Valley Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea
Metallic, Ocean Breeze, Seaweed, Stonefruit, Mineral, Earth, Green Beans, Grass
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by sherapop
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec 2 g 75 oz / 2232 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “While I enjoyed the Shan First Flush, this one’s a complete miss for me. It has a delicious fruity note near the finish, but I’m not a fan of the amount of “marine” this tea throws at me. Or the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was really excited to try this tea because it was grown in Mynamar, otherwise known as Burma. What can I say, I’m a sucker for unusual terroirs. Although it was fairly astringent I did not find...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m just going to copy and paste, as pretty much my review would be the same throughout. “I’ve debated a long time about writing this review. I got sent these teas by DCS, because they weren’t to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I tried this tea for the first time this evening. The first thing that I noticed is that the dry leaves were very natural looking – fairly large, with some unevenness in size. They had a light...” Read full tasting note

From Shan Valley

Valley Green Tea is our premium tea harvested year round. It has a subtle, fresh and well-rounded taste.

About Shan Valley View company

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20 Tasting Notes

1439 tasting notes

While I enjoyed the Shan First Flush, this one’s a complete miss for me. It has a delicious fruity note near the finish, but I’m not a fan of the amount of “marine” this tea throws at me. Or the metal taste. I think that last one is the biggest deal breaker for me; I don’t want to feel like I’ve been rolling pennies all day when I’m drinking tea.

I’m going to try some different steeping parameters, water, and palates (lucky roommates) before I move on.. hopefully my assessment as it stands now doesn’t stick!

Thanks, SFTGFOP, for another new green tea to try!

Flavors: Metallic, Ocean Breeze, Stonefruit

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I was really excited to try this tea because it was grown in Mynamar, otherwise known as Burma. What can I say, I’m a sucker for unusual terroirs. Although it was fairly astringent I did not find it unpleasant at all. Sometimes life calls for an easy sipping tea and that is exactly what this one was. An unobtrusive, warming cup of tea can often be just what the doctor ordered.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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149 tasting notes

I’m just going to copy and paste, as pretty much my review would be the same throughout.

“I’ve debated a long time about writing this review. I got sent these teas by DCS, because they weren’t to her liking, and I then passed it on as it wasn’t to my liking. This is perhaps the best thing about Steepster. The community.”

So, 10 is the grade I would rank for standard tea bag tea. I would rank this tea below that. Probably around a 9. I’m holding off on ranking as I would like to see some more reviews of this tea before I leave such a drastic mark.

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24 tasting notes

I tried this tea for the first time this evening. The first thing that I noticed is that the dry leaves were very natural looking – fairly large, with some unevenness in size. They had a light oceanic scent to them as well.

I did a short steep to start, since the sample packet I had did not include brewing suggestions, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. So I went with 1 minute, with water at 175F. I think it could have taken a longer steep, maybe 2 min to start with, as the leaves did not fully unfurl and rehydrate in that amount of time.

The flavor was mellow, with a hint of ocean to it. Smooth, with no astringency or bitterness.

Re-steeped, with the same time as temperature as the first brew – similar in flavor, and still no bitterness!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Your Valley Green Tea review helped me find a new tea, thanks.
Steve Jackson


I brewed mine for 2min at 175 and found it was perfect

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4843 tasting notes


After scanning through some of the tasting notes of this tea, I see that this one wasn’t as big a hit with others. I personally liked this one. Of the four teas from Tea Valley, I think that this one represents the daily “go to” type of tea with more of a “green tea” taste … you know … the classic green tea taste: vegetal that falls somewhere between grassy and buttered beans, leaning just a little more toward the grassy than the vegetables. Very subtle nutty notes – not quite as roasted or nutty as the Mountain Roasted Green Tea from Tea Valley, but, still … this is nice.

Here’s my full-length review:

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1737 tasting notes

I was looking forward to my first pot of Shan Valley Green after my positive experience with their First Flush Green. The leaves of Green are similarly dark and petrified, but they are somewhat larger and thicker than the First Flush. I also noticed that the dried leaves smell much less smoky. The color of the thick, crisp, compact, gnarled knots is the same slate grey/blue veering teal as in the First Flush. Very nice.

