Brioche Organic Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Almonds, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Safflowers
Almond, Bread, Cinnamon, Honey, Sweet, Yeast, Pastries, Butter, Nuts, Raisins, Cream, Smooth, Sugar, Custard, Vanilla, Maple Syrup, Orange Zest
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Pyroxy
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 287 ml

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From American Tea Room

Brioche’s astoundingly decadent aroma and flavor make it one of our best sellers. Even the dry leaves perfectly capture the spicy-sweet aroma of a Parisian patisserie with intoxicating, beguiling, tempting aromas of nuts, spices and an unrivaled baked sweet note.

Visually speaking, well-oxidized ebony leaves are contrasted with pale, sliced almonds, bits of cinnamon and vermillion-colored safflower blossoms. The brew is a shimmering rust color.

The aroma and flavor of Brioche are rich, nuanced and reminiscent of hot cinnamon buns, almond croissants, fine black tea and warm brioche with a touch of marmalade. It has an equally enchanting aftertaste that lasts and lasts…

This superbly balanced blend stands on its own as an indulgence, or pairs beautifully with breakfast pastries and fruity after-dinner desserts (such as Linzer tarts).

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211 Tasting Notes

333 tasting notes

I know I got this in a swap too, though I forget who sent it to me. Whoever it was, thank you! I’d been wanting to try this for ages but was never able to justify an ATR order, so it was great to be able to try a sample. And I’m glad I did do it this way, because in the end I didn’t like this tea as much as I expected to. I know it’s unreasonable to expect any tea to truly taste like briocke, but what I can I say? My expectations were set pretty high based on some of the rave reviews I’ve read. While I did get sweetness and some cinnamon, I didn’t pick up on anything pastry (let alone brioche)—this is a problem I have with most pastry teas. Anyway, this was alright, but it certainly didn’t live up to its name.


If you ever do consider an ATR order, get on their mailing list. They send out coupons almost weekly!

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94 tasting notes

Finally broke into this one and YUM! What I love is that it is butter and almonds without being too sweet. Tastes like walking into my favorite French bakery. So happy!

Flavors: Almond, Butter, Pastries

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217 tasting notes

I couldn’t help myself last week when American Tea Room announced free US shipping on any order and so I bit on some teas I’ve been eyeing off for a while now (sample packs only I swear!!) and have been desperate to try. First out of the package was Brioche and let me tell you, scent wise, this tea is intoxicating!! Both the dry leaf and brewed liquor smell heavily of almond croissant however the taste doesn’t quite live up to the promise in my opinion… Although the almond and pastry notes are present they’re a little too weak and all this tea has done is make me crave real almond croissants!! Tasty but a little disappointing…maybe i’ll try more leaf in my next cup to see if this solves the problem and so I’m holding off on rating for now….

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993 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this one for ages and I’m so glad I was finally able to get my hands on it. This may be my new favorite dessert tea! The black base is smooth and blends perfectly with the warm flavor of a sweet, nutty pastry. I love it plain but it also makes an AMAZING tea latte!

Flavors: Almond, Nuts, Pastries, Smooth, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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199 tasting notes

Oh! This actually tastes like pastry! Not just some unidentified bready thing like I was expecting. There is a good amount of almond and baking spice flavor, making this great for morning drinking or a dessert cup. I saw that this tea company also has a caffeine-free herbal version of this…but I can’t imagine at all how that could come even close to the flavor of this. I believe this was a sample from NayLynn. Thanks so much for letting me try it!!

Flavors: Almond, Cinnamon, Pastries

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737 tasting notes

Got a sample of this from Stephanie-a rather generous sample at that! :D I hear that this tea is very Similar to Lupicia’s Cookie, so I’ve been curious about this one.
I think the closest this tea comes to Cookie is the dry leaf aroma. But while it’s steeping, the smell is mainly cinnamon.
The taste isn’t too much different. A lot of cinnamon, and a lot of butter. It’s like a really buttery, cinnamon cookie.
Not as strong as Cookie, or really as good in my opinion. But it’s not bad, I’ll definitely be able to finish the sample! Just wouldn’t purchase. Thank you so much for the generous sample, Stephanie! :D

Flavors: Butter, Cinnamon


I definitely prefer Cookie to this!


IMO Brioche is closer to Simpson & Vail’s Almond Sugar Cookie. Lupicia’s Cookie doesn’t have the cinnamon, just malty bakey deliciousness. :D


Ah, I just seem to keep reading notes of people comparing it to Cookie. But now that I’m thinking of it, you’re totally right. It is much more similar to Almond Sugar Cookie. But I think I liked Almond Sugar Cookie better even xD


I’ve seen the comparison before, too, but I wonder if someone got confused along the way. Of course, all three are baked-goods-type teas. And all three are yummy. I believe I also preferred S&V’s version to Brioche. But Cookie was another beast, and quite delicious, and I want moar. Hahaha.


