Strawberry Pie Honeybush

Tea type
Herbal Honeybush Blend
Not available
Cherry, Medicinal, Woody, Drying, Tangy, Wood, Cinnamon, Strawberry, Pastries, Cream, Sour, Sweet, Berries
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 337 ml

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  • “Best. night. evar. No really. tonight i think wins the prize for the best evening out here in beijing. One of the women who is also in to the city for the work we’re doing here, had a friend come...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bleh. I am so self-destructive. I think I may have just ruined Valentine’s Day for myself/the boy because of my own insecurities. :/ It has not been a great week, and the trend looks to continue...” Read full tasting note
  • “I did it. I finally placed my 52 Teas order. I ended up with 19 different items and it came out to about $65. Not bad. I am having a cup of this tasty tea to celebrate. When I first had this I...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! Good thing too, because that Banana Pudding black tea really could not be passed up and I’m trying to hold strong with my “75 teas or less” rule. Although who am I kidding? I’m never...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Why should apple, cherry and blueberry get all the attention? Here’s our strawberry pie flavored honeybush with real freeze dried strawberries, organic vanilla bean bits, cinnamon and all natural flavors including strawberry, vanilla and hints of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon!

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

165 Tasting Notes

125 tasting notes

I had to run blog this tea quickly before I go to bed. I have been searching for the perfect strawberry tea and I may have found the one. It is SOO delicious, with some nice cinnamon-y notes to complement the warm strawberry.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

FYI this one seems to do fine even if you let it sit for 10+ mins accidentally lol it just gets more strawberrier…yes that’s an English word for me tonight haha

Sweet Canadian

Awesome :) I really liked it, seems like a great evening tea for all times of the year.


yeah it’s a staple in my cupboard for when i need a strawberry fix in the evening :)

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1184 tasting notes

Thanks Amanda for this sample!

There is not as much strawberry flavour as I thought there would be :(. It is sweet and I do get a baked goods taste, but not pie crust. The cinnamon is nice but it is taking over the strawberry taste. Even though it isn’t as strawberry as I would like, I do enjoy cinnamon. So for a cinnamon tea, it is good.

I brewed 2 cups of this last night and put one in the fridge to cool. It is still pretty good but I think I like it hot better.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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709 tasting notes

My 52Teas order arrived yesterday, and I made a pot of this to try out. The smell in the bag was wonderful strawberry sweetness, like candy or strawberries with a lot of sugar. Steeped, the smell diminished somewhat and I personally found the flavours surprisingly muted. i got a hint of something I would call cinnamon (is there any in there? I hope so…) and would have liked a but more strawberry flavour to go with the dry smell. I think next time I’ll steep for longer and see how it goes. I also totally missed out on the pie flavours. I’ll try harder next time : )


I let this steep for at least 7 minutes, as well as the length of the cup. Maybe that will help?? :)


I think I definitely underdid it. i tend to let Rooibos go for 7 to 10 minutes, or the cup, but I treated this more as a black tea. I’m all over the place! : )


Yep, I like to steep the 52Teas honeybush teas as long as possible. They only get better!

Southern Boy Teas

I would also recommend about a tablespoon of tea per 12-16oz cup.

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310 tasting notes

Mmm, this one is good too. I’m having good tea luck today. I was worried that I wouldn’t like this one. I get cinnamon, then strawberry, then cinnamon, and then the aftertaste leaves me with a feeling of a brown sugar oatmeal crumble topping. I don’t get ‘crust’, but I think the crumble topping is even better. I sweetened it with a little agave nectar. This is my first ValenTea sample. I might have to buy more of this.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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4323 tasting notes

Another one from Rachel’s sale! Thank you! One teaspoon for a few minutes and mmmm. I love the strawberry flavor with this one and there is plenty. I can definitely imagine a very glazey strawberry pie, especially since there is also a slight pie crust flavor. The ingredients list for this one is nice but my sample might be a bit older, since I wish some of those flavors were more present.

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314 tasting notes

I’m spending this whole stormy, rainy day cloistered indoors—and sipping this feels so cozy and uplifting. I mostly taste tangy strawberries and sugary cinnamon. Maybe even something graham-y like pie crust? This is a very “homey”, warm strawberry.

I love it!

Boiling 8 min or more

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694 tasting notes

I have read so many good things about 52 Teas, but was starting to wonder if I would find a blend that I would really enjoy. The flavors are all interesting and intriguing, but the black tea base wasn’t sitting with me right. This is finally one I really like! Strawberry, vanilla, and a hint of cinnamon. The flavors blended together so nicely. Yum!


It really is a tasty cup. I am glad you found a 52 tea that you enjoy. I am also iffy with their black teas but Frank knows how to make a good honeybush.


This sounds absolutely delicious!


Its SO good!!!

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658 tasting notes

My second 52 Teas order (Valentines samples) arrived today. It took a month to get here, just like the first. I was disappointed by the teas in my first order and felt most sure about this one out of the order so I chose to make it first it because I really want to like ’em!

This is good. The smell is heavenly. But, I’m not getting the WOW STRAWBERRY that others seem to. For me it’s definitely more in the scent than in the flavour. I do really enjoy the vanilla and subtle and warm cinnamon in this one, though. It really hints at baked goods. My boyfriend’s mug cooled off when he didn’t finish it (he liked it but was distracted by video games) so I finished it and quite liked it cold.

I’m really glad there is none of the weird stuff happening in this one like there are in the earl grey cheesecake, apple vanilla chai, and peach cobbler for me. I think I will wind up ordering some.

7 min, 0 sec

I’m glad you found one to like!

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15 tasting notes


I received my first 52 teas order last week! Yay!!! :-D

This was the first tea that I opened. The smell is delicious!!! I’m not if it smells exactly like strawberry pie, but it is a really delicious sweet vanilla-y strawberry smell. I don’t find the smell to
be too heavy on the cinnamon, which I was a little worried about, and I don’t find it to be artificial
smelling at all. It is the perfect balance of ingredients! I tried this first without any milk or sugar,
steeped for 10 min. I could definitely smell the deliciousness while I was drinking it, but couldn’t
detect a whole lot of taste (I was starting to get a bit of a cold at the time though). However,
altogether i would say that it was a pretty enjoyable tea-drinking experience and I decided that I
would make sure to try it again after I started to get over my cold.

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280 tasting notes

I have had this a number of times now, and have been holding off rating it to get as good an idea as possible. Each time, it felt too weak, so last night, I used boiling water for 15 minutes! That did the trick.

First of all, I will say I think it is a delicious tea and very good for a honeybush/rooibos blend (yes, I know it is actually honeybush, but I am putting them in the same overall category because I enjoy both).

However, I don’t know if it was my particular batch, but I didn’t taste the pie aspect of this tea at all. I know that is a lot to hope for, but after hearing so much about 52teas, I really had my hopes up.

I added a little vanilla icrecream to my cup, and it was amazing!! However, it still didn’t taste like “strawberry pie”. The strawberry was very much there, as well as a little sweetness, etc. (even without the icrecream), but not bakey.

Nevertheless, though it didn’t meet my expectations, I still I look forward to trying some of their other blends when cupboard space frees up! Or, if Frank blends something I just can’t resist, which has almost happened, but not quite. . .

Boiling 8 min or more

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