149 Tasting Notes

drank Valley Green Tea by Shan Valley
149 tasting notes

I’m just going to copy and paste, as pretty much my review would be the same throughout.

“I’ve debated a long time about writing this review. I got sent these teas by DCS, because they weren’t to her liking, and I then passed it on as it wasn’t to my liking. This is perhaps the best thing about Steepster. The community.”

So, 10 is the grade I would rank for standard tea bag tea. I would rank this tea below that. Probably around a 9. I’m holding off on ranking as I would like to see some more reviews of this tea before I leave such a drastic mark.

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I’ve debated a long time about writing this review. I got sent these teas by DCS, because they weren’t to her liking, and I then passed it on as it wasn’t to my liking. This is perhaps the best thing about Steepster. The community.

So, 10 is the grade I would rank for standard tea bag tea. I would rank this tea below that. Probably around a 5-6. I’m holding off on ranking as I would like to see some more reviews of this tea before I leave such a drastic mark.

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drank Snowview by Lupicia
149 tasting notes

Not worth the price they are charging, this is a perfectly fine FF darjeeling, just lacks really distinction.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Really vegetal…and fishy. I feel like I’m eating the seaweed wraps off of sushi.

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drank Si Ji Chun by Camellia Sinensis
149 tasting notes

A nice creamy vanilla taste. With a faint hint of flowers..maybe Jasmine? Or honeysuckle.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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As Sil said earlier, very floral! I enjoy flowers though, so this was a pleasant cup of tea for me. Think frangepelia/gardenia. Tropical fragrant flowers on a soft/sweet green base. Maybe a hint of pineapple too.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Nice floral aroma with a complex tea. Spinach and walnut aroma as it brews, and I taste spring onions, with a honey passionfruit sweetness.

Not as complex as I would like, but this is a good tea, and a good example of some oolongs.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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drank 1990 Kunming by Camellia Sinensis
149 tasting notes

haha it is always dangerous to read what other people think as you drink a tea. I am totally getting the applewood smoke!

This one is interesting. Though I’m not really that satisfied with it. Aromas were earthy, but with some faint fishy aroma, and a fairly dominant camphor. I also got some faint fruity tones of cactus (opuntias).

Taste is quite soft. Not as complex as I was hoping, but shous are my least favorite type of pu-erh.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank 1990 Kunming by Camellia Sinensis
149 tasting notes

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drank Bocha by Camellia Sinensis
149 tasting notes

Nice creamy nature to the tea, with a faint hint of nuts. Imagine an oolong and a green tea combined.

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blah blah blah, come on people, not every tea can be ranked 80+. Rant, rave; but honestly not every tea you drink can be ranked the same, otherwise you defeat the point of giving the grade!

So as other people have broken down their ranking systems, I am doing the same.

I’ve also decided to update my reviewing system. I’m going to be ranking across a 3 system scale on: taste, accurate representation, and price.

Taste = 0-100 (see old ranking)
Accurate Representation = 75 being average (how true it is to its style of production. So a Darjeeling that tastes like an Assam would rank lower)
Price = Percent difference of what I think the tea is worth


Old Ranking
90-100 = I’m quite happy to buy again
70-89 = Acceptable representation
50-69 = Wouldn’t order again
20-49 = Meh
10-19 = Average tea bag ranking
0-9 = Needed to brush my teeth immediately



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