Fujian Jasmine Pearls - Masters Collection

Tea type
Green Tea
Jasmine Green Tea
Floral, Grapes, Jasmine
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec 20 oz / 591 ml

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From Adagio Teas

Hand-rolled green tea from the Fujian province of China, infused with the delicate scent of night-blooming jasmine. Each pearl is made up of just one leaf and an unopened bud, which unfolds to release a delicate floral fragrance, and a liquor of soft texture and delicately dry finish. While these pearls are not the largest or the most evenly-rolled we’ve seen, we could not pass up the complex elegance of this tea and its quietly hypnotic jasmineRead more

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

17 Tasting Notes

865 tasting notes

Well, I wasn’t planning on placing another order so soon, but I just couldn’t miss out on this once in a life time opportunity so I ordered my 1st pouchong to get this.

The pearls are indeed small, as the description states, and I like that because it makes it easier to get an accurate desired portion size no matter if you measure your tea by volume or weight. As soon as I pop the tin I’m hit in the face w/ jasmine. This makes me question the suggested steeping time. I love their Jasmine #12 (also an oolong) which is also suggested to be steeped at 5 min, but I prefer it at 3. I also love their Jasmine Silver Needle (a white) steeped at 3 min inspite of the 7 min suggested steeping time. Oh well, I’ll make it as suggested 1st and see what happens.

2.25g pearls (~33 pearls)/6oz water. The liquor is a gorgeous medium golden color and the aroma is definitely that of Jasmine, but I can also smell the oolong in the back ground which makes me happy.

Wow… that’s surprising… This is not a “hit you in the face” jasmine that I was expecting based on the steeping time. The jasmine flavor is quite substantial, but the oolong is also clearly evident and gives this tea a smoother, more delicate flavor and mouth feel.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

2nd infusion, 6 min. Liquor is just a bit lighter and the jasmine/oolong flavor ratio is slightly heavier on the oolong.

Cofftea 15 years ago

3rd infusion, 7 min. The liquor is slightly lighter than the last infusion and so is the jasminey flavor. But it’s also sweeter. Yay for the addition to flavor profiles!

Cofftea 15 years ago

4th infusion, 8 min. No change in the liquor, but it’s brighter. More sweetness and oolongyness, less jasminey.

Ricky 15 years ago

Ohhh, you finally tried it. I still haven’t. I really should soon.

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431 tasting notes

The jasmine was a little muted this time but still yummy!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

No different than Jasmine #12 (which is very good) and more expensive, but since I got mine for free I’m happy lol. Just not something I’d ever buy myself.

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98 tasting notes

Got a sample size of this the other day along with a few of the other Master’s Collection teas. The tea is labeled as green tea but tastes and looks a lot more like a white to me. The smell of jasmin is very pleasant and tastes very light and smooth. As of this time I am on my 5th infusion and it has lost very little taste as well. In all, I am loving it.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 13 years ago

Matt: I notice you don’t have any reviews of Teavivre teas. They are fantastic, and you can try them free, go to Teavivre.com and click on the button for free tea tasting. They send samples free of charge as long as you provide your reviewing info, such as what site you will be reviewing on and under what user name. Their jasmine dragon pearls are amazing, and then they added an even higher grade that I didn’t think possible. Their monkey picked oolong is better than Teavana’s to me, and their ginseng oolong is excellent. They have so many great puerhs, too. I love the Mengku Palace but their Rioened Aged Mini Tuocha are excellent, and I have to keep those in stock for my son and his GF.

Matt 13 years ago

Thank you for the tip! I cannot wait to get some of their teas, I’ve actually been to their site before but somehow missed the fact that I could get free tea. Cannot wait!

ashmanra 13 years ago

when you go to their home page, just click on Free Tea Tasting Activity. It is about halfway down the page on the far right. It takes a while to arrive from China, but it comes registered mail and they keep up with the package. It is worth the wait. I end up buying at least half of what I sample, and often have to ord more for people who try their tea at my house!

