Thanks again for the lovely package, Beorhthraefn! The leaves here kind of look like the yellow tea I had the other day, a dusty tan color, though the leaves here have hints of pink? Never seen that before. The leaf shape looks in between sencha or silver needle. I was reading tasting notes that said this one didn’t have much flavor, so I used two teaspoons. The flavor is pretty mild – tastes like the lightest white tea and there isn’t really any comparisons to make to actual flavor notes. Trying to get more out of the leaves the second time, the temp was too hot and the time was too long, because I just ended up with a cup of bitter. Oh well. I always love the black teas from Adagio anyway!
Steep #1 // 30 min after boiling // 1 1/2 min steep
Steep #2 // 20 min a.b. // 2-3 min