Climber's High

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3 Tasting Notes View all

From Banff Tea Co

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3 Tasting Notes

16374 tasting notes

- Strong presence of vegetal and grassy green tea
- Reminds me of cucumber skins and lawn clippings, with a touch of earthyness
- Earthyness is the from the yerba mate
- The cucumber like note comes from the cool mint combined w. the vegetal green tea
- Makes for that crisp, cool cucumber like flavour that’s really refreshing
- The grassyness is from both the green tea AND the green mate
- Peppermint undertones in the top and body, and more of a main flavour in the finish
- Like I said, adds a “crispness” to the overall flavour as well as sweetness
- The goji is subtle but does add a bright red fruit element in the body flavour
- Starts as an undertone and builds into more of a vibrant, lively ‘bursting’ type flavour
- Overall, found this really relaxing
- And a good balance of a lot of really differing elements
- It was a good early morning cup with a nice, clean profile and clear tasting notes


Freshly cut grass is my favourite smell. I love teas that remind me of it.


You reminded me that I have some aged Yerba mate that I forgot about. I wonder how it will taste as a Cold Brew!

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