Tea of the Week for February 24, 2020!
I’ll be real right now & admit that even though I’ve never actually tried the Mojito cocktail, I’ve tried ‘virgin’ forms of it (including my own blends) & I love them, so there’s no doubt in my mind that when the time comes that I happen to try the alcoholic version, I will probably love that too. I think it’s the combo of lime and mint – it just works … & works beautifully!
This time around, I decided to go Kiwi with my Mojito! This blend starts with organic Chinese Gunpowder green tea, then I added a bunch of freeze-dried kiwi, some lime & spearmint, plus a touch of rum extract (don’t worry, it’s alcohol free!) The result is absolutely delightful! The kiwi is well-defined, the mint is crisp yet subtle, the lime adds just a hint of brightness to the cup without overpowering the kiwi & the rum note adds a touch of smoothness to the overall taste. It’s really quite a refreshing cup – one that makes a winner of an iced tea – as well as an enjoyable hot tea.
I’m really happy with how this one turned out – it’s nicely balanced. It’s organic, VEGAN, gluten-free & allergen free … & as I said above, it’s also alcohol free!
organic ingredients: green tea, kiwi, spearmint, lime & natural flavors