13 Tasting Notes


I’d been eyeballing this tea on the Murchie’s website for ages now but decided a couple of weeks ago to just go for it. Very light and aromatic tea, which I enjoy more in the afternoons rather than the mornings. I’ve noticed that some people have reported a slightly sour aftertaste but haven’t experienced that myself, as I add milk and honey, and tend to steep my green-black blends for a fairly short period of time.

As an aside, I DEFINITELY recommend enjoying this tea with lemon curd on scones. :) The lemon curd really emphasizes the lemon accents in the tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Coconut Cabana by The Tea Spot
13 tasting notes

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drank Chocolate Chili Chai by DAVIDsTEA
13 tasting notes

Got a free sample of this with my recent order of Pumpkin Chai from Davids Tea. Thank you!

Just the right balance of black tea, chocolate, and that spicy kick-to-the-tastebuds. I enjoyed two cups of this delightful tea—one with a bit of milk and honey, one without. Prefer the former, but the latter was very nice, too.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Suspect I may have oversteeped this, this time. The color is a bit darker, but the nuance of the flavor is gone. ): Oh well, still a tasty cup of tea.

Note to self: don’t be so impatient in the future. Let the kettle sit for a bit after boiling.

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drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
13 tasting notes

Oh my god, I’ve died and ascended to Fólkvangr and the goddess Freyja. Life is amazing. Life is beautiful. Life tastes exactly like pumpkins.

Very rich and flavorful with a taste that lingers on your tongue. I’ve yet to steep this just in steamed milk, as is how I often enjoy my chai, but prepared as a black tea with a bit of milk and honey added to it as you do, it’s still divine.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
13 tasting notes

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A strong tea that, unfortunately, doesn’t taste like much of anything to me. I do enjoy using this tea as a black base when mixing with some green teas, but as a solo act, it leaves much to be desired.


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I’ve only got two oolong teas in my cupboard—this one and the Tea Spot’s Milky Coconut Oolong—but I definitely enjoyed this tea. It’s light but not insubstantial, with a sweet accent that doesn’t take away from the flavor of the oolong. I didn’t go for the suggested five-minute steep time, however, since that seemed a little excessive. Three minutes thirty seconds, and I’m able to get two delightful cups out of one serving.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Highly flavorful, almost savory black tea, guaranteed by the lovely folks of Andres & Dunham to “quickly restore ELF VIGOR.” I’m no elf but I think it lives up to its promise.

I enjoy this tea with a bit of milk and honey. Definitely a good way to start the work day if you’re dragging a little bit, or need a pick-me-up when it’s dreary outside.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Library archivist and lover of green-black blends. Still new to this whole fancy tea thing, but definitely loving it so far!


North Alabama

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