I had this yesterday and didn’t review it. I’m really new to mate, meaning I am not sure if I’ve had it before? But yesterday was a rough day – I stayed up really late to watch the True Detective finale after HBOgo crashed and I had to use other methods – and then I had a 2-hour insurance class about statistics and I thought I was going to puke or die. Or maybe just pass out asleep. Bad associations with mate.

But hey, here’s a fic i read at lunch while sitting on the porch in the sun: http://archiveofourown.org/works/574904
It’s set in a diner. Which is like happiness catnip to me. Lonely diners. It’s a thing.


someone i follow who writes Avengers just posted a Clint/Coulson Coffee Shop AU. her first and probably only coffee shop AU. whyyyy are they sooo catnnip!?! they ARE so catnip!
ao3 research report: Destiel has 169 Coffee Shop AUs listed. Sterek has 115 listed, and Clint/Coulson has … 16. whomp whomp. i’ve probably read all 16 too.
(i added your fic to my pile. for future maybe reads.)


Claps hands.. Sighs.. Coffee shop and diner au’s are awesome. Adding this one to the list!


Y’know, Idk if I’ve even read a coffee shop AU yet. But I will now!

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someone i follow who writes Avengers just posted a Clint/Coulson Coffee Shop AU. her first and probably only coffee shop AU. whyyyy are they sooo catnnip!?! they ARE so catnip!
ao3 research report: Destiel has 169 Coffee Shop AUs listed. Sterek has 115 listed, and Clint/Coulson has … 16. whomp whomp. i’ve probably read all 16 too.
(i added your fic to my pile. for future maybe reads.)


Claps hands.. Sighs.. Coffee shop and diner au’s are awesome. Adding this one to the list!


Y’know, Idk if I’ve even read a coffee shop AU yet. But I will now!

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Sister of Shmiracles, drinker of teas and IPAs, fangirl of Sterek, Johnlock, and Batman/Robin.



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