I was waffling over making another cup of tea last night as it was midnight, but I was still yelling at my microeconomics homework, claiming it had calculus when it did not. So this being a rooibos, it made sense.
I honestly do not know why I even made this. Carrot cake is the only cake I would ever turn down, except in cases where I really want cake then it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure why I thought carrot cake tea might be better.
It. Was. Not.
First I knew we were going to be having problems because the smell of red rooibos was overpoweringly medicinal in this one. And now I can’t remember if I was doing well with dessert rooiboses or not…I think I was. So I had thought I’d be fine.
And then I took a sip. And it was just too much grossness for me. It first tasted like it’d be good but I don’t know where we went wrong. I could only take that sip and then I made a mad dash for the sink.
That one that comes up with a green rooibos base sounds like something I could do, this one will be returning to a tea box as it is not for me.