Thanks Muppetlove

Ok…so…before I jot down my tasting notes…here’s a small rant…It sort of annoys me when companies name a tea/tisane something like “Roasted Almond” and then you find out it also has Cinnamon, Apple, Beetroot, The Kitchen Sink in it in addition to Almonds (or whatever the main ingredient is in which the company then named the tea) Do you know what I mean? If it’s straight-up Roasted Almond with a “whatever” base…COOL…but if you have a bunch of other ingredients along side with it I think they should come up with another name for it. Now…I’m not knockin’ the tea or the company or whatever because flavor matching IS an art that I appreciate and applaud BUT if you are going to have a create flavor combo give the tea a creative name, too! Having said that (and it will in no way affect my rating or thoughts or feelings about this company or other companies or their products….just a random rant from me and this was the tisane I was drinking at the moment! LOL)…

Actual Notes for this one…

This is pink/purple in color…thanks to the BEETROOT. I can taste the apple first and foremost. It’s not overly puckery probably because of the nuts AND Cinnamon. The Cinnamon is subtle which I like. It sort of tastes like a fruit/veggie/nutty/spice combo. It’s tasty enough and probably one of the better attempts at this flavor combos that I have tried. The ingredient ratio they used worked really well!

As it cools it sort of tastes like cinnamon apple sauce with almonds…maybe like a Almond Apple Cinnamon Cookie or Muffin, even…minus the cakey/bakey.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Agreed and this one is pretty good!

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Agreed and this one is pretty good!

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