Honeybush Hazelnut

Tea type
Herbal Honeybush Blend
Hazelnut Natural Flavouring, Honeybush
Cedar, Nutty, Coffee, Creamy, Hazelnut, Nuts, Vanilla, Wood, Bark, Honey, Smooth, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 314 ml

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From Adagio Teas

Hazelnut is often paired with chocolates and other confections due to their sweet flavor, creating a decadent treat. This pairing of sweet honeybush and hazelnut is no exception. Enjoy this flavorful caffeine-free tea any time of the day!

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

58 Tasting Notes

115 tasting notes

This is quite the interesting experience. There’s an awesomely powerful nose on the loose leaf itself, dominating any other possible notes, and on the brewed tea as well. Both reek (in a good way) of the sweet and nutty hazelnut flavor.

The loose leaf is pretty small, lots of little pieces with great brownish and red colors. It yields a light golden liquor that is quite nice. I’ve never actually had honeybush before, just it’s cousin rooibos, but this had none of the bitterness or crushing earthiness of the rooibos. I’m not sure if it’s because of the honeybush or if the hazelnut is masking those tastes.

When it comes down to it, the flavor of the tea is so-so. I’d place it generously on the bland, flavorless side. However, that doesn’t fully dampen my feelings as I still enjoy the punch offered by the aroma. Since I’m not a fan of coffee but have always enjoyed the idea, the smell kinda reminds me of the fancy coffee treats they serve at Starbucks. So I feel all mature like I’m drinking a coffee drink. Is that a legit reason to enjoy a tea?

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Auggy 15 years ago

This is the only honeybush tea I’ve enjoyed and that coffee smell/feel is exactly why I like it!

Jason 15 years ago

I’m glad I’m not alone with the whole coffee smell thing. For some reason it makes me feel like less of an adult because I don’t like coffee, so it’s nice to fake it every once in a while :)

takgoti 15 years ago

As someone who lived on coffee for a solid five or so years, and thus shakes and eye twitches and horrible headaches from the caffeine withdrawal when you go without it, you’re not missing out on much. It’s definitely an acquired taste, but even when I was drinking it black I never liked it to the extent that I like tea. [And just as a side note, Starbucks specializes in crazy crap in their coffee because they often burn the beans. Not that I’m saying it doesn’t make it taste good, because I’ll still drink an espresso truffle or a pumpkin spice latte from time to time, but their coffee is piss.] Coffee does have an air of maturity about it, but tea makes me feel fancy and zen.

End diatribe.

So uh…tea drinkers rule and coffee drinkers drool! [Don’t tell my friends I said that.] But a coffee-scented tea might be something I need to take a look at.

Jason 15 years ago

Zen I can do, I’d like to think of myself as rather zen-like. But maybe I’ll take “sophisticated” instead “fancy”.

Auggy 15 years ago

I’m one of those former twitchy coffee-withdrawal people. I was so addicted, when I finally got off of it, I avoided it for 6 years – not just coffee but all caffeine. I’d maybe have a can of coke a year and that’s it. But then I discovered tea… enough caffeine to get me buzzed, but not enough to make me hurt if I miss a day. Perfect! Haha!

Jillian 15 years ago

My only sources of caffeine have always been tea and chocolate, there’s nothing better in my opinion. :D

Jason 15 years ago

I’ve always wondered just how much the caffeine actually affects people. I don’t drink coffee, but I’ve never noticed a difference in my energy caused by caffeine from soda or tea or anything else really. I always find it interesting that so many people who have caffeine/coffee related problems have switched to tea (that’s why Jack, one of the other Steepster guys, switched to tea too).

takgoti 15 years ago

The thing about caffeine for me, is that there are only two things that make my energy levels spike: coffee and energy drinks. [When I was working retail and it was a matter of survival, we’d down energy drinks like it was part of our job. It makes me shake a little involuntarily just thinking about it.] Otherwise, the difference it has in my energy levels isn’t really NOTICEABLE.

With either one of those, I’d get hyper as well. With tea, it’s just like that feeling of wanting to go to sleep, but you can’t because you’re awake. I don’t feel ENERGIZED and I don’t feel like I want to go do something RIGHT NOW, I just feel…awake.