Interestingly enough, however, the brewed liquor is very similar in taste to my memory (from yesterday!) of the First Flush tea. The color is basically the same—perhaps a tad bit darker but still gold veering brown with small amounts of white particulate matter floating about. The same vegetal quality is dominant and, again, the leaves do not fully unfurl during the first infusion.

I don’t really know what to say about the drastically low ratings which this tea has received from a couple of reviewers. True, this is not a Japanese green, but on the other hand nor is it a grocery store lint-filled filterbag green. This is a single origin, high-quality full-leaf “terroir” tea, if you will, with a distinct personality and appeal. I like it!

Looking forward to the second infusion… especially since with the First Flush, the flavor becomes richer and smoother in subsequent infusions.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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172 tasting notes

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921 tasting notes

As I am typing this Midwestern weather is showing its chaotic flair! This early afternoon it was almost 80 degrees, sunny, and wonderfully pleasant. It was so nice I decided to go out wearing a short-sleeved dress, BIG mistake, pretty much as soon as I went out the sky clouded over and the wind started whipping. An hour or so later the temperature has dropped to 45 degrees and it is storming wildly. If the weather prediction is correct it will get below freezing and I will wake up to three inches of snow! The weather here is maddening but seldom ever dull.

Today’s tea comes from a more tropical location, Myanmar! Valley Green Tea by Shan Valley is a premium green tea harvested year round, according to the description. The aroma of these fairly large leaves is extremely kelpy, in fact I had to do a double take ‘am I really just smelling my nori by accident?’ are these leaves really just dried kelp? I can practically smell the sea air, maybe if I am lucky it will transport me to the seaside. Further nose investigation led me to find the aroma of cooked spinach under the strong ocean aroma.

As per the previous teas from Shan Valley, there were no steeping instruction, I steeped at 175 degrees for about two minutes. I found the aroma of the wet leaves were still very kelpy, but now I am picking up stronger notes of spinach and sweet fruitiness similar to cherries. I have to admit this aroma struck me as an odd combo. The liquid sans leaves smells strongly of seaweed and brackish water, it reminded me of being on the coast when the tide is leaving. I know a lot of people are not a huge fan of that smell, but it is one of my favorite.

I love the ocean, the smells, tastes, everything about it! I tend to go into this kinda of trance when I am at the ocean that usually involves me running off into the water (a problem when I was a child) and staying there until I am dragged out. It has made me wonder if I am part mermaid or something along those lines most my life! Having a tea that smells so strongly of the sea is extremely exciting, sadly the taste was not entirely to my liking. First is the initial kelp taste with a hint of slightly fishy, metallic note. It quickly fades to cooked spinach, which goes nicely with the ocean greens theme, but the finish is a mix of sweet cherries and seaweed. I think the sweetness at the end kinda ruined the experience for me, if it had been all kelp and vegetal I would have loved this tea immensely, but the cherry sweetness added too much of a clashing taste. I still say give it a taste if you are able, I mean how often can you say you are sipping a tea from Myanmar that tastes like the ocean and fruit?

For photos and blog

Flavors: Metallic, Ocean Breeze, Seaweed, Stonefruit

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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630 tasting notes

This tea is tasty, but probably not for everyone. I did short steeps, and did about 4-5 of them. I did 30 seconds to start, and added 30 seconds subsequent times. This led to a very mild flavor, more muted than I normally prefer, but it did good things for this tea. The flavors here are very mineraly and metallic almost, which taste more like ocean breeze when the tea isn’t very strong. I imagine if brewed for a full few minutes right off the bat, this would taste more like licking a pole.

Flavors: Metallic, Mineral, Ocean Breeze

165 °F / 73 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1271 tasting notes

Valley green tastes similar to Shan Valley’s First Flush green, but without the pizzaz. Also more astringent. Dry leaf is a vegetal artichoke scent, but steeped up is pretty mellow and flat, ending with a sharp vegetal astringency with a mix of nuttyness, floral and fruit (similar to First Flush). IMO, get the First Flush from Shan Valley.

2 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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