You know I love a good Yunnan and I know my Sororitea Sister Liberteas LOVES Darjeeling…so that is why I got this sample when I re-ordered. It’s very different and I don’t think I can compare it to anything else I have tried. But I really like it!

It smells malty but with a spec of smoke. It also has just a little bit of fruit goodness trying to hide underneath!

The flavor is incredible malty with a fair amount of ‘crustiness’. There is a bit of smoke, a little fruit, and a hint of bitterness – but in a good way.

This offers a a roller coaster of flavors and a unique and conversational tasting experience!

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

This one sounds awesome. A very interesting blend.

MsWhatsit 12 years ago

What is “crustiness”? That’s like using the word crunch in a name. The only crunchy teas I’ve had are the ones in which I ate the steepings. Crusty sounds like you added croutons or something.

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LiberTEAS 12 years ago

This one sounds awesome. A very interesting blend.

MsWhatsit 12 years ago

What is “crustiness”? That’s like using the word crunch in a name. The only crunchy teas I’ve had are the ones in which I ate the steepings. Crusty sounds like you added croutons or something.

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