So, tea caffeine = not ready to go to bed. Coffee caffeine = LET’S DRIVE TO PARIS AND GET BERETS AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND HEY! WHAT’S THAT? HEY! WHY IS MY ARM MOVING? I mean, it’s not like that all the time, but it’s easier to get there than it should be. Especially if you’re not used to it. [“Regular” coffee, by the way, has a MUCH higher caffeine content than the more complicated drinks most places offer now.] And you can probably imagine what the crash is like. [Pretty devastating.]

Anyhow, it’s not healthy. And to reiterate, the caffeine headaches are malicious little buggers. They don’t take too long to show up and they’re not very forgiving. I mean, technically, you’re going through withdrawal. The headaches are number one reason why I decided it was time to kick coffee to the curb.

Auggy 15 years ago

I’m pretty much with takgoti. If I have a cup of coffee (even just 8oz), my hands start to shake now. I usually have to have 12 – 16oz of a stout tea to get a hint of that reaction. Though I have done it to myself once or twice on sencha when I’m not really pausing between steeps and used a heavy hand with the leaf.

Coffee makes me chatty, bouncy and shaky. Tea usually makes me awake and aware. Soda, when I have it, tends to get me somewhere in between. Hyper, but not shaky.

I have never had an energy drink. They scare me.

@takgoti: I’m so with you. Caffeine withdrawal headaches: Worse. Headaches. Ever.

Jason 15 years ago

Based on the length of your tasting notes and comments, should I assume you’re always jacked-up on some form of a caffeine packed beverage? You guys are crazy…and I love it!

takgoti 15 years ago

Oh, Jason, Jason, Jason. You have not seen me hyper, so I guess I can’t blame you for not knowing what my tea log would look like if I wrote in it whilst on a true caffeine high [incomprehensible]. The stuff I write on here is simply a result of my lack of a self-edit button [or, ironically, the time to actually sit and edit].

But I am glad that you are enjoying our insanity. It’s quite cathartic on my end.

Auggy 15 years ago

Any insanity is takgoti’s fault. She’s a bad influence on me.


Jillian 15 years ago

Yes, it’s aaaallll Takgoti’s fault! ;p

takgoti 15 years ago

Yeah, it’s true. I’m pretty awesome.

Rena Sherwood 15 years ago

This discussion is heavily caffinated. I think I’m actually waking up now.

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260 tasting notes

The Final Sipdown: Day 4.2

Y’all, we are in the middle of a RAIN. STORM. I can hear it coming down in sheets on the other side of my window shade and, oh yes, right on cue – thunder. Rain like this makes me wish I had a screened in porch to enjoy it from, but as I don’t I’ll settle for making some more tea and finding a blanket.

The wet…leaves?…smell of a strange melange of butter and cedar sawdust and [unsurprisingly] hazelnut. The tea is OUCH. Too hot to drink.

Sniffing the hot liquid, I get a whiff of butter + hazelnut again with an added note of popcorn, and that makes me excited to retry this tea. I’m catching up on last week’s episode of Castle, so I’ll wait patiently for this to cool so I can try again it. I’ll just sit here and smell it while the rain pounds down. Waiting patiently. Waiting…patiently. Watching a commercial about Djibouti. Djibouti is fun to say. So is

Argh, impatient. Going to try this again.

Hmm. Bother. I’m remembering why I rated this so low. It tastes like cardboard. Specifically…tongue depressors. Like the taste of a popsicle stick once the popsicle was gone. That’s what this tea tastes like. Except it doesn’t even seize that completely as it’s watery.

Blast. That was a disappointment. I’m going to grab tea number three. In the meantime, however, I’m going to continue to smell this. Mmm…

Teas Downed: 11

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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219 tasting notes

Just finished reading Sense & Sensibility this weekend. In celebration, I am enjoying a good cuppa and watching the delightful film adaptation with Emma Thompson & Hugh Grant.

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Valerie 12 years ago

swoooooooooon I still need to start reading Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters! I’m almost done the last Game of Thrones book. =3=

Em 12 years ago

:) Just realized that this was my 100th tasting note. Crazy.

gmathis 12 years ago

Steepsterizing just kind of sucks you in. ;)

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6768 tasting notes

thanks Liberteas!

Creamy, Nutty, Sweet, Honey-like, hint of sweet potato, yeah…this is nice! The contrast of sweet and hazelnut is winning, here! Neat!

