First to review! I should come out and say right now that I put Cool Whip on top of this, so I’m going to be getting more vanilla and creamy sweetness than someone who made this the traditional way.
This smells rich with gingerbready spices and warm chocolate. However, it already comes across as artificial chocolate, like a Tootsie Roll. Why is it so hard for tea companies to do chocolate right?? Is cacao too expensive?
Anyway, the flavor is less chocolatey than the aroma, as expected. This basically tastes like a ginger-heavy regular chai, with some odd spice notes I’m having trouble separating out. It almost tastes like rooibos. I only really get the chocolate notes on the exhale. This isn’t bad in any way, just not what I had hoped it would be. I need to learn to avoid Harney & Sons’s attempts at chocolate.
Flavors: Artificial, Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Ginger
oh crap, I thought I had written about this already. :D
My husband says their chocolate teas smell like mildew to him, so I don’t even buy them anymore. He can smell it as soon as he walks in the house. I would prefer cocoa nibs for my chocolate flavor!