100 ml gaiwain. 190F because 205 seems very hot for a green. Then again Chinese greens tend to do better with hotter water. But I also hate burning my tongue… Lots of fuzz on the packaging. Harder to see it on the actual leaf. The aroma isn’t quite there but I think that is just the odor-absorbing packet doing its job. The leaf is finely pressed. A perfect flat leaf. A mix of olive green hues. Ooo I love the aroma coming from the infusing leaf. Man, it’s been a while since I’ve had a Dragonwell. The difference between the steaming and the pan frying is so amazing. The notes are closer to the toasty notes found in a hojicha with a springtime greenness to it. Also notes of hay
Something about this lousy weather is making me crave green tea—-no doubt because it reminds me of spring!
It is wild how much the processing affects the taste!