I had this tea last night, but wasn’t able to post since Steepster was having issues.
This is a mix of black tea and houjicha, which was intriguing to me. However, I found myself not enjoying it because the houjicha autumn leaf flavor felt very discordant with the dessert-y marzipan black tea combination. Although thinking about it, a marzipan-flavored dry leaf doesn’t sound particularly appealing… XD
I think I might have liked this one if it were either a darker roasted houjicha or perhaps a houji-kukicha, which would have been more sweet and less leafy. Ah well, you can’t love them all! I’m glad I got the chance to try a sampler packet.
Flavors: Almond, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Grass, Marzipan, Roasted, Sweet