VRBO cupboard tea. Good dry leaf aroma through the tea bag. Notes of various spices and a nice touch of vanilla. The infusing aroma is pleasent ntes of german christmas cookies.
Oh man. Licorice root! You know how some poeple think (me) cilantro tastes like soap? And others can only taste stevia when stevia is involved? Well I’m adding another one to the lise. Licorice Root. It overpowers this blend like a dictator. The spices and the black tea try to muscle themselves in but the licorice root is like a little mob boss. Overall, it’s a decent blend and I’ve learned a good lesson.
I wasn’t aware there were different types. I’m talking about the cloyingly sweet, anise-flavoured licorice that’s used in tea blends. Several years ago I was looking for a decaf chai and they all seemed to include licorice. (I eventually found a rooibos chai from Camellia Sinensis that doesn’t.)
Oh gotcha! Yeah so licorice root is an alternative to sugar kind of like stevia. I just usually say licorice root versus saying just licorice because most people think of the candy harhar
Yeah, I was thinking of black licorice. I was wondering why anyone would put that in a vanilla chai. Makes more sense now. :)
Mob boss. Beautiful licorice metaphor. I will add that to overbearing mother-in-law and bulldozer ;)
I feel the same way about licorice.
A certain type like black licorice or just all?
I wasn’t aware there were different types. I’m talking about the cloyingly sweet, anise-flavoured licorice that’s used in tea blends. Several years ago I was looking for a decaf chai and they all seemed to include licorice. (I eventually found a rooibos chai from Camellia Sinensis that doesn’t.)
Oh gotcha! Yeah so licorice root is an alternative to sugar kind of like stevia. I just usually say licorice root versus saying just licorice because most people think of the candy harhar
Yeah, I was thinking of black licorice. I was wondering why anyone would put that in a vanilla chai. Makes more sense now. :)
Mob boss. Beautiful licorice metaphor. I will add that to overbearing mother-in-law and bulldozer ;)
Hahaha oh man. Those are great descriptors too.