8 Tasting Notes
How do I say, it makes me not strangle anyone, If I have a couple of cups of this on my worst day it makes me a much nicer, happier person. It is kind of a spicy tea (not spicy hot) lots of spices. It is the best to have with Aunt Flo
I use alot of traditional medicinals, My friend is an all organic eater and when his daughter has been at grandmas house and pumped full of candy and sweets he has her drink Nighty Night, it keeps her from having a restless and nightmare-ish night. It never fails if she has had a bunch of junk. (she is 6)
If you eat a meal that is to large or you feel so full you are uncomfortable this tea is the solution, no need for tums or Rolaids or just being miserable one cup of this will put you back in your comfort zone. As well as fixing tummy troubles it tastes great and has a mild minty flavor
Like a tea,,this is special one.