11 Tasting Notes

drank Pure Ceylon by AKBAR
11 tasting notes

My cousin got me an AKBAR tea gift box some time ago. I just started tasting them.
The first one was the Pure Ceylon Black Tea.
Though strong, if prepared correctly,it can very tasty for tea time or even at breakfast.

I sweetened it a little bit because I’m not overly fond of black teas, but of course, that is opional.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 45 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Love Me Truly by Clipper
11 tasting notes

I have been looking for Clipper teas for a long time now. This one instantly caught my eye when I saw it at the supermarket. It was a little pricey but I am sure quality has its price- No cheap product has ever been amazing.
So, I bought it and took it home with me.
It had been a long day of work and this tea is specially for those days. I love almost all chai varieties and this was no exception. It smelled incredible and do not get me started on the taste! I cannot say it was a whole new experience, but it was certainly something. Not as intense as other chai teas I have tasted. Instead of the spices staying in your mouth, this one had a rather sweet aftertaste, very uncommon, in my opinion. However, it was soothing enough to send me to a good night sleep.

I am definetely a chai lover.

Flavors: Cardamom, Ginger

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Kandy by Basilur
11 tasting notes

I got this tea as a present from my brother -as many others. I must say, the first thing that caught my attention was its aroma; Slightly citric. It makes you want to give it a taste right away.
It’s such a fresh kind of tea. Really nice for these Summer days. I would buy this tea instead of my regular lemon scented kind, if I can be honest.

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drank Blackcurrant Black Tea by Twinings
11 tasting notes

I got to this tea at my cousin’s house. She and her husband are not very addicted to teas but have a lot of twinings tea bags I haven’t tried yet. Sort of a tea paradise. ANyways, I decided to try this one for my 2:00 PM snack. I’m not very fond of black currant because it’s still a mystery to me in terms of tea. For the same reason, I followed some suggestions in Steepster and got to a decent brew. I didn’t sweeten it too much (just 3 drops) because it’s already very sweet in taste and aroma.
Very good, I would definetely have this in my cupboard.

Flavors: Black Currant

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 2 g 200 OZ / 5914 ML
Chris Chamorro

Blackcurrant? Sounds good, but i haven’t seen that one lately… Maybe we should ask them for their store =)


They actually didn’t buy it, it was a present…but it’s twinings, so it shouldn’t be hard to find

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I got this tea thanks to my brother, who took me to the PuroOlivo store in Santiago (Chile).
When opened the teabag package it was like an explosion of scents. It mainly smelled like gummy bears. Delicious. I thought it would be very artificial because of this first impression, but after the steeping, I sweetened it a little bit and got to take a first sip.

I wish it could taste a little more like kiwi than strawberry, but knowing that strawberry is much more dominant and more people like strawberry than they like kiwi, I think that can’t be changed. (If they were to upgrade their brew, that’s the only thing I would suggest. More kiwi)

Overall, this is a nice summery tea. Goes good with a good book to read or some pages to write. I imagine…

Though, it’s not one of my favorites, I would recommend it.

Flavors: Strawberry

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Happy Moods by Teekanne
11 tasting notes

I got Teekanne’s Happy Moods when I bought a box with samples of the different kinds of tea in the “Body and Soul” line.

The teabag package reads “Enlivening Herbal Tea Blend with Green Tea” and some of the ingredients are Ginger, Lemongrass and Cardamon. You could guess I was very excited to sip some of iit.
Later today, I tried it, following all the steeping instructions and I sweetened it a little (against my usual rule of not doing so) I could never expect the results.

At the beginning the spicy notes didn’t show up to fulfill your expectations and make you think you’re drinking a bland , overpriced green tea, but then you swallow and just when you are about to be disappointed, Ginger and Cardamon make their entrance and suddenly there’s a spice party in your tongue.

I might be a little biased, since I love spicy teas so much, but believe me when I say this tea in particular is very good for those cold autumn/winter evenings. It puts you in the mood to keep working for the rest of the day. Enlivening, indeed!

Flavors: Cardamom, Ginger, Green Apple, Lemongrass

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML
Chris Chamorro

Based on the amount of tea and your perception, would you classify it as a flavoured tea or a tisane?


Thanks for the very kind comment, Posy! Let’s drink more tea! :D


@ Chris: Oh, it’s definetely flavoured tea. Tisanes are usually decaf. Also, you can sense the flavors of green tea, though it’s faint. It’s still there, nevertheless.

@ Devilish You’re very welcome, friend. Tea for everybody!

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drank Original Ceylon by Te Club
11 tasting notes

I got this tea in an attempt of saving my mom from buying another brand a disastrous one, if I may and I have to say it was a good last minute choice.

It is a little more bitter than your usual everyday tea. Especially if you don’t sweeten it, like me. However, sometimes you kind of crave something bitter to break the routine.
This is my ‘stay focused’ tea. Whenever I have to write an important email or draft, I go for a cup of tea and this is the one. I already decided.
Since it has this particular flavor, you can make a good tea-pastry combo, if you like. It would go well with a slice of cake or a cupcake.

Since it is one of the most popular national brands of tea in Chile, it is actually really cheap (Let’s say the 100-bags box can cost you around four dollars. No lie.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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I bought this tea in a Whittard store in Santiago, Chile.
I took it to the teachers lounge and drank a couple of cups everyday. There’s nothing more refreshing after a class than a nice cup of turkish apple tea.
I actually ran out of it very quickly. I need to buy it again…when I get the money.

Flavors: Green Apple

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 200 OZ / 5914 ML

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drank Yellow Label by Lipton
11 tasting notes

My go-to brand for everyday tea drinking. It really depends on how you prepare it. Some like to steep it for five minutes straight. Others will only do it for two. Some add sugar, some add sweetener. Personally, I let it steep long enough to be almost bitter and don’t sweeten it at all. You really have to play to get comfortable and find your ideal point with this tea. You’ll have fun while drinking this tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 15 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Indian Chai by Twinings
11 tasting notes

My brother gave me a sample of this tea. I must say I did not have much faith in it until the moment I tasted it. It is easy to detect the different ingredients that make this tea what it is. The cherry on top was the the taste in my mouth after I took my first sip. A soft, gingery caress, as if the tea was inviting me to take another sip.

Kudos to Twinings for making such a great variety of teas for us to taste!

Flavors: Ginger

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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Chilean. 32 years.
I enjoy trying all sorts of teas and naturally, I have my personal favorites.

I stole these tea-rating parameters from another steepster user :) don’t tell anyone

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


Talcahuano, Chile



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