drank Creamy Lemon by Cornelia Bean
247 tasting notes

Holidays TTB

There’s only enough left in here for one, maybe two cups. This is good though, it reminds me a little bit of England – there were a few days where I just hung out in my pjs before bed reading and drinking Lemon Ginger tea and this is extremely reminiscent.

This one of few green teas that I’ve actually enjoyed and the green tea base is prominent. I can’t taste any creamy notes, but the lemon/citrus flavor is not as distinct as I would have expected, so it very well could be that there is creamy notes but they are just cutting the initial sour lemon flavor.

Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Lemon Zest

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I got into loose leaf teas about three years back when I figured I might be a little too old for Celestial Seasoning’s Zinger Teas. Ever since, I’ve been sneaking out of the house to find obscure hole in the wall tea shops to get my fix and swapping teas as I go.
Lately, I’ve been into herbals and rooibos, but I do enjoy black tea, specifically ceylons. I mainly drink flavored teas.

Currently Looking For:
Caramel flavored teas
Cherry herbals


Queens, NY

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