DIY Advent Calendar – Day 19
I wanted to bake with this but the only recipe I could find that incorporates it is the one on the Wize Monkey website for vegan cookies. That recipe uses a lot of ingredients that are maybe used in vegan baking often but they are not ingredients I had lying around. I then thought maybe I could find a matcha baking recipe and just sub this in but I was being lazy and wasn’t sure I would like this so I didn’t want to go through all the work for something I wasn’t confident I would like.
This was a bit of a mess to make. Mostly my fault. I decided to make it using the DAVIDsTEA matcha latte, right down to using my matcha whisk and bowl. Unlike matcha, however, this didn’t really dissolve. It mostly became a brown sludge. I decided to strain it. So I strained the extra coffee leaf and then topped it with frothed milk. I then thought it would be good with a dusting of cocoa powder…which I managed to get it all over the stove.
I found this alright but mostly because it was just frothed milk. There was a touch of the coffee leaf flavor, which isn’t one for me unfortunately. Thank you for sharing Roswell Strange but I don’t think I am the target audience for this – mostly because I have yet to find a coffee leaf tea I like.