This is another tea from the swap with OMGsrsly, and unlike the last tea this is unquestioningly a holiday tea.
Teaware: 16oz ForLife glass mug and infuser
Measured dry: 2 teaspoons
Temperature: 212º F
Steeping Time: 3 minutes
Additives: 3tsp raw sugar
Despite the fact the ingredients list peppermint and not spearmint, the dry tea smells overwhelmingly of sweet spearmint gum, and I can’t catch a whiff of the black tea or marshmallow root at all. I’m not sure what to expect from the marshmallow, but I’m curious to see how it will translate into the cup.
Now that it’s steeped, the black base has definitely come out to play, and the tea itself is a lovely dark amber. I’m still getting a bit of spearmint gum here, but it’s a lot milder than the dry aroma. I can’t pick out any contributions from the marshmallow root, but it’s still very sweet, beyond my raw sugar alone, and leaves a minty aftertaste and tingle in my mouth after each sip.
This is an interesting one, and I’m glad I got a chance to try it!
I got this one and Read My Lips from Cavocorax, and found this one too spearmint-y for me. So glad that wasn’t just my imagination!