286 Tasting Notes

I woke up with a cold this morning :( I felt it coming on yesterday evening. So I’m having this to help soothe and feel better. I remember this having more of a ginger bite the first time I had it, but I probably can’t taste it properly from the cold. Added honey, and it’s comforting.

No sense drinking the good stuff until it’s gone.

Happy Monday.


I hope you feel better soon!


I highly recommend fresh ginger thinly sliced w/honey. But dont put it in a hot tea. I read somewhere that we should not put honey in hot water, just on a side;) last week my kids and hubby were cured by fresh ginger. Feel better


Fresh ginger tea sounds like a great plan :) A friend’s mother makes it all the time, and it is really delicious.


Hmm…essential teas that belong in everyone’s “medicine cabinet” … ginger, peppermint, raspberry leaf for us girls, tulsi… (I’m tellin’ ya, those mountain grannies knew what they were doing!)


Noo, that’s too bad. I hope you feel better soon!


Feel better soon, take good care and drink warming tea! :-)


Thank you for the well wishes everyone :)


I agree that you should keep the good stuff till u get better

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I drank this almost right after drinking the sencha. That was amistake. It did not go down well at first. But then I ate breakfast and tried another round. Much better tasting! From the name I was expecting smoke, but I got an earthy vegetable flavour, and no smoke. Maybe I should stop expecting gunpowder to have a smoky flavour.

It’s a good tea if you don’t drink it right after a sweet buttery tea. I’ll re-visit this one when it’s the first tea of the day, and provide a better review. Thanks for the sample, Cameron B!


I love this tea too. I usually get the stuff by twinings

Erik Dabel

Mmmmm gunpowder green is one of my favorites. Red Blossom also makes a great one. The name gunpowder comes from its shape, it’s rolled into small pellets resembling black powder. No smoke, just big taste!


Aaahhh. Makes sense now :)


it tastes smokey to me :P and i like it

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drank Sencha Ashikubo by DAVIDsTEA
286 tasting notes

Started my day off with this one. Sweet, creamy and buttery. Yummies. It’s a sipdown, and while good, I don’t think I’ll re-stock it any time soon. Too many other tea’s I want to try.


sencha is a good tea :)

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drank Mulberry Magic by DAVIDsTEA
286 tasting notes

I’ve had this a couple of times now. The first time I tried it I remember thinking it tasted like butter cookies. When I drank it on Friday it was more like nutty cookies – no real surprise there due to the macadamia nuts. But I have noticed I can only have a couple of mugs of this at a time. There’s something in the background that doesn’t sit well with me.


Me too, I have a mug or two and then I’m done with it for a while. The base gets to me, I think.


Yeah, the base is too much.

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This tea is absolutely divine. To look at it’s beautiful with the marigold petals. But to sip (really slurp and gulp), oh my my. And even though I seriously over steeped this, it was still ridiculously delicious. No bitterness even though I forgot about it for about 5 + minutes.

So smooth and creamy. I got loads of butter with mild vegetal in the background. It is deliciously toasty, just like a traditional genmaicha, but this has a little extra something that makes it so much more tastier and special than a traditional genmaicha. I didn’t notice the juniper, but I pretty much slurped my first cup back in about 5 minutes, it’s just that good!

I’m trying for a second steep, even though I’m not sure if there’s any flavour left in the leaf, but this is far too delicious to not at least try.

Why Verdant? Why does this have to be limited blend? If this became part of the permanent collection I’d be all over it.

This is tea that generated the amazing swap with Cameron B., who was generous enough to share this with me. Thank you so much!

Cameron B.

You should try their Laoshan Genmaicha, it’s the same tea but without the juniper and vanilla. :)


Marigold always makes a tea more cheerful!

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I love curry anything, so requesting a sample of this was a no brainer for me. I am totally digging this. It is absolutely delicious. It’s sweet and mildly herbaceous. The curry is present and warming. I’m also getting a bit of peppery ginger bite.

This is quite brothy and would be perfect for chilly fall or winter days. I almost felt like adding a touch more salt and pepper to it.

Thank you Cameron B for the sample…soooo goooood…mmmmm !!!!!

