No. 22, National Parks Dept.

Tea type
Black Green Herbal Blend
Not available
Astringent, Earth, Roasted, Smoke, Tannic, Honey, Malt, Sweet, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cedar, Forest Floor, Wood, Bitter, Mineral, Pine, Resin, Tobacco, Berry, Smooth, Berries
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 390 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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27 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Started the morning out with this one. Having a bit of a rough day and wanted some delicious cups of tea today. I still need a couple sipdowns before the end of the weekend, but for the next...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown #52 This is another one sent to me from Sil, thanks! Not sure what to say about this one. I like the way the cedar aroma rises up into my nostrils, I’ve always loved the aroma of cedar. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “I couldn’t resist breaking into this tea after bringing it home from the tea meet-up! The base to this tea is strong, malty, and smoky in the way that I always imagined smoky teas to be, but never...” Read full tasting note
  • “This has a strong base that is a bit astringent and smoky. I found there was an Earthy/lightly roasty flavour (kukicha). I did see in the loose leaf there were juniper berries and cedar tips, but I...” Read full tasting note

From Bellocq Tea Atelier

A hand-crafted blend of full-bodied organic Indian teas, juniper berries, cedar tips, and wild flowers, National Parks Dept. embodies the rugged, soulful beauty of uncultivated forests. Be inspired by the perfection that is nature; find yourself in dark ancient woodlands, hear the quiet snap of fallen twigs underfoot, inhale the curls of woodsmoke entwined with resinous notes of pine and cedar. A blend to enjoy with Emerson under the stars, this earthy and reflective brew produces an amber-hued liquor with a lingering, mellow finish.

Ingredients: Organic black tea, roasted kukicha, organic juniper berries, organic cedar fir tips, and organic blue cornflowers

About Bellocq Tea Atelier View company

The world's finest teas and scents should be an everyday luxury. Honoring quality, tranquility and pleasure.

27 Tasting Notes

15257 tasting notes

Started the morning out with this one. Having a bit of a rough day and wanted some delicious cups of tea today. I still need a couple sipdowns before the end of the weekend, but for the next couple of days i may just focus on drinking up teas with larger quantities and see if i can get the weight down :)


This tea sounds so good! I put it on my wishlist :D


omgsrsly and i love it, dexter is less of a fan haha. It’s not as piney/woodsy as i want it to be but i love it :)


oh and given the crappy cad $ we can always do a mini swap sometimes if you like.


@Sil I will keep that in mind! I love woodsy teas, I’m on a woodsy kick overall right now regarding tea and perfumes haha


I don’t mind the woodiness of this tea – nor the juniper berries – it’s the pine that I’m not a huge fan of – HOWEVER if you like that style of tea – you should like this one – it’s nice and balanced. :))


Hope the rest of your day is better than this morning !


thanks tigress! it’s going… heh

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3294 tasting notes

Sipdown #52
This is another one sent to me from Sil, thanks!
Not sure what to say about this one. I like the way the cedar aroma rises up into my nostrils, I’ve always loved the aroma of cedar. The tea is a little on the bright side for me, & I’m really craving something bassy & satisfying right now.


this sounds so interesting!!!


i really enjoyed this one in how different it was…there are two from belloq i would gladly order again

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464 tasting notes

I couldn’t resist breaking into this tea after bringing it home from the tea meet-up!
The base to this tea is strong, malty, and smoky in the way that I always imagined smoky teas to be, but never experienced before. The smokiness is warming and comforting, not obnoxious and overpowering like lapsong souchongs. The woody cedar and the deep, sweet juniper berries further mellow out the smoky aspect.
The pine in the aroma and aftertaste reminds me of summers in Maine! It’s so relaxing! I really like this blend. It really makes me want to try White Wolf, which has cedar in it, when it comes back in stock.


So jealous you guys got to participate in this!


NYC definitely has its opportunities!


I loved that you used the new name.


Lol! Well the new name is already on the Belloqc website, so I thought it would be a good choice to use the new name.

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2962 tasting notes

This has a strong base that is a bit astringent and smoky. I found there was an Earthy/lightly roasty flavour (kukicha). I did see in the loose leaf there were juniper berries and cedar tips, but I did not taste anything piney or resiny. I was really hoping to taste that cedar. It ended up being a generic black tea made slightly interesting by the kukicha.

Flavors: Astringent, Earth, Roasted, Smoke, Tannic

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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379 tasting notes

Thank you, Cameron, I had this last night. I finished all your samples except one (the peppermint cream) and enjoyed them all so much!

Interesting and yummy tea. Unfortunately, I accidentally threw out the tea after the first infusion. Doh. I was cleaning out my other gaiwan and went on cleaning autopilot. At least I got to drink the first infusion. I do not know what juniper or cedar tastes like but whatever all the flavors in this tea, it was tasty and different. It was sweet, had honey, smoke, malts notes with a nice roasted-toasted comforting flavor. I enjoyed it so much. Thank you again, Cameron B.!

Flavors: Honey, Malt, Roasted, Smoke, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C

Love this one


I’m glad that I got to try it, Sil. :)


This is one I have been wanting to try for a while. It is intriguing, but I have so much tea I really shouldn’t buy anything just yet! Maybe soon!


The over-keen tea clean has struck many of us! I remember liking this one quite a bit too! I’ll have to pick up more someday; too bad Bellocq is so expensive!


