Roasted Almond

Tea type
Fruit Tea
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Boiling 7 min, 15 sec

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  • “2nd tisane of the evening… no I am not having a rocking Friday night but I have big plans for the rest of the weekend so I don’t feel too bad for being nerdy today. This tea should be called...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Muppetlove Ok…so…before I jot down my tasting notes…here’s a small rant…It sort of annoys me when companies name a tea/tisane something like “Roasted Almond” and then you find out it also...” Read full tasting note
  • “Additional notes: This was the perfect tea for today. The dry tea smelled a bit stale, since it isn’t exactly new, but the tea tasted the same. I was able to steep two teaspoons in my new...” Read full tasting note

From ESP Emporium

An acid-free base is embossed by the high portion of sweet apple pieces and its red color nuance comes from the added beetroot. The flavor note is determined by tempting, sweet, roasted, caramelized almonds. It is a taste experience which your nose and palate knows and loves from spring and summer fun fairs, the October Fest and Christmas markets. Our tip: simply try it and.., enjoy! For a perfect taste impact brew the tea for 10 minutes.

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5 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

2nd tisane of the evening… no I am not having a rocking Friday night but I have big plans for the rest of the weekend so I don’t feel too bad for being nerdy today. This tea should be called “almond apple” because it is quite fruity in addition to the almond. I wonder if this is the same exact tea that Joy’s teaspoon carries? Has anyone tried them both?

Boiling 8 min or more
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Azzrian 12 years ago

I have – I have them both and to me they are exactly the same. I love them both dearly :)

TeaBrat 12 years ago

Thanks Azzrian, they do look the same

Indigobloom 12 years ago

and there is an almost identical one at Tea Emporium and David’s! popular blend huh

TeaBrat 12 years ago

I guess they are all using the same wholesaler or something!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

In the Toronto area, for sure… I saw one at Tealish as well, but I never had a chance to try that one though the ingredients are very similar

Kittenna 12 years ago

I feel like DT would have blended their own…? But yes, i have the same thing from Caraway Teas as well.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

yah I asked the people at tealish about it once because they had so many similar blends to other shops… didn’t really get a straight answer. They use different suppliers, so they say. I imageine David’s does as well, so I guess these are all copy blends?

TeaBrat 12 years ago

I bet it all comes from the same place… ;-)

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Amy I wouldn’t be surprised!

tea-sipper 12 years ago

Yes, I’ve tried them both and I’m pretty sure they are the same. It’s one of my favorite blends though, so I’m not complaining!

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Muppetlove

Ok…so…before I jot down my tasting notes…here’s a small rant…It sort of annoys me when companies name a tea/tisane something like “Roasted Almond” and then you find out it also has Cinnamon, Apple, Beetroot, The Kitchen Sink in it in addition to Almonds (or whatever the main ingredient is in which the company then named the tea) Do you know what I mean? If it’s straight-up Roasted Almond with a “whatever” base…COOL…but if you have a bunch of other ingredients along side with it I think they should come up with another name for it. Now…I’m not knockin’ the tea or the company or whatever because flavor matching IS an art that I appreciate and applaud BUT if you are going to have a create flavor combo give the tea a creative name, too! Having said that (and it will in no way affect my rating or thoughts or feelings about this company or other companies or their products….just a random rant from me and this was the tisane I was drinking at the moment! LOL)…

Actual Notes for this one…

This is pink/purple in color…thanks to the BEETROOT. I can taste the apple first and foremost. It’s not overly puckery probably because of the nuts AND Cinnamon. The Cinnamon is subtle which I like. It sort of tastes like a fruit/veggie/nutty/spice combo. It’s tasty enough and probably one of the better attempts at this flavor combos that I have tried. The ingredient ratio they used worked really well!

As it cools it sort of tastes like cinnamon apple sauce with almonds…maybe like a Almond Apple Cinnamon Cookie or Muffin, even…minus the cakey/bakey.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Agreed and this one is pretty good!

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4347 tasting notes

Additional notes: This was the perfect tea for today. The dry tea smelled a bit stale, since it isn’t exactly new, but the tea tasted the same. I was able to steep two teaspoons in my new infuser. The mug is clear so I was able to see the fun bubblegum pink color from the beetroot. The flavor is like a snickerdoodle cookie, but this time I was able to see where the apple comes in. It’s still so good!

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