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you to Sare for this sample!
This was a very old swap, but it still retained lots of its flavour. The hazelnut was apparent and the honeybush was sweet. A decent night time treat with a tiny splash of vanilla creamer.
I think I would have steeped it longer maybe, try to get some more flavour out of it. Oh well, if I ever come across it again I guess!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes

Opened my sample bag of this last night. I was so tired, all I can really remember is that the dry leaf smelt gorgeous, and reminded me of Adagio’s Chestnut from the Holiday Cheer sampler. I drank it black, since that’s what I seem to do with honeybush generally, and found it on the sweet side for my tastes. Pleasant, though, and with a clearly defined hazlenut flavour. I’ll add a more detailed tasting note when I actually managed to drink it AND think about it!

On a related note, my Adagio fandom samplers arrived this morning. The European site has just started stocking them — only Sherlock and Doctor Who for now (I suppose because they’re inspired by BBC programmes?). I don’t place many orders with Adagio now, but I couldn’t resist these! I’m really looking forward to trying them, but my first complaint is that the tins are leaky. I had some tidying up to do when they arrived, as some of them had managed to find their way out of the hinges, which have gaps in. Not great, but fortunately not too much lost. I was pretty intrigued on the whole, though, and had a quick look on the US site to see what else might be coming this way in the future. Then I saw the Game of Thrones and My Little Pony samplers. Oh my, MAJOR WANT! Hopefully if the first two sell well in the UK, the rest will be stocked eventually…I imagine I’m in for quite a wait, though, given how far the European site seems to lag behind the US one — you guys have got loads of cool things on there that I just can’t access. I almost wish I hadn’t looked now, because I’ve made myself impatient. Perhaps I can persuade someone to buy them for me and ship them over…It’s so unfair sigh

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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440 tasting notes

I used to think that I was a huge fan of honeybush. Now, I’m not so sure. I find that a lot of the ones I’m trying these days are a lot darker and more earthy than the ones that inspired my initial love, and this tea is not an exception. I had to add sugar to be able to remove the harshness of the roasted bush, and be able to enjoy the hazelnut flavour that is there and pleasant.

Overall not a great cup, and one I’m not planning on buying again.

ETA: Halfway through and the artificial flavouring is making my stomach queasy. Definitely not one for me.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

I found if I oversteeped it I got more hazelnutty goodness out of it. Basically I just threw the teabag in and left it there…

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4843 tasting notes

This is really good. The hazelnut is sweet, creamy and nutty, and the natural nutty flavor of the honeybush is a perfect match. Sweet, honey-esque, and very autumnal. It’s time to curl up with a good book and a sweet cuppa!

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124 tasting notes

This was another adagio honeybush flavored tea that I really didn’t like the scent of in the package – I think it’s just way to strong for me. When I took a whiff from a distance it was fine.
The brewed tea actually smells a lot like hazelnut coffee, or coffee with hazelnut creamer. I love the scent of hazelnut, so this is definitely a good thing.
I like the flavor of this way more than the vanilla honeybush. Where that tasted artificial, this tastes nutty and nice. The hazelnut and the honeybush really play well together.

This is my second cup of honeybush tea tonight – 10:40 and I’m trying to go to sleep. As opposed to last night when I must have been way too caffeinated. I lay in bed drowsing unable to fall asleep until 7am at which point I thought in foggy horror “oh my god, what if I’ve become one of those people who are unable to sleep and then they just die?”
After thinking that, however, I was able to fall asleep and grab a few hours of sleep. Incredibly, I was fine today after staggering into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of tea.
My point here is, hopefully the honeybush will save me from a caffeine induced all-nighter. (And where was whatever kept me up last night hiding when I was in college and actually wanted to pull all nighters?)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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44 tasting notes

I was excited to find a hazelnut flavored tea. Back in the days when I used to consume coffee, I would always go for anything hazelnut – be it flavored coffee itself or the flavored creamer. And so, I just had to grab a sample of this one seeing as love both hazelnut and honeybush.

It’s not a bad one by any means, but it’s definitely lacking. Unlike in the coffee I used to drink, the flavor of the hazelnut doesn’t carry over into the tea. As to be expected, I really like the smell of it, but that’s where it ends. I’m fooled in to thinking I’ll be enjoying hazelnut only to discover I’m just drinking honeybush. The flavor would probably be brought out more by adding sweetener, but I think the sweetness would just be overwhelming for me.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
mpierce87 14 years ago

Have you tried Florence by Harney and Sons? I am also a former coffee drinker and I find Florence to be rich in both chocolate and hazelnut flavors.

Brittany 14 years ago

I haven’t tried that one, but I’ve read good things about it, so if I ever order from H&S it would be something to keep in mind. Thanks.

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