From Meowster a while ago! Thanks so much! I haven’t had any sheng in ages. It was time to steep this up. Raw pu-erh rolled into the shape of a ball, wrapped in something like tissue paper. After all these years, sheng is still tough for me to describe but I’ll try. There is a drying effect. The second cup simply tastes like MINERALS. And more MINERALS. The third steep is much of the same. It certainly isn’t getting bitter at all. The basket infuser is almost FULL of unraveled leaves. I like this, I just feel like I’m sometimes bored with sheng as my palate isn’t doing well enough at finding these flavors , or probably I shouldn’t be steeping them Western? Luckily Meowster only sent me two of these babies, so much wasn’t wasted on my palate.
Steep #1 // 1 dragon ball for full mug// 33 minutes after boiling // rinse // 30 second steep
Steep #2 // 30 minutes after boiling // 30 second steep
Steep #3 // 32 minutes after boiling // 40 second steep
Flavors: Mineral