737 Tasting Notes

This is a nice bagged chamomile. Sweet, smooth, fragrant. Everything you’d expect!

My other half brought a few of these bags back from a hotel room for me. Isn’t that sweet? :)

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drank Earl Grey by Gloria Jean's
737 tasting notes

Really really good loose Earl Grey. The second steep isn’t so good, but the first more than compensates for that.

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Pro-biotic tea is such a good idea!

I love ginger teas, too. This one doesn’t taste much like ginger, but that’s okay because it still tastes good. Very light and lemony and smooth. This would be an excellent tea to drink when fighting off a stomach bug or some other nasty virus.

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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Dandelions! Who knew?

This one has a little more of a bite to it before it sinks into Yogi’s usual slightly sweet, aggressively herbal aftertaste. The spice can be easily accredited to the cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper.

I have no idea what Burdock, Long Pepper Berry, Phellodendron, Coptis Root, or Winter Melon are, or what they do, but I’ve been drinking this tea for a while, and I seem to be fine, so I’m going to assume that they’re at least harmless, if nothing else.

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This is the best bedtime tea I’ve ever had, in terms of how well it works. I only use it when I’m really really super restless, like last night.

The tea just makes me feel a little more relaxed and open to clearing my mind. I drank it before I did some yoga, meditation, and prayer, and it definitely helped get my mind in the right place for those things.

Yogi teas all taste basically the same to me, so I’m not making a plug for its flavor. It tastes like a sweet, apple-y, herbal bouquet of so-so-ness. No caramel that I can detect, despite what the ingredient list claims. But it really does deliver on its promise of “supporting a good night’s sleep.”

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drank Calming by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Very typical Yogi blend. Sweet-tasting, thick mouthfeel, wheaty- aftertaste, verrrrry long list of ingredients, some of which have funky names, etc.

I was feeling a little panicky before I made it, and after I sipped on it for a bit, I felt better. Would I go so far as to give this tea all the credit? No. Did it maybe help take some of the edge of? Yes.

All in all, pretty good. I wouldn’t buy a box of this unless I had a coupon or it was on sale, though.

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Oh my God. I actually had to dump this mug of tea down the drain after two sips. This has never happened to me before.

I don’t know what happened! I used hot (not boiling) water and I let it steep for two minutes before I tried it. It just tasted disgusting. Bitter
and almost like garlic!

I’ve had this one before, too, and liked it. Normally it’s lightly floral and fairly smooth for a bagged commercial blend. This was a total abomination.

I made a mug of loose tea instead from another company to console myself.

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Had 2 mugs of this today! It’s an absolutely genius idea. I’ve always thought that oolong tastes chocolately, and mint is like the universal balancer in the tea world. This tea is blended perfectly and absolutely lovable.

It’s like you’re having a treat, even though it’s calorie-free (if you drink it straight like I do) and healthy.

At least, that’s what I told myself as I used it to wash down half a pint of Chubby Hubby…

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I can’t drink coffee anymore since I weaned myself off of it. It just has so much caffeine in it. Doesn’t matter if I drink it at 8:30 am or 8:30 pm. I will sleep very badly in either case. So instead, when I need that extra kick in the pants to get myself going in the morning, I drink either yerba mate, or lately, this stuff.

I know you’re supposed to add milk to this tea for taste’s sake, but I also know that adding milk to tea negates any health benefits it may otherwise have provided. And, since tea is pretty much the only healthy thing I’ve been ingesting lately, I figured this morning that I’d better drink this straight.

It’s bitter, it’s astringent, it’s nutty, it’s in-your-face… And I love it. Maybe it’s my Scottish blood saying this, but there’s something fortifying for the soul in the strong aftertaste of this tea. It makes English breakfast tea seem wimpy by comparison, which I’m sure many Scottish people would be delighted to hear.

I’m thinking this will become a staple in my tea chest from now on.

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Like, seriously, I’m just about in panic mode. I’m convinced that I’m going to get sick again if I don’t watch out. My eating has been atrocious, and my sleep has been sucking, too.

Here’s to hoping that this light, fruity, echinacea-infused bag of goodness will save me! I haven’t had it in a while, and I forgot how delicious it is.

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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