The cardamon is prevalent and compliments the bright and juicy mango. Something, possibly the calendula, adds a light salty element near the milky finish. Lingering aftertaste is peppery mango. The rooibos never takes over, although it is present.

Thank you for the sample, Stacy! I’m not typically a fan of rooibos blends but the solid mango notes put this one near the top for me. I’ll think about getting this again; I need more non-caffeinated beverages to drink at night.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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525 tasting notes

My package from Krystaleyn came today. Yaaaay. This is the first tea I’m trying from that bunch and I am super happy about it! Even though this was way over steeped as I dealt with a cooking emergency, it did not develop that odd sour wood flavor some rooibos tend to. I get a lovely sweet mango flavor with a bit of spice. I don’t really taste anything that might indicate creaminess or yogurt though.

I think the base is excellent and the mango is very realistic. Very nice. And I was just lamenting my lack of fruity caffeine free teas until the package arrived. :D

Butiki Teas

I’m not sure if you add sugar to any of your teas/tisanes but a little bit of sugar should bring out the cream flavor.


Glad you enjoyed it! I have yet to give it a second shot. I don’t think it was my favourite the first time around.


Butiki: I don’t usually add sugar but I’ll give it a try for my next cup of this. :)

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284 tasting notes

I was so frenzied to order my butiki teas that I failed to notice this one is Rooibos. I was so taken with its name that I just ordered without reading. So … Errr… It’s pretty much sour woodchips to me. All Rooibos taste pretty much the same to me. I think there might be a handful I’ve tried that were different. Most of them just seem medicinal or something.

I only ordered 1 oz so not too bad. Maybe it will grow on me, at least that’s what I keep hoping about Rooibos in general. I don’t want to be missing out on good teas just because I stubbornly refuse to try them. I know someone — won’t name names :) — who thinks life is too short to be drinking/eating things you don’t like, but I say if you keep at it, you’ll like it in the end and your palate will evolve. Right? Right.


Shrug, ok if that works for you. Someone have never experienced a “forced” liking of something previously disliked – maybe not all palates evolve. ;))

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806 tasting notes

I got this as a sample from the ever cool Stacy. I’ve never had a mango lassi so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s Great! it reminds me a bit of her cantaloupe and cream. I think it’s the melony goodness.

Butiki Teas

Oooh, if you ever get a chance you should try a real mango lassi. They are delicious. :)

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