Dexter3657 MUST have seen this on my shopping list to include it in the best tea package ever! I was thrilled to see it in the package! thanks so much! I swear this ISN’T the only Della Terra tea I don’t have a sample of. I don’t know how it escaped my grasp… maybe because in my small black Friday order, I only wanted to pick one apple tea. I have no idea why it was the other one, as I knew this one would be my thing as soon as I knew of its existence. And this blend is EXACTLY what I had envisioned it as (except for maybe the orange I see in the blend?!) The dry leaves have a fragrance that is the same as the taste – I’m not sure how molasses like it is, but it has a lovely sweet flavor to it I haven’t seen in other teas. The blend has apple slivers that even still has the rind attached. This is the nice kind of Della Terra apple flavor and not the off-tasting apple they sometimes have. Perfect. The “spices” listed in the ingredients doesn’t say which spices but it doesn’t seem to be much spices anyway… just enough to give it depth (and maybe just enough to remind of their dreaded Dirty Chai but the rest of the blend makes up for that. This tea was made for me as molasses type teas are one of my favorites (even if the molasses is usually just found naturally in the leaves). One of my favorites from DT. NICE.
Shrug…..I did a little research…
Oh! Best tea package ever???
Sure, but of course I haven’t forgotten all of the amazing packages that Steepsterers have sent over the years. Everyone is so generous. :D
Of course :-)