Followed by 29 Tea Drinkers

Amoda 47 followers

teevogel 50 followers

Have been drinking tea for over 15 years now(and rooibos for over 20). I lik...

patrick 23 followers

refound tea lover with more of a passion. university student studying Recreat...

Calla 43 followers

Tea enthusiast, I love all things tea. Hot, iced or in a food of mine… if it’...

TeaPerspective 37 followers

Just here to try some new teas and network with other tea lovers from around ...

Shae 256 followers

Lifetime student. Lover of books and paper and ink. Kitchen dweller. Aspirin...

Fallon McNeil 11 followers

Tea lover working @ DAVIDsTEA I am a huge fan of flavoured teas, but love the...

Bluechai 110 followers

Bluechai is organic blue tea made from fresh butterfly pea flowers. Its rich,...



tea enthusiast, artist, music lover

i couldn’t choose a favourite kind of tea, though i enjoy greens and black teas the most. sweet fruit, citrus, or spicy warm flavours score high with me. i’m a believer in medicinal teas and am always looking to learn more and try new teas


Vancouver Island, BC, Canada


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