16 Tasting Notes


This tea was a nice surprise yesterday morning. I had it with breakfast and even while eating a high fat, high sugar meal, I could taste the strong as well as subtle flavors in this tea. I can’t pin point exactly what I tasted, but I can say that it was a very refreshing black tea. Most black teas are extremely complex and while this is by no means simple, it feels like this could be drank hot even on a hot day. The flavors are very clean and apparent from the first sip to the last.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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As I opened this tea I took a good long smell and the aroma was slightly overpowering. I have drank plenty of good and bad jasmine silver needles and from the strong smell, I was anticipating a soapy type flavor.

Well I was dead wrong.

This tea has a lot of flavor alright, but it was not overpowering at all. It was very gentle with a delicious jasmine taste that topped off the beginning and end of each sip. The man or woman who made this tea must have been highly skilled because it is very difficult to make a perfect jasmine white tea.
This tea is up there on my list and I feel as though it could almost rival thepuritea’s white jasmine or even my Verdant’s jasmine silver needle!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This milk tea is quite fantastic. This arrived in a sample pack and looked and smelled wonderful. The leaves were rolled very tight, and I have honestly never seen such a large amount of unrolled leaves come from 2 initial teaspoons.
The tea itself was very good and have a great milky floral flavor. I am so amazed at the differences from this and regular high mountain oolong. This was a very pleasant tea to drink and lasted for 3 full western style brews. I highly recommend this to anybody wanted to see why milk oolong is so much different than regular.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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This tea is quite an exceptional oolong. It has a slightly roasted flavor and is very deep and complex. It is quite sweet and lasts through at least 4 infusions in which the flavor changes and progresses. It starts dark and ends sweet. If you like roasted oolongs then this is definitely one to try.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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One of my favorite black teas. From the second I drank think I could not believe that it was just over $1 per ounce. It’s taste is very fresh and tastes very “real”.
With of tea of this price I wouldn’t expect it to steep more than once, but I got 3 and almost 4 steeps from it with great flavor each time.
You can taste a high quality black tea behind the hint of sweet mango and it has a sort of light crisp flavor.
This also makes exceptional iced tea. I have purchased twice already and I will be making a third and forth purchase.
Did I mention how kind the people at thepuritea.com are? I had a mistake on my order and they sent me my correct order with a plethora of free samples all free of charge. I didn’t even pay shipping. They responded to my email both times within an hour. Their customer service is among the highest I’ve ever seen.
The whole experience was excellent. That is all :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This green tea is exceptionally green. The grass notes was very apparent and the flavor is strong. The second steep was much more suitable for me and I found the flavor to be less overwhelming. It is good, just be ready for a lingering kick!

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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This tea is very fresh and crisp. You can taste hints of light floralness. It steeps quite well and the leaves look beautiful.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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This wild black tea is quite different but in a similar way. It has all the characteristics such as a malty and woody flavor of a good black tea, yet there is something quite different.
When I took my first sip I noticed there was a kick of something I rarely taste in black tea. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it was a good surprise. If you are looking for something different then give this a try.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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Before you read this review, you should know that I have only tried a few puerhs and I don’t feel fully qualified to give all the tasting complexities and details.

That being said, this puerh is AWESOME! I mean it smells and tastes like sticky rice. The whole experience is amazing. The taste is just perfect and every sip comes with the initial sticky rice flavor, followed by a very earthy and dirty puerh taste but in a good way, if that makes any sense.

It is hard to describe but I think this may be one of my favorite puerhs for a while and I see it being very hard to beat.
You must try this tea purely for the interesting flavor. But you better hurry! Chicago tea garden is closing and only have a few 500g bags of this left.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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I have been very interested in tea since early 2012 and have jumped in head first. Strangely, it has effected everybody around me including many of my close friends and my girlfriend.
Tea is now part of my everyday routine and it keeps getting better. Cheers!


Southern California