I want more of Cookie and Almond Sugar Cookie. I was seriously tempted to place an S&V order last week.

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1780 tasting notes

Getting close to the bottom of this tin and am falling for it all over again! Guess I’ll have to hunt down an alternate now that ATR is gone. The first two steeps of this today were lovely. I’m on a third now and the baked cinnamon is more pronounced. The end of the sip seems a little weaker and hollow, but that is to be expected when steeping the crap out of a flavored tea. The finish is still pretty nice too. It’s a damn good tea!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Ah, I didn’t know ATR had closed ): Better take this off my wishlist then.


The Tea Smith carries Almond Biscotti, which looks to be the same tea.


Ah, thank you! Hoorah for resale.

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185 tasting notes

Not sure what I can add to this, since it’s been so heavily reviewed, but here goes! I couldn’t wait to try this, so I ended up steeping some almost right after I opened the package.

Dry leaf scent was sweet, like sugar, and I picked up on cream right away. The tea liquor has those two scents plus butter. First few sips were just the brew, nothing added. Mostly creamy and buttery taste with a very subtle cinnamon note. Next I added milk, which amped up the cream flavor and transformed it into more of a baked good taste. It wasn’t until I added a tiny amount of coconut sugar that the tea fully lived up to it’s namesake. And, yes, it does have flavor reminiscent of a fresh baked pastry. I didn’t get much almond flavor, though I could see the almonds in the blend, I mean, they are right there, but the taste didn’t come through for me. And the strangest thing was that there was no black tea flavor. A tea that doesn’t taste like tea? Interesting.

For Marzipan: how does this compare with Lupicia’s Cookie? Well, they are completely different. Brioche has mostly cream and butter with a hint of cinnamon, and is much more subtle. Cookie is much more aromatic, and has a stronger flavor of sweetness and milkiness .

So, bottom line is I really like this tea, it’s subtle but well-balanced and certainly a great dessert black. I’ll definitely be friends with Brioche, but my heart belongs to Cookie.

UPDATE: brewed some with breakfast this morning, and steeped it longer than the amount recommended. And there it was: almond! The tea is so mild I think it can handle a steep as long as 6 minutes, so I’ll be doing an extended steep time from now on. More flavor that way and I didn’t get any acid or bitterness, either.

Flavors: Butter, Cinnamon, Cream, Pastries, Sugar

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I would agree – I found Brioche to be along the same lines as Simpson & Vail’s Almond Sugar Cookie, which I do enjoy, but Cookie is a whole different animal. Stronger base tea, and different flavour entirely, though it’s still a baked goodsy flavour. drools

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892 tasting notes

I finally have a few days off from work. And do you know what I’m going to do? Drink obscene amounts of tea! I’ve missed my tea :( Anyways, I’ve been saving the last of this sample for when I can just enjoy it. I love this tea! It’s sooo good. It reminds me of those cinnamon almonds you get at sporting events or any kind of event, actually. It’s full of cinnamon, almond, and custard flavors. Mmmm :)

Flavors: Almond, Cinnamon, Custard, Sugar


Drinking tea is a great way to spend a day off! Enjoy!


Thank you! I shall enjoy :D


You sure do know how to spend your free time!:D

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4330 tasting notes

Miss Stephanie was nice enough to send me a sample of this tea. It’s a fairly famous one around here, and I’ve been curious about it for quite some time. I generally love almond and brioche is delicious, of course! So even though I’m not loving flavored teas as much these days, I was still excited to try this. There are some slices of almond mixed in with the tea, along with those tiny red flower petals that seem to be in every flavored black tea lately. Dry, it smells quite lovely and sweet with a definite almond influence.

Honestly, I wasn’t terribly impressed with this when I tried it straight. Sugar helped a bit. But milk (in my case, vanilla soy) is certainly the secret ingredient here, it makes this taste infinitely more pastry-like and buttery. I can definitely taste the almond, but it’s not a marzipan taste, just nutty and buttery almonds. There’s a little dash of cinnamon, and it really adds a lovely dimension to the tea. I’m almost reminded of French toast, but made with brioche of course! I think next time I’ll brew this a little bit stronger so it’ll stand up to the milk better.

Right now I don’t think I would order this, mostly because I don’t tend to reach for flavored teas as much. Also, I haven’t tried anything else from American Tea Room, and I can’t imagine making an order for just one tea unless it was the best tea ever…

Flavors: Almond, Cinnamon, Cream, Custard, Pastries, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Glad you enjoyed. I didn’t order any until there was a day they were doing free shipping, because it is the only one I really would ever order from ATR, too :)

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