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190 tasting notes

First off, I love the way the hand rolled pearls look- they are dainty,delicate and just beautiful. The strong smell of Jasmine is a bit overpowering. Although Jasmine is a natural strong scent, that some people don’t enjoy, I do enjoy it- it’s sweet smelling and floral at the same time- which is appealing. The taste of this tea is not as strong as the smell by any means, the liquor is very delicate and wonderful all around. It’s light, it’s floral, it’s just great. I really think this tea would be wonderful to drink on a summer or spring day when it is not warm or cold, but just in between. All around, I think this tea is great and I respect Adagio offering higher quality teas in their new Maestro Collection.

Peggie Bennett 15 years ago

I love Jasmine Pearls and how they unfurl in the cup. Beautiful and tasty.

LissaMarie 15 years ago

Me too. They are a treat for the eyes and the mouth. :)

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46 tasting notes

The only other rolled Jasmine pearl that I’ve tried is Adagio’s Jasmine #12 so I’m basing my review in comparison to that one. This Jasmine is exceptional. The floral notes may overpower some but I say “bring it on!!” This tea steeps so well multiple times and the flavor just continues to get better. Like the Jasmine #12 the tea is expensive but it is such a great experience for all of your senses. From the feel of the “fuzzy” handrolled pearls to the sight of the leaves unfurling and to the amazing fruity and floral taste of the resulting tea. This one is well worth the experience, and the fact that you can steep it over and over means you can drink somewhere around 5-6 cups of tea without changing the leaves. That brings more and more value to this tea.

First steep was 185º, 3g leaves/8oz water, 3 minutes. Second was 1 minute longer and third was another minute longer. Extremely enjoyable tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

I’ve tried this, Jasmine #12, and Superior Jasmine Pearls. All are AHHmazing!

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38 tasting notes

Free sample from Adagio. Being a huge fan of jasmine, I am very impressed with this blend. I have had some other’s that are just pure in your face jasmine that I really dislike. This blend is a little smoother and more subtle. Probably due to the oolong that kind of tames it down a bit.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

Waiting on mine!:)

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16 tasting notes

These pearls arrived in a beautiful tin which was a good start to this tea. The pearls aroma was silky smooth and I have been anticipating this tea since before I ordered it.

On my first pot, I let it steep for 1:45 and the tea came out with a hint of bitterness. Although delicious, it tasted a little burnt.

On my second infusion, I lowered the time to 1 minute and the water temp to around 190 and it was much better but still not perfect.

Third infusion was also a little bitter but I wasn’t sure if it was the time, or the temperature.

I made this tea multiple times adjusting the amount of pearls, time, temperature, and covering the pot, and I got it right a few times where the taste was just perfect.
I want to give this tea a solid 95 for taste, but it is just so delicate and needs to be absolutely perfect to come out right. If any mistake is made, the punishment is harsh.

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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12 tasting notes

My free sample (thank you twitter!) arrived today, and so I naturally had to try this “sneak preview.” Very jasmine-scented and -flavored, it has almost no notes of the oolong base. First steep – 180F, 4:30. Second steep – 185F, 4:15. Third steep – 175F, 3:45.

Cofftea 15 years ago

I’ve actually discovered that a shorter steep gives more flavor. I haven’t gotten mine yet, but I love their Jasmine #12 at 3min so maybe give that a try. A temp of ~200 might be better as well.

Nigel Fisher 15 years ago

I tried it today (3:00 @ 200F) and it was much better.

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13 tasting notes

Upon opening the tin, the unmistakeable scent of jasmine wafted through the air. This worried me at first, because I generally associate strong scents to artificial flavor, and artificial jasmine flavors come off as chemical-like to me. I was pleasantly surprised, however. The jasmine taste is very smooth and pleasant without covering up the oolong. This tea is very relaxing to me, and has proved to be one of the only jasmine teas I have actually liked. I have to thank adagio on this one for the new maestro collection. It’s an exciting experience to try higher quality teas at affordable prices.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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10 tasting notes

Part of Adagio’s Maestro Collection. from the fujian province in china.

Nose and Color: Beautiful jasmine smell. Hand rolled pearls look exceptional. Leaves unroll as they are steeping wonderfully. not overpowerful

Taste: very floral. good after mutiple steeps. light flavor. tastes like most jasmines. this may be a little too overpriced for me considering you can get some good jasmines for better prices

Full review here: http://www.indieteas.com/home/2010/4/9/tea-review-15-adagios-fujian-jasmine-pearl.html

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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