Alright, I’ve been meaning to taste this tea for years! I’ve seen the rave reviews here on Steepster, and I love anything vanilla. So I knew this was something I needed to get my hands on. My only hesitation was the fact that it’s a black decaf. I’ve never had tea that has been decaffeinated. And I’m the kind of girl who likes her buzz.
Anyway, I opened the pouch for a quick sniff last night. I had to get my non-tea-drinking man to sniff, too, because the aroma is like straight up buttercream frosting. Like a delicious cupcake. And not the grocery store kind. The independent, mom-and-pop bakery kind.
The taste is as lovely as the smell, but sadly not as potent. Sure, this is a delicious, creamy, wonderful vanilla tea. The best I’ve had. It just sort of lacks a punch. But that could be my fault entirely. Luckily, I have enough to try to make a stronger brew next time. For now, though, I am serious when I say this is my new favorite vanilla tea. It puts everything I’ve had previously to shame. Then again, I have Vanilla Black, the non-decaf version. So I’ll probably be onto that next. We’ll see what the difference is!