8 Tasting Notes


I have been drinking this and gypsy cold care alternating between each cup, not my favorite flavor (kinda mediciney) but it works on a sore throat It works well!!!

herryponting 13 years ago

Like a tea,,this is special one.

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I have been drinking this and throat coat alternating between cups, It is kickin the icky feelings of a cold

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Shared this tea with our pottery class tonight, a bunch of guys who usually bring a bottle of wine but forgot, they loved this tea and one says he is not a big fan of hot tea, I was so happy to get to share.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My pottery class on Tuesday nights has dinner together after we had a pot (actually 2) of this tea and completely enjoyed it. It almost makes you feel more alive and motivated and clear minded. Totally fantastic!!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Woman's Moon Cycle by Yogi Tea
8 tasting notes

How do I say, it makes me not strangle anyone, If I have a couple of cups of this on my worst day it makes me a much nicer, happier person. It is kind of a spicy tea (not spicy hot) lots of spices. It is the best to have with Aunt Flo

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

Haha pretty much any tea has the “makes me not strangle one” effect on me. Matcha and chai are best:) Glad this works for you- I’m very leary of hype or cure teas.

KaTEA 15 years ago

I use alot of traditional medicinals, My friend is an all organic eater and when his daughter has been at grandmas house and pumped full of candy and sweets he has her drink Nighty Night, it keeps her from having a restless and nightmare-ish night. It never fails if she has had a bunch of junk. (she is 6)

Dawn (life in a teacup) 15 years ago

Thats funny ;) I have been thinking about trying the “cure all” teas as well. thanks for the review.

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If you eat a meal that is to large or you feel so full you are uncomfortable this tea is the solution, no need for tums or Rolaids or just being miserable one cup of this will put you back in your comfort zone. As well as fixing tummy troubles it tastes great and has a mild minty flavor

4 min, 45 sec

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drank Peach Black by Stash Tea
8 tasting notes

I LOVE this tea!! It is great Hot or as an Iced Tea. I enjoy it so much.

3 min, 0 sec

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I am a sculptor/potter. One of my favorite things to make in the studio are teapots. … I love to drink tea, I am just now discovering the different types of tea and how they can help you with so many common ailments. Tea is calming and enjoyable and each one puts me in a different creative mood.


Kansas City, MO



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