Followed by 5 Tea Drinkers

Devilish 83 followers

A devilish girl who lives up to the post-80s youth stereotype – hedonistic, f...

carol who 172 followers

Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a su...

Chris Chamorro 9 followers

I’m from Chile, so that’s the reason of the weird english you’ll see in my co...

Sergio Hernandez 0 followers


Felipe Abarzúa 8 followers

Chilean history student. 24 years old. Right now, living in Concepción.



Chilean. 32 years.
I enjoy trying all sorts of teas and naturally, I have my personal favorites.

I stole these tea-rating parameters from another steepster user :) don’t tell anyone

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


Talcahuano, Chile



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