I got this from an amazingly generous Steepsterite, who just wanted to expand my puerh horizons! You know who you are and thank you SO much!!!! <3

It was so much fun to have a WHOLE tangerine to bust open! I have to say, this is much better than the 2009 stuffed tangerine puerh I had a sample of from Teavivre. The shu just seems to be higher quality! The tangerine flavor itself is very subtle (I don’t think I got any bits of peel in my gaiwan this time though.) The shu is rich and creamy and earthy without any ‘off’ flavors. I was sad when the leaves finally gave up, which always speaks well of any tea :)

3 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

Steepster definitely has some amazing & very generous people!


My whole note doesn’t show up on dashboard but if you go to my page it is all there. Boooooo steepster is still broken :/


Full note-It was so much fun to have a WHOLE tangerine to bust open! I have to say, this is much better than the 2009 stuffed tangerine puerh I had a sample of from Teavivre. The shu just seems to be higher quality! The tangerine flavor itself is very subtle (I don’t think I got any bits of peel in my gaiwan this time though.) The shu is rich and creamy and earthy without any ‘off’ flavors. I was sad when the leaves finally gave up, which always speaks well of any tea :)

Terri HarpLady

I’m currently surfing a YS shopping cart (& a few others). Not sure if I’ll complete any of the orders, but this is one of the teas in the cart. I blame you ;)


Sorry not sorry, Terri ;)


http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/GRANDNESS-PROMOTION-YU-XIANG-9pcs-2005-yr-Orange-Puerh-Tea-8685-Orange-Old-Pu-Erh/215539_683561090.html oh wow they are really reasonable!

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Steepster definitely has some amazing & very generous people!


My whole note doesn’t show up on dashboard but if you go to my page it is all there. Boooooo steepster is still broken :/


Full note-It was so much fun to have a WHOLE tangerine to bust open! I have to say, this is much better than the 2009 stuffed tangerine puerh I had a sample of from Teavivre. The shu just seems to be higher quality! The tangerine flavor itself is very subtle (I don’t think I got any bits of peel in my gaiwan this time though.) The shu is rich and creamy and earthy without any ‘off’ flavors. I was sad when the leaves finally gave up, which always speaks well of any tea :)

Terri HarpLady

I’m currently surfing a YS shopping cart (& a few others). Not sure if I’ll complete any of the orders, but this is one of the teas in the cart. I blame you ;)


Sorry not sorry, Terri ;)


http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/GRANDNESS-PROMOTION-YU-XIANG-9pcs-2005-yr-Orange-Puerh-Tea-8685-Orange-Old-Pu-Erh/215539_683561090.html oh wow they are really reasonable!

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Graphic artist, printmaker, lover of tea.

I love pretty much every type of tea camellia sinensis can produce. I like herbal teas sometimes but I can’t stand rooibos. I’m recently becoming a puerh addict.


Southern Indiana



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