drank Vanilla Bean by Mighty Leaf Tea
480 tasting notes

Well, this’ the last bag of this I have. I’ll miss it. It’s one of the staples I carried in my Travel Tea Bag. I don’t plan to actively go out and pick this one up again, but if I come across it—maybe it’s marked down, or I have yet to find a vanilla black that I like more—I’ll probably pick it up again. It’s just a bit pricey. Fourteen freakn’ bucks? Come on. Otherwise, I will probably try Tealicious’ vanilla black next. Murchie’s was utterly flavourless, and I don’t know if Tea Desire even carries a vanilla black… They gave me a list of their full tea stock, but I seem to have misplaced it. Plus, I haven’t been to Tealicious in a while, and I actually LIKE the base used in their flavoured blacks, unlike Tea Desire’s.

As for the base used in Mighty Leaf’s, well, this is the only flavoured black I’ve tried from them. It’s not wonderful, but it’s far from terrible. Sometimes it takes on this weird spinachy taste—it’s particularly prominent in the second steep, although still quite noticeable in the first. But if I avoid a second steep (difficult, because I feel like I’m wasting it if I don’t—except for fanning teabags, which you usually can’t get a second steep out of anyways), and don’t mess with the recommended four-minute steeping parameters, it’s usually fine. Fairly enjoyable. Keeps my vanilla cravings at bay.

Now that I think about it, I had always meant to mix a sachet of this with some earl grey. Too late now, ahwell.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Disclaimer: I work for Murchie’s Tea and Coffee as a taster and blender. I will avoid putting any ratings on teas from them from here on out.

A tea-drinking transgendered Canadian, university graduate, majored in geology (yes, “rocks and things”). I take most of my tea at home by gaiwan, and at work by mug.

My notes are pretty disjointed because I’m absent-minded, and I also keep a teatra.de blog for reviewing and rambling about tea books/publications, and an instagram for photos. Expect nerding about tea production and history on both.

I’m a Doctor Who fanatic (Jon Pertwee, if you were wondering).

“But you should never turn down tea, when it’s offered. It’s impolite, and impoliteness is how wars start.” ~Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann






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