I’ll start by saying that I don’t drink a lot of black tea. Buys mostly tea that is suitable for storage.
The lid of my gaiwan smelled of flowers after the first infusion. Don’t ask me which ones, I’m not a botanist.
The wet leaves smelled of baked goods with a dark undertone.
Tea reminded me of cake my grandmother and mother used to bake in the 70s and 80s. Lightly spicy and a little bit of cinnamon.
The 5th and 6th infusion had a little smoke.
Funny how tastes and smells can bring back memories. All the way through I sat and thought about my childhood.
The energy was very subtle. It came quietly. And was meditative.

It can be found online available here https://iteaworld.com/products/wild-souchong-black-tea

Flavors: Cake, Flowers, Smoked

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