Lemon Ginger Cookie Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Ginger, Oolong, Organic Flavours
Creamy, Floral, Ginger, Lemon Zest, Smooth, Sweet, Roasted, Lemon, Citrusy, Spicy, Cookie
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Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by khamilton611
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 307 ml

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This was one of the suggestions I got for the new blend in the 12 Teas of Christmas set. I liked the idea so much I decided to make it NOW rather than save it for the gift set. Fujian oolong, ginger and lemon myrtle combined with organic flavors make this a treat you won’t want to miss out on. It will warm your bones and please your palate.

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At 52teas.com, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

21 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Trying to satisfy my cookie cravings with tea? (It’s not working. I want cookies.) This tea isn’t too bad; it’s a bit astringent but I believe I oversteeped it by a decent amount. Both lemon (good lemon, no cleaner) and ginger are present in the flavour, but there isn’t really anything cookie-like. It would be better without the astringency but nothing spectacular.

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1269 tasting notes

Love You Oolong Time! I got a sample of this in the Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox (thanks tea-sipper for organizing and to whoever contributed this!), and it appears to be the original blend, rather than the reblend. As I’m trying to focus on oolongs this month, and since I’m fighting off a cold I’ve been craving citrus ginger blends, this was a perfect choice!

This tea has a very silky, smooth, somewhat creamy mouthfeel. It steeps up a bold lemon yellow color, and has a very sweet lemony flavor. There are some subtle ginger notes that hit toward the back of the tongue toward the finish of the sip, but they are more mellow than a typical lemon ginger tea, and since I prefer my teas to not be too heavy on the ginger, I prefer the more gentle touch of the spice and the overall naturally sweeter profile. I think what is most unique about the flavor is there is a soft, subtle floral flavor just beneath the citrus, which likely contributes to a lot of the sweetness and mellowing out the heat of the touch of ginger. This is a very nice lemon ginger tea, much sweeter and creamier than any of the other lemon ginger teas I’ve tried recently during “ward off the plague” mode. I don’t normally add sweetener to my teas, but do feel that adding a little sugar makes this a little more “cookie” like; while I really enjoy the tea for what it is, it doesn’t really make me think of a dessert blend.

Full Review: https://teatimetuesdayreviews.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/tea59/

Flavors: Creamy, Floral, Ginger, Lemon Zest, Smooth, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (309)

My day started with 326 teas and my goal was to get to 310 though when I browsed my cupboard I came across a few teas I forgot to remove. So because of that and my sipdowns from the day, I am now at 309 teas and I think I will make my new goal 300 teas for the day. I just gotta channel my inner Sil.

This particular sipdown is courtesy of Arby who sent me a sample of this tea to try. It is a mellow tea and really quite nice. All components are present. The ginger creates warmth and just a touch of ginger flavor. The lemon is soft and creamy and the oolong is just a touch floral underneath it all. There is also a sweetness that combined with the other flavors creates a baked goods vibe that makes for the cookie component. It is a really nice tea, though one that is subtle with its flavors. You don’t get a lot of anything but at least you get a little of everything. Thank you Arby for the share!


Go you!


Wow! I thought my three sipdowns were pretty good. Great work!

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1403 tasting notes

Forgot to log this one from a few days ago.

Something about the flavours in this blend seems disjointed to me. The ginger is too up in your face and not enough cookie. The lemon is subtle and lovely, but is no match for the ginger. The roastiness of the oolong seems to contribute to the harshness of the ginger.

Second and third steeps are kinder. The drinking continues.

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672 tasting notes

I loved the idea of this one, but for me it turned out a bit weird. The oolong base is rich, creamy, and floral, which sounds great, but somehow it tastes at odds with the lemon and ginger. I think ginger needs an earthier or maybe just a milder base. Not getting any cookie hints here, which is too bad because a buttery cookie note might actually tie this all together.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2992 tasting notes

Lots of lemon and ginger (spicy! I love it) but no cookie/pastries and I was hoping for more of the oolong. I’m guessing the citrusy lemon myrtle and ginger are too strong of flavours, so they took over in this steep. It was still really fantastic, and I’d absolutely drink this again.

Flavors: Citrusy, Ginger, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Spicy

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 20 OZ / 600 ML

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117 tasting notes

No cookie. No oolong. Sad face. :( This tea was okay, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for. As a lemon ginger tea it was yummy, but as a lemon ginger cookie oolong it failed. It was tasty for what it was though. :)


Flavors: Ginger, Lemon


This one is in the process of being reblended – hopefully my reblend will be better. :)

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4342 tasting notes

Additional notes: This is a good candidate for sore throat drinking. It’s got BIG pieces of ginger. It’s got lemon. It’s still very tasty! Raising the rating from 78 because it’s such a nice tea to have around at the moment. Maybe Anne should do a reblend for these times. It’s just very scary if this sore throat is from the one time I left the house and went to the store. I also went to the post office two days before that. Immediately using hand sanitizer when I got in the car both times. Otherwise, I’ve been distancing… so be careful everyone. I guess the virus can stay in the air for three hours, so this leaves many many places very unsafe if anyone with it is coughing sneezing.
Also, my tea kettle broke a couple days ago, so it’s back to stove steeping in a pot for me for a couple days. I thought I had JUST bought this tea kettle but a quick search of my e-mail orders says it was mid 2014. Cripe, time flies.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon


Got zinc lozenges? I find those to be helpful, especially at the first hint of a throat tickle (you almost have to start sucking on them before you have symptoms :)


I’ve never heard of zinc lozenges? So I definitely don’t have any


Cold-Eeze is one brand name, and I believe Airborne may have branded ones as well. I just grab store brand generics when I can.


My kettle finally gave out after 10+ years and I did some research before settling on a Secura stainless inside and plastic outside. I don’t want to worry about plastic in my hot water. I really like it, though it is rather loud.


I JUST brewed up my new kettle! A $20 Bodum is good enough for me, if it lasts six years.


gmathis – oh okay, I’ve heard of those. :D

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1908 tasting notes

This is a very warm, pleasent tea especially when it’s had a chance to cool off a bit and allow the sweetness of the oolong base to emerge. The ginger is a maybe a touch too much and I would like a bit more cookie flavour but it’s an enjoyable blend.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

This is one that will be reblended soon – one of the 52Teas Ambassador’s requested it as their reblend choice to fulfill their Kickstarter pledge.


cool :)

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639 tasting notes

The dry leaf aroma is strongly ginger. The brewed tea aroma is lemon. The flavor is a light mixture of the two on a solid oolong base. I think the oolong lends a slightly scone-like note to the tea. It’s definitely more scone to me than cookie. If I add sweetener, it may shift more towards the latter. But I’m quite enjoying this sans additions.

I have had the stomach flu for the past 48 hours. I finally feel better today. This ginger tea is hitting the spot. There’s something pinching in the back of my mouth though. Not sure what that is but certain ingredients have evoked this reaction in me in the past. Maybe the lemon myrtle? Anyway, this is a solid ginger tea. Re-name it Lemon Ginger Scone Oolong and it’d be a complete success. I’ve got two packages of it if anyone wants to try it!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I would love to. Let me know if you want to swap…


Sending some your way! :)

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