Cameron B.

Yay, I’m glad you liked it! This one is my favorite of the savory teas. :)


Nom, nom, nom. I wonder if any Canadian vendors carry this. Am gonna have to start looking around.

Cameron B.

I got mine from Amazon. :D


Thanks! Good to know :))


I got mine from Amazon, too! They have a mix pack of several flavors :)


looks awesome!


Can find Numi locally…will have to investigate!

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This doesn’t taste the same, from what I remember. I must have the ‘added flavour’ version. meh. Fortunately I only have a couple of cup’s worth left. Once it’s gone, it won’t be coming back. At least not in my cupboard.

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sad. people…I so sad… I sipped this down !!!! o.O

I love this tea so much!!!… sniffles

Ok…is not the end of the world, especially since I have another sealed ounce (which I am sooo hoarding). Hopefully this will be back in the fall lineup. If it is…I am so gonna order an obscene amount (obscene for me, anyway)…perhaps in the style of TTF :) and then i’m gonna hoard that obscene amount… so there! :-)

I LOVE YOU, YU LU!!! Please don’t ever leave my cupboard!!!


Lol, obscene amount. Love it :)


An obscene amount & a Yixing to go with it! :-)


Ha ha…obscene, indeed!! …I do so looooove this one. Am debating 8 oz!!


Yep…looseTman…am getting that beautiful yixing(see pm) for my beloved yu lu!!! :)


I think YULU should be the new YOLO.


Haha… YES!!! YOLO!…and this is, well this… (insert your idea of ‘just so damn yums’) have you tried yet, Lala? Perhaps I need to send some your way?! heh heh :)


Oh yes, I love this one too! This one and Zhu Rong are my Verdant favs.


Duly noted!! :)


Only 8 oz. of a “beloved” tea: “I LOVE YOU, YU LU!!! Please don’t ever leave my cupboard!!!” A tea that’s loved that much and is only seasonally available deserves at least a pound! :-) That Yixing is indeed a beauty! Check out new reply.


(I’m trying to say “I love you, yu lu” five times fast. My tongue keeps getting tangled.)

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Backlog…from last night.

Well, I am more than pleasantly surprised. I lean more towards tea’s without added flavours, but I had been curious about the 52 blends since discovering Steepster, and lovely Lala generously shared a bunch of samples. This is surprising good – I couldn’t imagine how that pancake mouthfeel would present itself in tea form but it’s wonderfully represented. Got lots of butter too. The maple made a special guest appearance a couple of times, but very elusive.

This would definitely satisfy my pancake craving. I only have pancakes once or twice a year…when we have brunch breakfast at work for sponsored charities…and I pack ‘em away like nobody’s business. I think I will have to keep an eye out on frank’s site to see how often this is available…this will definitely do for those in between times.

Thank you Lala! yum yum!!


You’re welcome! Glad you enjoy. I think this is one of the best 52 Teas.

Aimee Popovacki

definitely one of the best from 52 teas… its one of my favorites!

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drank Dreamsicle Puerh by 52teas
286 tasting notes

This is my very first 52teas blend. I’ve been curious for a long time about these blends, but for some reason, have always delayed on putting in an order. Thanks to Lala, I can try some of the blends to see how I like them before putting in an order.

I like this quite a lot. I didn’t get much in the way of dry leaf aroma, nor did I find an off-putting nor offensive odours in the brewed version. I was actually kind of surprised at how pale the brew was, I was anticipating something….else. What I really like about this, is it does taste really creamy with a hint of orange.

I don’t usually do a second infusion of flavoured tea’s, but thought I would see how this would hold up. Flavours are still there, but I let it infuse too long so I did get some bitterness as well. My fault.

I think next time I may add some sweetener of some type just to see if it makes the orange pop a little more. But this is still really tasty without added sweetener.

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My tea journey started in 2012, when a friend gifted me some loose leaf. I guess she thought I was drinking too much coffee. Blown away by the amazing flavours I immediately embraced the loose leaf tea. I still drink coffee, but my main choice of beverage is now tea.

My tea preferences are blacks, pu’erhs, oolongs and greens.



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