Followed by 30 Tea Drinkers

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

Southern Boy Teas 756 followers

FUN organic flavored iced teas for folks who love iced tea!

Cofftea 476 followers

Are you a company or tea blender on sites like Adagio that would you like you...

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

Payton 42 followers

A tea geek (and also general geek) in Burlington, Vermont. I’m drawn to the b...

Mary 8 followers

Dorothy 129 followers

Feel free to add me on Steepster, I’ll probably add you back. :) I don’t log ...

TEALYRA 189 followers

The widest selection of the finest loose leaf teas.



Stopped drinking water, switched to tea. =)
(ok, this is a lie but still :) )

How I rate teas is pretty simple, different teas have different expectations based on quality and price. I’ll rate a tea based on how good it is for its category/price point. I think i rate pretty fairly, I’m not afraid to give a bad score to a bad tea, and it’s relatively hard to get perfect score (partially because i believe there are only so many that can attain such a title)

I like oolong/green teas the most
black, white, tisanes to a lesser part.

I re-steep EVERYTHING, as that’s how I’ve learned from my parents. Blacks teas normally to a max of two times.

I like it when the tea actually looks of quality (eg. whole unbruised leaves). I hate it when i get a tea, and half of it is cut up stems of the plant… give me leaves!

I drink all my teas black and occasionally with sweetener. I do drink coffee too, and love espressos and cappuccinos. Yup, I do my coffee black too. Guess, it is to say I like strong flavours.
My current way of steeping tea, is my french press which i just got a month ago. I love it (well maybe not my cheapy one; looking to get a bodum one day). I used to just dump leaves at the bottom of my cup..

Ok. Rating meanings…

0-49: Various degrees of suck. Either terrible value or just not good.
50-59: It’s drinkable. I’ll finish my cup.
60-69: Not bad… but not good.
70-79: okay to drink, nothing too special, will not be a re-buy.
80-89: Enjoyable cups.
90-99: Worth holding on to.
100: Um.. I’ll tell you when I get here.

About me?

University student, photographer, bartender..



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