Chocolate Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Black Tea, Cinnamon Bark, Cocoa Nibs, Ginger Root, Natural Chocolate Flavor, Natural Cinnamon Flavor
Chocolate, Cinnamon, Ginger, Creamy, Smooth, Sweet, Cardamom, Clove, Cocoa, Cloves, Whiskey, Sugar, Spices, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 3 g 13 oz / 374 ml

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From Adagio Teas

While the greatest chocolates may come from Switzerland, the best chocolate tea undoubtedly comes from Adagio. And we guarantee that you won’t choose to remain neutral. This decadent treat infuses the flavor of rich chocolate with the bright, full taste of Ceylon black tea. A rich sugar-free treat, delectable both hot and cold.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

84 Tasting Notes

158 tasting notes

Neither the best chai I’ve ever had, nor the best chocolate-flavored tea. With those statements in mind, it’s not terrible as either one of those things, though I confess that I spent a good deal of time with my face practically inside of the pot as it sat on the stove, just trying to find and lock down any smell of chocolate whatsoever. Adding milk helped.

The flavor is pretty subtle, though. What you’re going to get, mostly, is cinnamon. As chais go this is a pretty mild one; I wouldn’t mind keeping it on-hand to blend, but I’ve had too many good stand-alone chais to be particularly excited by this one…it makes me feel as though it’s missing whatever it would need to give me a good kick (and I feel as though chai has to be able to do that, if the hot milk from the latte isn’t going to put me to sleep instead).

Yeah. The more I sip on it, the more I sort of wish I’d picked something else instead…it’s drinkable but not even remotely special. Boo. I’m laughing a little about the tasting note someone else posted about the tea being like cocoa-dusted pencil wood…that’s pretty accurate, actually.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

It’s a decent chai, but I don’t think I could ever distinguish it over their masala chai in a blind taste test.

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98 tasting notes

Dry Smell: Coffee

Wet Smell: Chocolate Coffee.

There is a muted chocolate flavor and very little spice to this. It’s a little weak all around actually, which is a little sad. I would like to try it in maybe some milk or something since it would be possibly nice as a hot chocolate type things. I don’t know though.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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248 tasting notes

Trying to get through some of my older teas before they go bad (especially since I just ordered some holiday samples from Adagio, and another blend).
This isn’t bad, but I don’t think I’d restock it. I get more of a cocoa flavor than chocolate, but I like that. Ginger and cloves, this would be really good in cookie form! I’ll have to make this as a latte.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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124 tasting notes

The loose tea smells incredibly like chocolate on first whiff.
After that, it smells very strongly of cinnamon – I don’t have a lot of fondness for cinnamon to begin with but this smelled more like a christmas candle. I wasn’t sure how that would bode for the drink.
I mixed up a combination of milk and water 50/50 and brought it just to a boil. I added two heaping teaspoons and set the stovetop on low. I let it simmer for 3 minutes and then strained it.
It still smelled pretty strongly of cinnamon.
The taste was pretty good. I just really don’t like how strongly this smells of cinnamon (I’m just going to keep harping on this), but the flavor was surprisingly light on cinnamon. The milk being brought to the high temps is really sweet and mellow. There isn’t any bad aftertaste at all. It’s fairly pleasant but nothing like the Thai Chai which I really enjoyed. And it really has no chocolate taste to speak of.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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448 tasting notes

I decided to get daring today and try something interesting with this. I did about 3/4 tea, 1/4 milk and a bit of Bailey’s coffee creamer. This turned out absolutely delicious.




That sounds good. I will have to try this! Never added the spirits to my tea, but will give it a “shot” ;)

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61 tasting notes

So I did something awesome today. It was brewing this with eggnog. Massive success! Any and all eggnog fans much try.
Per usual the chocolate was a bit more subdued than I wanted, but it had a definite presence. While I over did it on the eggnog, I still got more of a tea taste than I normally do with this tea, odd. The spices in the chai works perfectly with the eggnog, although overall it came out a bit too sweet as store bought nog so often is.


Try steeping it in chocolate milk;)

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911 tasting notes

My last bit of this one. Yay for decupboarding! I do wish there was more chocolate in this. When made with creamer and sugar, it ends up being a gently spicy, nicely creamy tea with a hint of chocolate. And for something with chocolate in the name, I want more than just a hint of chocolate. Still, anything made with lots of sugar and creamer is never going to be bad.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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297 tasting notes

I got this in the flat rate box I bought from emilie
I brewed this up as a latte on the stove, my home smells fantastic. On first sip I got a soapy taste but after that I could taste all the spices but not the chocolate. The spices really linger on the tongue when the tea is hot.
There was a familiar taste to this tea but I just couldn’t place it and then it came to me, Ginger snaps! Oh how I miss those little round Ginger snaps, I think I’m going to have to buy some now. If without the milk and touch of honey this still tastes like Ginger snaps I’m going to have to add this to my cupboard.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Cinnamon and spice chocolate taste. Not a very smooth chocolate tho. The steeped aroma isn’t too bad but I’m just not sure about this taste. It reminds me when I was in grade school and used to chew on my pencil…that aftertaste you had…ek…with Cocoa Powder on it…yeah…that’s it…Cocoa Powder flavored pencil wood.


That doesn’t sound terribly appetizing.


Mmm, pencil wood…. ;p

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1271 tasting notes

I decided to do something different this morning and try making Tea Oatmeal! ya! So not my typical tea review.

I used this tea as I had just enough to make the oatmeal with a cup for myself. The cup of tea I got out of it I found fell flat. Not much of a chocolate taste and only a little bit of spice to it. I can taste a little bit of ginger and thats it. Looking at the ingredients they only added “chocolate flavoring” booo! Add some real chocolate to it!
I love my chais to be STRONG, this one is not despite doing a strong steeping. With that said, I’m glad I don’t have any of this tea left.

To make the oatmeal, I steeped enough tea to replace the water and boiled the oatmeal in it. As oatmeal it also fell flat too and just tasted slightly bitter. I had to add some cocoa powder and a dash of cinnamon to help it out. I’m not sure if it was the tea that wasn’t good enough or the method. But I guess like cooking with wine, you should cook with a wine you like to drink!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

You actually tried it! :D

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