
Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by dschirf
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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7 Tasting Notes

16438 tasting notes

Woke up way earlier this morning than I’m accustomed to, though for a fairly good reason (and a blameless one; I can’t expect people to instantly know that 1 PM is still a time when I’m typically sound asleep) – I have a job interview! It’s for the Calendar Club/Go Games! which would be something different than settings I’m used to – having only worked at a carnival and a movie theatre (both places focusing on food services). It’s also only a seasonal position, but really at this point a little money over a temporary period is better than no money at all.

Since it was an early morning (technically afternoon) for me, I really wasn’t in the mood to go through a more elaborate tea making process – so bagged tea it is! I quickly skimmed through the box of bagged tea I keep for unadventurous family, Tre, and people who in general I feel are not worthy of my loose leaf tea and this is the one I settled on.

The baggy itself smells like raspberry, albeit a more artificial smelling raspberry. It has a black tea base, and that’s present too. There’s no steeping instructions (something I hate about bagged tea) so I basically eyeballed it.

The raspberry in this tea is most present in the aftertaste, and even then it’s super mild and artificial tasting. The black tea base in this just tastes off and unpleasant. There’s some slight bitterness to it as well.

I’m wishing I had made a different cup of tea, and when I’m more awake I definitely plan to make something better.

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6768 tasting notes

so-so. mild black flavored even more mildly with Raspberry. Tastes ok but very mellow.

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377 tasting notes

In my Christmas box….not bad.

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1473 tasting notes

To try and put a positive spin on the sweltering heat yesterday, I decided to make sun tea with some of the bagged teas I’d set aside for just such a purpose. I’m not rating any of them, as they were a mix of two Stash decaf english breakfast, one bentley’s raspberry, and one bentley’s mango in a 2 L jug.

To be quite honest, I couldn’t taste this. At all. I could pick out the stash and the mango, but I detected absolutely no raspberry.

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111 tasting notes

The bag that the green tea raspberry is also the same for this one, but this is black tea. Just a side note, I’ll change the picture later. :P

I happen to like this tea. :) It’s a smooth black tea with a subtle raspberry flavor. It’s not really strong, and it could possibly be stronger, but I like it. A little bit of sugar to taste and it’s a good cup. Over all, a nice tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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22 tasting notes

I tried this tea a second time, steeping two bags instead of just one. The result was much better; the raspberry flavor really shown through and was complimented nicely by a bit of sugar. If you’re going to try this tea, definitely steep two bags.

5 min, 0 sec

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