Priceless 2020 Spring Bulang Raw Puer Charitea Cake

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Pu'erh Tea
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From Bitterleaf Teas

As difficult as 2020 has been, it has also been an opportunity to take inventory of the things we are grateful for, and to shift some focus on the ways we can help others in need. While there is no shortage of good causes to support, for this project we’ve decided to give back within our own community of Kunming and Yunnan – a place that we are fortunate enough to call home. A place that that has nurtured us as a business and personally for many years.

We will be donating 100% of all sales of this tea – every penny, not just the profit – to Dele house, an orphanage here in Kunming. This home currently cares for 11 children aged 5-15 from rural areas of Yunnan, specifically children who have been affected by HIV since birth. In most cases, they have lost parents to the disease and have lost support of their families and communities due to the stigma around their condition.

They have not been spared the hardships of 2020, as a large part of their funding has been cut due to reduced ability from major donors. This has forced them to reduce housing space, sell off vehicles and unfortunately even send some children back to their villages.

Our goal with this tea is to raise funds that will directly pay the tuition fees for all 11 children for the 2021 spring semester. If we exceed this goal through additional donations, then funds will be directed towards the following semester as well. If you wish to make an additional contribution, you may add that amount below.

The artwork for this tea is by the kids themselves, featuring two designs that include their favourite animals, a self-portrait and what they would like to be when they grow up. Purchase two cakes or more and receive at least one of each design.

While the focus of this cake is to help out, the tea itself is an excellent value. Using 2020 Spring Bulang region material, this tea is balanced and versatile, with fruit notes in the front coupled with a pleasant bitterness that quickly turns to sweetness. For a bolder experience with more typical Bulang character, brewing with a heavy hand will bring out a light smokiness and leather hidden underneath.

On behalf of the kids, we thank you for your support. After visiting and spending time with them chatting, drawing and playing, it was incredibly clear how smart, creative and deserving of life’s opportunities they all are. For a look behind the scenes of this wrapper’s design-day, check out our blog post.

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1 Tasting Note

16374 tasting notes

P is for… Priceless 2020 Spring Bulang Raw Puer Charitea Cake!


Finally tried this cake about a week ago! All sales of this cake went towards supporting an orphanage in Kunming! That alone would be enough to make buying this cake worthwhile – but, more than that, it’s just reaaalllyyy good! Most steeps are accented with a reliable and consistent sugarcane note, but amidst that coating sweet flavour is a great balance of syrupy red fruit notes and bitterness w/ a lovely returning sweetness after each sip. I tried a few infusions with some really aggressive steep times, and while this did really push the bitterness to the forefront of the brew it also had great payoff from an even greater huigan!


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