@ashmanra I feel that way about so many teas (i.e. that I shouldn’t buy anything yet.) lol.
@CrowKettle I didn’t know they are expensive, I am happy Cameron B. shared it then! :)

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4120 tasting notes

Pulled this one out today after seeing a note from amandastory516 for a similar tea. I admit to not having the highest of hopes, due to this being somewhat old, though it turns out it’s only two years old which I wouldn’t consider to be that bad…

This tea always makes me chuckle a little bit when I’m scooping it into the steeping basket, because it literally looks like I picked up whatever was on the forest floor and put it into my cup. There are giant cedar tips and big twigs, along with juniper berries. The black tea seems a small volume by comparison, so I used more tea than I generally would for my 12-ounce mug.

I am so happily surprised to find that this still has plenty of flavor left, and a very pleasing woodsy flavor at that. The base tea is a little bit astringent, and I think it’s likely an Assam based on the flavor profile. But mostly here it provides body and a nice base for the added ingredients. I get the light roasty autumn leaf note from the twig kukicha. The cedar tips have such a nice evergreen flavor, but also a light aromatic woody note like one would expect from cedar or sandalwood. I’m not sure whether I get juniper? It’s hard to say since it has a bit of a piney flavor to it as well. There’s a lovely cooling sensation as I exhale.

So happy this is still viable, especially given the price… But honestly I would order it again because it’s such a unique tea. And it’s perfect for autumn and winter with its lovely, slightly toasty woodsy notes! This is one of the few teas that really takes me away to a different place as I sip.

Flavors: Astringent, Autumn Leaf Pile, Bitter, Earth, Forest Floor, Malt, Mineral, Pine, Resin, Roasted, Tannic, Tobacco, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

This one sounds super interesting! And no smoke! Yay!

Cameron B.

I don’t get smoke, but some others did report it, so no promises. ;)


Even so, adding it to the wishlist for now!

Cameron B.

I’ll be sure to send you some so you can do a “smoke test”… (har har har)


Hahah! I find smoke in teas that nobody else does. Sometimes I think my body manufactures it somehow XD.


This one has long intrigued me. I will probably try it someday. Bellocq prices aren’t TOO bad unless you get the tin!

Cameron B.

@ashmanra – I don’t mind sharing the wealth! At $9 per ounce, I think of it as being Whispering Pines equivalent in terms of price.

Martin Bednář

It jumped to my wishlist as well. I wish having some Czech vendors doing those “crazy” blends. Maybe I shall pick up my dream of owning a tea house again? Haha!


Cameron – Oof! That is a bit steep, isn’t it? I guess I have some of the cheaper ones from Bellocq, or just didn’t remember the price. I got some as a Christmas gift two years ago, too, so I really don’t know how much those were.

I have purchased a few things like the Sanctuary Candle, the brass strainer basket…I love those. I do always wait for a really good coupon! Almost Black Friday!

I would love a sample sometime but no rush! Stay safe!

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1040 tasting notes

Of all the amazing teas that Sil sent me – this was the one I was most worried about.
There are pieces of pine tree in here. The leaf looks like it’s been picked up off the forest floor. Now I’m sure this would excite some people, but it kind of scared me.
The first cup, I under leafed and under steeped – I was afraid….
That cup was really mild and didn’t really taste like much more than black tea – ok so far so good – not as scary as I had feared.
The second cup I steeped longer and with more leaf. This is a little piney and a little fruity. There is hints of woody and smoke. It’s like being out in the woods.
While I can appreciate how balanced and interesting this is – these flavors are not really to my liking. Not nearly as bad as I had feared, but this still isn’t really to my tastes.
Thanks Sil for this interesting experience – I would never have chosen this to myself and would not have tried it if you hadn’t sent it to me. :))


Pieces of pine tree would worry me too. :P


haha yay for getting out of our comfort zones :) there will be more from Bellocq that i’ll send you as i actually open them


I will try almost anything – I’ve been surprised before – that tea you thought you would hate but didn’t. That’s the amazing thing about sharing – never know what hidden gems you will find. :)


@Plunkybug- ok pine TREE might be an exaggeration – ingredient list says “douglas fir tips” :))


Ah, ok, that’s better. :P

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6 tasting notes

This tea smells like the northwoods, and I love it. The taste is also great. I found it a very mellow, smooth black tea with hints of a forest-y taste. This will definitely be a staple for me.

Flavors: Forest Floor, Pine, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1442 tasting notes

This is an “assam-y” black tea blend, with a twist to the finish and lingering flavour- subtly composed of nutty cedar chips and sweet juniper berries. I’ve had other teas that have combined cedar and juniper berries but I like how this one mixes those flavours with the base blend.

Flavors: Berries, Cedar, Honey, Malt, Smoke

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

Wow, the scents of cedar and juniper berry remind me of Banff. Beautiful but can’t imagine drinking that.


It’s GOOD, Fjellrev! Really good.


I can save you a sample for when we meet up, Fjellrev! The “woodland” flavours aren’t heavy-handed, imo.


If you really like it, you don’t have to worry about it! I’m also not a fan of smoky teas anyway.

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2291 tasting notes

Oh, I have this one! It’s not labelled with this name, but that’s OK. I think this name is way better than the old one.

Anyways, it looks and smells super cool. I think it might be an assam base, as it smells SUPER malty. The juniper berries and tree bits should add an interesting flavour!

And it is interesting. It’s surprisingly sweet, and very malty. I can’t really tell there’s tree bits in here, but it’s really nice.

Would I get more? Maybe. I mean, I just did a tea count and am still rather overwhelmed. Maybe if I ever get down to 100?

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

I really want to pick some of these teas up someday….maybe if I get to 50 lol.


Yeah, I know what you mean! They’re quite expensive, but it looks like they’re selling 2.5 oz bags now which is nice.



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